
Positive Message Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"I hope you have an absolutely fantastic day."
"I hope you guys are having an absolutely fantastic day."
"Move forward knowing how powerful you are. That's a beautiful message."
"Thank you again, I appreciate all of you, and I hope you have a great day."
"I hope you have an amazing beautiful spectacular fantastic week."
"Hope you all have a wonderful day...a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters."
"Have a great day and I'll see you in the next one."
"I want to wish you the very best for the year to come."
"To all my trans cuties out there, I love you, you're amazing."
"I love you guys so so much stay positive bye Happy New Year."
"Have yourselves an absolutely wonderful rest of your day everybody."
"I wish him all the best, no hate, all love here."
"Apart from that guys, stay safe, have a very positive start to the new year, and wish you all the best."
"Have a fantastic day guys and I will see you all next time. Peace."
"Hey everyone I hope you all had a really good day."
"Until next time I wish you and yours the very happiest of campaign creation."
"Seriously guys, if nobody told you that they love you today, please don't forget that I love you."
"Embrace yourself as who you are. That's a really wonderful message to people."
"Many of the protesters who have testified this week have shared a similar message—positive, loving atmosphere."
"I appreciate all of you and hope you're having a great day." - Anonymous
"Have a safe and fantastic day everyday."
"You are beautiful, you are worthy, you are valued, you are loved."
"Everyone has value. Wow, that is such a powerful message."
"I think God loves us and wants the best for us."
"Have a wonderful day and I'll see you next time."
"Good luck we can do this and if there's any of you who are out there who were just about to move into a place that needs doing up good luck you can do this."
"The world just needs a little bit more love, man."
"Take care of yourselves, be there for one another. See you all soon, much love, peace. Thank you."
"Catchy and good, good solid message I guess as well."
"Regardless if it was a demon from hell, it was a very lovely message."
"Good morning all! Love the birthday picture. Happy early birthday to Prince Louis!"
"I love you all, have a great week, and I will see you in the videos."
"Except of course, we're ending this video on some kind of positive or uplifting note, and the thought I want to leave people with today is a quote by an author named Joshua Becker who said, 'Work to improve yourself, not prove yourself.'"
"Thanks to everyone for watching. Goodbye and have a great day."
"I'm just so glad I watched this one again because it was so heartwarming and beautiful and I think it's a great message."
"I love every single one of you all around the world, peace, love, and a high five."
"Nothing will ever be missing from your life," the message resonated.
"Aside from that, thank you so much for watching, take care, and have an absolutely fantastic day!"
"Make sure to love each other, love yourself."
"This is nuts, guys, this is an important message. Foxy and Boxy always say this, be nice to everyone and treat others how you want to be treated, yo, be nice, guys."
"Somebody has told you that today, boom, somebody has."
"Thank you so much for joining. All love and respect."
"Hello beautiful people, it is Feel Good Friday, December 31st, 2021. Happy New Year!"
"Until the next time, stay foxy and much love."
"Thank you for being here today. You are always truly appreciated. Take care, guys, much love."
"I want all of you guys to feel beautiful and very special."
"I hope you have a beautiful day, may God bless you."
"D&D's for everyone. Thanks, everybody! Talk to you soon."
"Thank you for watching and have a great day evening or morning depending where you are."
"Thanks again for watching everybody and have a great day."
"I hope you're having a wonderful day."
"Thank you for checking out our video, hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your day, bye."
"Thank you so much for watching to the end. Have a wonderful day."
"Garrett knew it. He knew that friendship was magic and let the friendship be."
"We prefer to hear a message that encourages us to do more of something."
"I'm here to be a voice to encourage everybody to love themselves."
"There's hope for you, there is hope for you."
"Much love, peace, and blessings to each and every one of you."
"Spread love because it's too much hating, it's wor."
"It's Friday, so I hope each and every one of you have a lovely weekend."
"The love that you deserve is coming your way."
"It's not about fighting the things we hate, it's about saving the things we love." - Rose
"Lots of love and light. Thanks again for your support."
"Everyone have a great day. God bless and until next time stay awake, stay aware, stay safe, and I'll talk to you all soon."
"So, pretty, pretty, pretty good message wrapped up in there, that little video game."
