
Emotional Commitment Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"I made this promise to myself and I said... I will always love you and value you."
"It's someone that wants to be there for you on an emotional level, wearing their heart on their sleeve for you."
"It's important to recognize that your ex invested as much time into you as you did. You put in your heart, put in your soul, you put in your emotions, you put in all you had into this relationship, and your ex did too."
"Being fearless means putting your heart and soul into it and accepting that it's scary."
"They want to express their emotions and be the best version of themselves for you."
"I was all over the map, but the one person I wanted to be around, I knew that I did, was Dom."
"There's someone out there who is gonna love you for longer than a year and a half who's going to love you like forever."
"You have to promise me that you won't stop caring."
"Romance makes people do stupid things. It's the unwritten rule you sign with blood, sweat, and all of your hopes and dreams when you fall in love with someone."
"It's scary to them, it's scary for them to like really put their whole self into the connection."
"They're facing their demons for you because they know you're worth it."
"Being in the band is being on the love train being part of the Justice train being concerned consistently."
"I feel like there's a lot of relationships that people are staying in because of the familiarity and not because they love their person."
"Because sex comes with the possibility of together producing a new life, it warrants the highest emotional commitment."
"She tells him that she loves him and that she's always loved him."
"Real men don't let women walk in and out of their lives."
"The marriage happens in the heart first, before any papers are signed."
"When you become an American citizen it's more than learning the Customs the rules the Pledge of Allegiance the laws you must love this country with all of your heart."
"Just know they are going to hold down because they care so much about the people that they care about that fire runs so deep so don't take advantage of them."
"If it's about emotion, we stay. If it's about sentiment, we probably stay."
"It's essential to recognize that individuals primarily interested in casual relationships may not be inclined or prepared to transition into the role of a committed husband or partner focused on emotional connection."
"Never going to give you, never gonna let you down, never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye and hurt you."
"If a man truly loves a woman, he'll go back to her, even after seeing her happy with someone else."
"I will take any child, officer, like someone just hand me a baby because we wanted to be parents so badly."
"This person knows that they let you down, they, there's an energy here this person feels disappointed within themselves, but they're doing everything they can to mature and sort of offer you a solid union."
"I know now that I will never ever love anybody more than I love you."
"I love you so much, and I would protect you with like literally everything."
"I'm keeping my heart for good even if it hurts sometimes. Good choice, Smiley, good choice."
"Love Is Love means it's unconditional, you become an eternal person, you're already not to prove to yourself but to another person."
"I will fight for my child. My child didn't deserve this, nobody's child deserves this."
"That doesn't diminish the love that I have for my wife."
"They're really trying to prove that they're capable of making you guys feel a lot more loved and a lot more comfortable."
"This person still loves you even if there are a lot of bad times, what they feel for you is so worth enduring."
"I'm really trying hard so that one day I can be there for you emotionally. And even if we never meet again, I want you to know that I will never love anyone like I love you."
"I would never do anything to hurt her because, you know, I love her so much."
"You guys both want to keep each other in each other's hearts."
"Unconditionally means for better or for worse. That means there's nothing that you can do that will make this person stop loving you. That's deep."
"If you need somebody who's going to be with you in the hard times, let me prove to you that I can be there."
"It's not over, she means way too much to me."
"There's something so satisfying about a chicken pot pie. It's just so good."
"Make the effort. Great love is worth taking the steps you've got to take."
"You're on to higher levels of commitment, higher love."
"I promise I'll come to see you no matter what." - Jin Wu
"Sai gets very emotional and promises to love both of them till death does their part."
"I swear on everything you mean to me, I won't let you die."
"Racism, prejudice is an emotional commitment to ignorance."
"Love is more commitment than emotions."
"A steady heart goes 'I love you more'."
"I am going to do everything I can to get him to love me as much as I love him."
"I'll never love this way again, so I keep holding on before the good is gone."
"Charismatic leadership is executed through obtained emotional commitment from followers."
"Believe with all your heart, you may."
"Leadership is the organizing framework for emotional commitment."