
Romantic Prospects Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"I think there is a soulmate coming in for you."
"Absolutely yes, love is entering your life guys."
"Your prayers are being answered. A new person is coming into your life. Romance is blooming."
"There's definitely new love headed your way."
"It's a time for forgiving people, for releasing old paranoias and jealousies, for forgiving yourself of old emotional wounds as well."
"If you've been waiting on a second chance with someone it's about to happen."
"Love is also coming into your life and I feel like it has something to do with your life purpose as well."
"I feel like you're probably moving towards new love."
"I would say yes, love definitely coming in for you."
"I would say yes, definitely love coming in for you."
"There's completely somebody different and better that's coming in, that's really going to sweep you off your feet."
"Springtime is going to be a more better time for your love life."
"There's someone coming towards you Pisces, the knight of cups energy wanting to share love with you."
"Some of y'all could be meeting your soul mate by the end of this year."
"Good news is coming in for you guys about love, there's romance."
"I feel like there could be love coming in for you for sure."
"I feel like you're moving towards new love here."
"I feel like there is new love coming in for you."
"They do see the opportunity with you, a beautiful love opening up."
"This is going to be lovers romance and children creative projects entrepreneurial Endeavors."
"Your next romantic relationship is with a soulmate."
"New romantic cycle begins, two cycles starting with the eclipses. It's something completely new, we have to think out of the box."
"Love is on the horizon, embrace spiritual connections."
"There's gonna be marriage here for some of you, there's a new beginning and love."
"The more you love yourself, the more love is coming towards you."
"Some of you guys could be dealing with gemini another pisces a leo and aries a taurus a libra but whoever you're meeting this week or whoever you already know right now is possibly going to be your life partner."
"This person actually sees you as a dream come true."
"Love conquers and transforms all things. Transformation is coming into your love life."
"You're about to start dating someone and it's definitely going to blossom into a commitment."
"Romantic love can pick up, sexual and romantic love can take off over the next 14 years."
"Venus is bringing love, favors, popularity, affection, and gifts."
"This message is for you, either the love relationship is coming in during Leo season, or you're about to meet a Leo."
"It's on... Venus brings love, Venus brings abundance, Venus brings opportunity."
"There is someone very special that is going to come through this month."
"There's a destined timeline here and love that is slowly but surely opening for you."
"Towards the end of the month, I see you getting a love offer."
"Something in your love life coming in 2024, maybe meeting somebody or focusing more on your love life."
"Yes, I feel like there will be a good love offer coming in for you."
"Definitely new love coming in for you and I feel like it's a soulmate."
"Someone incredible is coming, the one you've been waiting for."
"An exciting adventure is ahead of you in love."
"You're moving towards a lover, you may be leaving the past behind."
"There's love coming into your life Pisces and it's showing up in your energy right now if it's not here yet it's coming in."
"I think there could be a love offer coming in."
"Love is coming towards you for sure, so you do deserve love, Taurus."
"Yes, I feel like you're moving towards a new love here."
"New beginnings in finances and love are coming for you."
"Scorpio, the year 2022 is going to be the year of love for you, the year of love, the heart chakra is going to be open."
"Things are going in a positive direction, there's a new love offer or something very good coming your way."
"Libra, emotional fulfillment in love, wish fulfillment, and a long-term connection on the horizon."
"You could have some new love coming into your life, a new person has stirred some romantic feelings."
"Something is really about to come into fruition for you in regards to love."
"You got love coming in fast, offer you one that ain't single."
"You're finally gonna be finding the one who does want to get closer to you."
"You have love coming, you have a new person, you have several people who are interested in you."