
Firmware Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"The CPU gets locked to that PC's firmware key by fuses that are set at the factory."
"Positron version 3 is running one of the best 3D printer firmware, the Clipper firmware."
"If the minimum firmware version is higher than 3.56, then you cannot install custom firmware."
"All of these motherboards use some variant of an AMI BIOS."
"One that I would not put in a category of most likely anywhere near most likely this would be most unlikely reason would be outstated firmware."
"This is firmware 1.0, that is old firmware."
"If your ESC doesn't support bi-directional D-shot, that'll read 100 percent. And then you would, well, there's two things you can do: you can update the firmware on your ESC or you can just go back and turn it off again."
"The uf1 firmware can be updated via the update firmware button."
"Open sourcing the firmware has always been part of the plan with the Deluge."
"Not all firmware does all of this, there's a piece of software called Chipsec, you can grab that and run it and it will tell you whether your firmware has configured your system correctly in order to avoid security issues."
"That is what is confirming and letting us know that inside of this firmware is compiled all of the expresslrs Telemetry communication coding, all that stuff is on there, that is going to make this flight controller SPI with Express lrs."
"Tracking of firmware changes can be very, very useful and can save you a lot of time."
"This is just firmware. Like, why doesn't every single printer have this kind of interface?"
"So now it's time to take my firmware, which is going to be available in the description, take it, name it firmware.bin, and put it on the SD card."
"So now we have our probe installed correctly, we have our firmware updated on our printer, and we know our probe is working."
"So we're going to go ahead and we're going to flash the screen. Now, I'm going to use Tiny Machines firmware."
"The minute this turns on, it's going to find the new handheld firmware and flash immediately."
"When you really do everything in that music yourself, it hits different."
"The ability to upgrade the firmware is certainly a big plus... no other BMS so far has got this feature."
"Firmware may seem like a boring topic on the surface, but it's probably one of the most important things you're going to want to familiarize yourself with when you have a wireless router."
"A good example of this is several years ago I bought a router and I was very disappointed to find out that the router that I thought had VPN support didn't."
"The latest firmware update included the VPN feature, so I updated the firmware and lo and behold, there was my VPN support."
"As one would expect, firmware updates are a breeze, with enhancements and entire new capabilities being released regularly."
"Betaflight over the years has become one of the most easiest to use setup and accessible firmwares in the hobby."
"Just the pure flight performance you can get out of the firmware."
"The simplest firmware to get set up."
"Now there is one other big change in this firmware that I want to talk about and that is the change over to xat which means it will no longer split your DVR files into multiple 4 gig sizes and instead actually allow you to have much larger longer files."
"Overall this is a massive update that actually appears to resolve a lot of the main issues not only people were complaining about on the goggles X but also on the other systems as well."
"But the key thing with this is because this is such a standard, common off-the-shelf module, it's dead easy to flash custom firmware onto this."
"So, you know, the firmware is coming off it very soon, so I kind of wanted to just show the firmware before I nuke it."
"So now we're ready to flash the firmware."
"For most products, firmware is going to be the main software that you have to develop."
"The worst firmware you'll ever have on your device is the day it ships to you, and it only gets better over time."
"The most popular choice for DIY CNC machines is the open-source GRBL firmware."
"With Laser GRBL, we have an option to directly flash or upload the GRBL firmware to the Arduino."
"Each Crossfire receiver has stored in its memory a so-called golden firmware, a very old firmware version that is known to be 100% reliable and bug-free."
"That's been a quick look at how to flash firmware to the Sonoff Zigbee dongle as well as a quick guide on setting up an MQTT broker and Zigbee to MQTT all within Home Assistant."
"A good friend of mine pointed me in the right direction to some custom firmware."
"The most popular choice for DIY CNC machines is the GRBL firmware."
"This firmware release really could have not come at a better time."
"In my opinion, the best firmware for this at the moment is either the Unleashed firmware or the Rogue Master firmware."
"The bed being level is handled by the ABL, and then the distance between the nozzle and the bed is handled with the firmware."
"It can be extremely useful for solving that problem, 'I’ve got my new hardware, I’ve got my new firmware, the board's not working, but why?'"
"Let's talk about what this firmware update did specifically for wildlife photographers."
"Let's get into it; this is for beginners, so let's start with the obvious question: What is firmware?"
"The stock firmware can be good, but it's limited."
"The firmware is basically the software that runs on the router."
"The operating system makes sense, they do a good job of keeping up with the firmware."
"It's great to see that DJI is continuing to add new functionality through firmware updates."
"It means that when the Crossfire connects to the receiver for the first time, it'll also update all the firmware automatically on those receivers too, which is quite a clever little trick."
"If you just want something that you can flash straight onto your Sonoff and start using it and changing the configuration straight out of the box, Tasmota is fantastic firmware."
"Upgrading ONTAP also upgrades your firmware non-disruptively at the same time."
"This is for any future firmware updates that you want to do."
"If you have an MMU-2, whether you've been successful or not, I urge you to go ahead and try the new firmware, check out the new features."
"The printer is able to download new firmware automatically just by connecting to the Wi-Fi."
"Camera information is where you both view and update your firmware."
"You can update firmware through here and check out the versions."
"That's how you flash IT mode based firmware on an R720xd or any of this generation of PowerEdge servers."
"They offer new firmware as it comes along and makes the radio better."
"The Raspberry Pi requires firmware, this allows it to boot and operate."
"Because the people that develop Marlin and the Marlin community are so awesome, they quickly put the features for the MMU 2 inside the Marlin firmware."
"The bottom line is it means that we can put one of the most tested, reliable GPS firmwares onto flight controllers costing 20 or 30 pounds."
"The single most thing that I take away from this is the huge improvement that the firmware, the interface here, made for me."
"We're going to redesign this firmware and this is going to come up with UEFI."
"This continuously updated open-source firmware really, I think, is the way to go."
"Having user-upgradeable firmware is a very important feature in my opinion."
"That magical piece of firmware that just makes your GoPro footage look like buttery dreamy cinematic goodness."
"Without a bootloader, updating the firmware is kind of an ordeal."
"The Pico Mic is the only one that's firmware upgradeable."
"Look at that, community firmware has improved my experience with the CR6 big time."
"You're actually gonna have now a brand new firmware that actually allows you to boot into whatever operating system that you want to use."
"You want to create a backup of your stock firmware; I can't express how important this is to do."
"Many people argue that it's the best flying of the firmwares, especially racers."