"Truly just thank you so much for watching... may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day."
"I hope you found it motivating or it brings a smile to your face."
"I hope you're having a beautiful evening across the globe."
"But there is hope that's what I want to share there is hope."
"She was just 18 years old going to work and didn't deserve what happened to her, so I send you strength, prayers, and positive vibes always."
"I just hope everybody had amazing holidays whichever ones you decided to celebrate or didn't decide to celebrate I hope an amazing weekend and yes thanks you guys you're awesome."
"This is beautiful energy cancers, I know you've been waiting for this kind of read for a while, congratulations to whoever this is for, again a lot of freaking love here, a lot of passion."
"Be well, be kind, and take care of yourselves and each other."
"The power of friendship, I'll tell you that right now." - Narrator
"Remember the golden rule: anime and manga, whole life. Have an awesome day!"
"Thanks for watching everyone and I hope you all have a great Christmas and a happy new year."
"Coming to America is a great comedy from the 80s and underneath the jokes and comical dialogue and spectacular makeup effects it's actually a movie with a positive message about finding someone who loves you for you."
"Love you guys, have an amazing rest of your day."
"Good morning! I hope you all are having a wonderful day."
"I might just close with a bit of words of encouragement."
"Thanks so much for watching everybody, I love you all."
"Animal Crossing is announced, be happy! No more asking!"
"Valkyrie Profile good. Valkyrie Profile fun... it's a genuinely beautiful message."
"If you're alive and listening, there's hope."
"I love each and every one of you, alright, I do, every single person watching it, even if you're a hater, I still love you, I still do."
"I hope you have a really awesome rest of your day. Peace."
"I hope you guys have a wonderful day!"
"Thank you very much for watching... have an absolutely fantastic day."
"Thank you so much for watching, my amazing friend! Have an amazing day!"
"God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day."
"Jake, love is key, my friend. This world needs more for sure."
"Thank you so much for watching... I hope you guys have a great day!"
"Despite what the screen might show, I do hope that you all have a great day, a great morning, a great afternoon, a great evening wherever you are, wherever you might be I hope it's absolutely fantastic."
"I got a beautiful powerful message for the new year for all of us."
"We got to love each other more, y'all culture has to love each other more."
"Take care of yourselves and have a fantastic day."
"I feel like I was fortunate enough to be a part of something that touched the world with a positive message."
"It's a solid sequel with a positive message."
"It's a powerful message a lot of people need to hear: a feel-good anime with a strong message for all of us to hear."
"We have to think of what Lister would be you know hundred and whatever is years we wanted to leave a positive message that you know he'd lived in adventurous and exciting life and things had happened."
"There is an incredibly positive message about the power of plant-based nutrition."
"I hope you have a really great rest of your Sunday, and I'll see you all next week."
"He's used his platform and his influence to tell a positive message... to be an advocate for these types of important topics."
"So with all of that being said, I love you all and happy pouring."
"Hopefully everyone's having a good day."
"We've also got to give people a bit of a message of hope that you can recover from meth use."
"So hasta la vista baby all right guys we love you and remember Jesus loves you more peace."
"Y'all have a great day and as always, we'll see on the next video."
"I typically upload on Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Sundays. See you guys next time, take it easy, have a wonderful day."
"Our message, first and foremost, is that every woman is a hot chick. We want all women to be confident."
"I love the message, I love the play on a missus and mr potato head."
"Hope you have an amazing day and we will see you guys tomorrow for Hump Day. Goodbye."
"I overall don't like the song but message is amazing."
"This is empowering, I really like that, and this is the type of music that people need to hear."
"I'm going to see an uplifting positive film that's got a message for the whole family."
"Have a cracking day wherever you live in the world."
"If you take anything away from this video... it's the whole point of this is to help inspire people out there."
"What's a gift is to know that you are reprising roles that were part of a show that represented such a beautiful message: diversity and coming together."
"Glorious Day, such a good song, such a good message."
"It's been a good day for me and I just hope it's been a good day for you guys. Have a good evening, bye."
"I believe this message is going to be a powerful blessing in your life."
"This is just such a powerful, inspiring story, I cannot say enough good things."
"Have a great day and don't let weight and balance test questions weigh you down or put you off balance. Bye for now."
