
Impairment Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"THC levels in blood do not serve the same role as breath alcohol concentration in determining impairment."
"There's no connection between a level and the degree of impairment."
"It's a far stretch to argue that Mr. Doson was impaired."
"It's possible for an individual not to be impaired."
"Sleep deprivation can affect you as much as being drunk."
"It's impairing their ability to function at their job."
"Poor guy, look what they've done to him. A loss in movement speed isn't something to take lightly guys."
"Sleep deprivation is worse than alcohol. You're actually more mentally impaired with sleep deprivation than you are being drunk."
"The dividing line is whether it impairs function. Generally speaking, when we talk about OCD, these are people for whom it is so severe that it kind of by definition impairs them more than it helps them."
"ADHD equals the developmental impairment of the brain's self-management system, its executive functions."
"Girls with ADHD truly have impairment... ADHD is a serious thing, the impairments are real."
"ADHD is a highly persistent disorder into adulthood where symptoms may persist enough to produce impairment in life activities."
"Impairment must be defined relative to some group, and in the United States, legal and Regulatory definitions of impairment require that impairment be established relative to typical individuals, not high functioning peer groups."
"Judgment decision-making abilities can be adversely affected by even a small amount of alcohol."
"ADHD is basically a developmental impairment of the brain's management system."
"Imagine you're going blind; the world slowly becomes a blur."
"Driving while using drugs or alcohol."
"As the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) goes up, judgment and self-control are affected."
"They were impaired and it turned out to be from the same man."
"Did you answer four or more on the first list or four or more on the second?"
"...if you answered yes to any of those situations, we would view you as being significantly impaired by your symptoms."
"You can go virtually anywhere and find someone that's impaired or is using opioids."
"Even just one glass of alcohol in the evening, we can measure that you're not getting the same deep level of restorative sleep even with one drink. So, I know it's hard, but now you know."
"If you're going to bed feeling tipsy, you've probably had too much alcohol in terms of sleep impairment."
"Half of your visual field was cut, and you couldn't see pedestrians or cars coming into intersection."
"Insomnia is defined as problems falling or staying asleep, causing daytime impairment."
"The doctors consider having nine toes a minor impairment."
"I had my glasses off and I couldn't see."
"Some people ask, can you see? Yes, but not very well."
"Two days after this incident by the way, he got busted for DUI and for driving with a suspended license. So, he was not exactly in a good state of mind at that time."
"Alcohol can affect your concentration, judgment, reaction time—all of the above."
"Memory is another issue. We do suspect from some data that we have that visual memory is very, very much intact, verbal maybe less adequate for people."
"Rob on the other hand loses his senses."
"If you see someone that's depressed, it's often possible to tell that someone is depressed because visibly... visibly, yeah, because suddenly they're not going, they're not able to do stuff."
"It causing distress or impairment in important areas of functioning because so many of these different things right, they can be experienced in other sort of situations."
"You can get to a certain level of drunkness where you can't even see the road."
"You know who's not going to win? There's a guy that can't walk out of the building and find his way home, yeah."
"If anything at any level doesn't work right, some function or ability is going to be different or taken away."
"When they're impaired, it makes the logistics of life and just general adulting very difficult."
"Yo, I can't see none out of these. I actually can't see. They eff, oh my goodness."
"The sun reflects off the snow and can impair your vision, and he says since he couldn't see, he fell behind and his merciless crew abandoned him in the mountains, woe is me, oh, okay, uh-huh."
"ADHD through its impact on self-regulation and impulsivity and conscientiousness is a very impairing disorder when it comes to health and lifestyle."
"You don't see [__] like that when you're fogged."
"Alcohol and firearms don't mix. Jack should not have tried to fire a weapon while intoxicated, and the police should have recognized Jack was impaired."
"Brain fog is a brain on steroids."
"When your nervous system isn't functioning properly, every system of your body is impaired."
"You're saying you can beat Jeff? I don't think you can. Eric the [__] has destroyed his brain cells with pot, alcohol, and a car crash."
"As you sip on another drink, the levels of the hormones inside your body become even more imbalanced. You begin to make decisions and do things that you wouldn't normally while sober."
"Slightly impaired the gas exchange."
"I was losing my ability to function."
"Opium addiction sabotages our ability to think, feel, and live in right relationship to reality."
"Alcohol slows your reflexes and reaction time, reduces your ability to see clearly and makes you less alert."
"Driving while impaired by drugs is illegal and subject to the same penalties as driving while impaired by alcohol."
"Nowadays, I try to get some alcohol in my system as soon as possible once I board a plane so that I could refuse to assess due to being impaired."
"Cannabis use has been shown to impair numerous cognitive functions."
"Technical motor coordination and tactical-based outcomes are most likely to be impaired by a lack of sleep."
"18 hours without sleep and your impaired judgment equals 0.08, legally drunk."
"About a third of patients are unable to care for themselves, and three-quarters have impaired activities of daily living."
"Impaired judgment, visual impairment, drowsiness, a lot of issues can happen."
"You need to be able to explain how their symptoms are impairing their functioning in different areas of their life."
"The final impairment rating is expressed in terms of a whole person impairment."
"I was so impaired in my perception of the world that it was like I was in a completely different reality."
"Cognition is the ability to think logically and clearly. Cognitive impairment, on the other hand, is the loss of the ability to think logically."
"He delivered a speech of great passion and poetry with virtually no voice at all."
"Remember that you don't amortize goodwill, but you can impair it."
"Goodwill is not amortized; it exists on the balance sheet but it is going to be impaired."
"Service connection is not just about the diagnosis, but about the ongoing impairment caused by it."
"Your desire to be affiliated with an in-group can greatly impair your capacity for epistemic soundness."
"Sleep deprivation affects cognitive and motor function as much if not more than alcohol intoxication."
"Goodwill is not amortized in the group accounts, but you must check for impairment every year."
"It's my opinion that... he was significantly impaired in these personality disorders."
"It's for anyone with any kind of reading impairment."
"Conductive deafness is defined as a type of deafness which is due to impaired function of those components of the ear involved in conduction of sound energy."