
Medical Expertise Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"I'm not gonna sit here with no medical degree listen to you with no medical degree talk about whether we need masks or not."
"It was starting to seem like there was no disease, no infection – anomalous or otherwise – that he couldn’t cure."
"At this time, we'd like to offer Dr. Moore as an expert in the field of orthopedic surgery."
"I just received this message the other day from a Brazilian neurosurgeon... for sure you are wrong about the impossibility of an adult person learning perfect pitch."
"Natalia's new family just celebrated her 16th birthday, which is the same age that was determined by the experts at Peyton Manning Hospital." - Reddit thread
"When it comes to understanding and fighting viruses, Dr. Anthony Fauci is the man you want on your side."
"Normally, the best position to deal with a new disease would be doctors, not bureaucrats."
"Dr. Jason Fung, Dr. Robert Lustig, Dr. Peter Attia, those be my three kind of go-to people on metabolic health issues."
"21 years of experience tell Dr. G. that this case will be anything but a walk in the park."
"Still, 21 years of experience also tells Dr. G that an underlying medical condition could have just as easily triggered the fall."
"Respect the expertise of abortion providers."
"Book A Doctor Who not only has years of experience and an actual medical degree but also gets you okay they know what you're going through."
"Let me introduce Dr. Deborah Burks to speak about that patient experience and about the importance of the right people seeking the testing in the days ahead."
"His life was saved by Dr. Shaw's skill and faithfulness."
"The fact that the courts believed the one person who had the most to lose and the most to gain Aaron over medical professionals who pretty much had no skin in the game other than protecting their patients is just beyond me."
"Listen to the doctors, listen to people who actually know."
"Are you familiar with neurosurgeon Adrian Owen?"
"Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsmen: They're the Navy's badass special operations medics."
"Radiologists are experts in interpreting these images and leverage the power of these machines to both diagnose and treat disease."
"Everybody wanted her to deliver their babies, everybody wanted her to fix their hormones, she was, she's it."
"It's incredibly life affirming to see how many medical doctors you get in chat these days."
"Dr. Arram believed he had figured out what was wrong with them."
"We need a more nuanced approach. We've learned a lot since the spring and we can be much more targeted geographically." - Dr. Celine Gounder
"Our team of Specialists are available to help with patient case questions related to treatment and management of substance use disorders."
"The doctor stitched the laceration on the patient's forehead after a fall."
"You need to send them to high volume centers where we can achieve rates of success around 85 to 90."
"The assessment was designed by doctors and infectious disease experts."
"He's a good man, but an even better doctor."
"A good doctor must be able to make a diagnosis of tamponade."
"We do extensive amount of cardiac imaging in our practice and as part of that I'm gonna be sharing some of my expertise."
"Hello everyone, my name is Dr. Morton and I'm the noted anatomist."
"I was board certified in both allergy immunology and pediatrics."
"We've got to be the experts of picking these up because you can't rely on your computer to pick this up."
"It's the recognition that that's when you need the palliative care and hospice folks to provide the expertise."
"Every child that's entering the system gets the same eyeballs, same exam by the same expert of a forensic pediatrician."
"It’s a difficult balance to strike there, and it’s important to understand melanocytic lesions really well."
"Tsunade, the granddaughter of the First Hokage, was considered to be the best medical ninja in the world."
"Eczema may or may not be easier to diagnose than some other ones, but the real magic comes in the treatment."
"I'm really honored to be here today to share with you a decade of experience in treating the elderly with medical cannabis."
"When your life is on the line, you need some of Britain's most elite medics."
"The expertise of the best physicians are not isolated to just that doctor; that expertise goes into the device through the cloud."
"By learning from other specialists, we can gain new skills and we understand what they can bring to the resuscitation."
"A good doctor, a good nurse will know immediately what it is."
"It's such an honor to have so many miracle physicians gathered here."
"We have a responsibility to weigh in with our medical expertise and insight."
"His life influence on our field goes on forever."
"Ling Ran's coordination between the needle, tweezers, and his mind was so perfect that it seemed as though they were all operating on the same frequency."