
Hippos Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"What to do if you encounter one? Stay calm and act submissive."
"Hippos are some of the deadliest creatures in the world and certainly the deadliest large creatures on the Nile."
"Hippos will terrorize entire villages, sink fishing boats, and trample and maul whoever or whatever they feel gets too close."
"Thank you for being my teacher my lover my best friend my ally through all of this."
"That's the biggest hippo I've ever seen at the closest range I've ever seen. I've got just the photograph I wanted and live to tell the tale."
"As soon as it's dark, hippos will leave the river to feed. Despite their murderous reputation, they are herbivores and need 50 kilograms of vegetation every night."
"On this assignment, I feel as though I've stepped back in time. Zambia is the only country in Africa where hippos still thrive."
"Fantastic ride there on the hurtling hippos."
"Hippos are thought to be the most dangerous mammals in Africa killing about 2,900 people every year."
"By early 2014, there were 40 hippos spotted in Puerto Triunfo."
"Sister hippos are the largest and most dangerous animals in Africa."
"Hippos are arguably one of the most dangerous creatures in all the world."
"Hippos have a problem with anything with a heartbeat but they save extra disrespect for crocodiles."
"The African hippo is actually the closest living relative of whales and dolphins."
"Hippos are throwing around a crocodile as if the crocodile was a rock star."
"Jesus walked on water, hippos walked under it out of spite."
"Hippos don't swim; they literally run on the riverbed."
"Hippos can run as fast as a tractor and they kill more people than lions every single year."
"The group of hippos is called a bloat."
"If hippos were going extinct, we should hold on to hippos; that's a really cool animal."
"Hippos are exchanging a rich variety of greetings and actual information underwater."
"The mother-infant bond in hippos is incredibly strong."
"Unlike other hippos known to be wildly aggressive, Jessica is described as gentle."
"Hippos can kill 500 people each year. Now, picture a predatory and more terrestrial version."
"Hippos secrete a red oily substance called blood sweat that keeps their skin moisturized and water repellent."
"Hippos are not swimmers; they are runners on the bottom of the water."
"The closer living relatives of these marine mammals were the hippos."
"Exercise extreme caution in questioning hippos; they may look like potatoes but they can run 45 miles an hour."
"It's one of my favorite things to see hippos out and sunning themselves on the sandy banks."
"Hippos are scary, hippos can run like 50 miles an hour."
"We just got down to the waterhole, and we've got the two hippos, Snorkel Sarah and Scuba Steve."
"Isn't that a little treasure, Jackie darling? It's fantastic, isn't it, spending time with the hippos, especially when there's new additions."
"Hippos and crocs will cohabitate quite happily."
"Hippos are quite skittish and can become a bit aggressive."
"I love it when you get roadblocks in the form of hippos."
"They're so cute, there are very few things that are as cute as a little hippo."
"A tiny baby hippo track is the cutest little thing, it's like a little dinosaur."
"Hippos really do have the best life when it's this hot weather."
"Listen to the hippos singing their beautiful songs first thing in the morning."
"...hippos do live fairly long so they'll live to about 35 years old 30 to 35 which is quite a long time..."
"...when you hear hippos you kind of know you're in Africa and you know that you're in some area where this beautiful scenery because there's water..."
"...the top speed of a hippo outside of the water is compared to in the water is a little bit faster on land given that they don't have to push large sort of masses of water out their way..."
"Hippos like to do synchronized swimming."
"I feel like hippos have one of the best lives out here."
"You can't tell me that a hippopotamus is not cute."
"There are thousands of hippopotamus in this river, isn't that beautiful?"
"Hippos aren't the greatest swimmers, they actually walk along the bottom of the water."
"Believe it or not, but hippos are actually vegetarian."
"Hippos are both nocturnal and diurnal; they feed at night and spend the day in the water."
"Believe it or not, a hippo actually can't swim."
"I'm a big fan of Hippo Cove and I love the little baby hippos."
"Hippos do something called porpoising, where they jump out of the water like a porpoise."