"Have yourselves a fantastic week."
"Everyone plays the beautiful game because they love it, so it needs to stay that way."
"I hope you have a great week and I'll see you next time."
"I hope you have a wonderfully creative day."
"It's a nice message to send to people as well and one that I think should be promoted."
"Please make sure you take care of yourself and I'll see you all very soon."
"Shrek 1, great movie, great characters, great message, ten onion layers out of ten."
"Have a beautiful weekend, I'll see you guys again on Monday."
"Hope you're taking care of yourselves and each other, and I'll see you in the next one."
"Hope everyone's having a great evening."
"I love adding a happy or encouraging quote to my paper flower shadow boxes."
"You've escaped the weight of Darkness, for now."
"I loved the movie and the message."
"Thank you so much for watching and I hope you all have a lovely day."
"I hope you have a lovely day wherever you are, and I shall see you on the next one."
"It's a good thing to tell kids, it's definitely a good message to spread, to tell kids that they don't have to change who they are, they can be who they are."
"You guys have a wonderful day, and I'll see you in the next video."
"Have a wonderful day, Repti Army. Remember, be kind to someone, and I promise I'll see you in the next one."
"I'm so grateful that I have this platform to reach so many people with this message."
"We're trying to spread this message, man. We're trying to get it out there. We're trying to put this positive energy out there in the world, man. We pushing P, man. Positivity all day, every day, 24/7."
"Good Wednesday morning to you all, hope everyone is doing well out there this morning and having a fantastic start to your day and a great week out there so far."
"Thank you a lot for watching and don't forget to stay golden."
"I'm very grateful that somebody told me something like that because it gave me hope."
"I want to wish you a great, great week ahead, an excellent weekend, and I hope to see you in my next video."
"Leave Your Mark here. I appreciate every single one of you."
"The simplest gesture of kindness isn't that a Jedi saying? Safe travels, my friend."
"Very cool, lovely message behind it."
"I hope that everybody watching is staying safe and well and healthy. Have a great day."
"Hopefully y'all are doing good out there, take it easy."
"My happiness doesn't rely on their show getting kicked off Sirius or anything like that. When you start relying on other things to happen for your happiness, then you're going down the wrong road, my brothers and sisters. Can I get an amen?"
"I hope that this message finds everyone well."
"I hope that you have a wonderful day, thank you so much for watching."
"My name is Adonis, and I'm here to say, don't do drugs and stay in school."
"It is refreshing to watch this show not only because it brings the laughter, but because it has a good message overall."
"It was a campy good time with a good message."
"Let's be loving, let's be caring."
"Have a pleasant night tonight and a great day tomorrow."
"Keep the rubber side down and keep the throttle on, peace."
"They were celebrating, yes, and I think that's a message that we have to get across."
"I hope that you are doing well, staying safe, taking care of yourself, staying hydrated, staying cool, and I hope that you have a wonderful rest of your day."
"Gratitude is a really strong message."
"Be good people, take care, stay safe, and I'll see you in the next one."
"I like the message on this one; I think it's a good one to give to a friend and let them have on display to remember how much you appreciate them."
"You're sending a message of hope."
"I hope this message finds you well."
"Sending you all my love and positive energy, and I can't wait to see you in my next video."
"Good stuff, on that note, have a good weekend."
"I hope you have a lovely day and night or whatever time it is for you."
"Be kind everyone, have a great day."
"Blessed love, hear that, respect every time."
"It's enough hate, man, it's time to just spread a little bit more love."
"This book just has such a cute message; I absolutely love it."
"Have a wonderful day, swatch you later."
"Have a lovely day okay, or a night, whenever you watch this."
"Enjoy the rest of your Friday and the rest of your weekend."
"Peace, prosperity, positivity, of course progression to all."
"Have a fantastic day and we will see you soon."
"It ends off on a very happy and hopeful message which makes it a very good read."
"The message this ghost brings will be a positive one, one that Scrooge and even us the reader can learn an important lesson from."
"For once, Pixar went for the better message instead of the gut punch."
"I hope you're well and enjoying this beautiful weekend."
"I don't want to take your life; I want to give you life."
"I hope you enjoyed the video. I hope you have a great weekend coming up."
"It's a really good message for everyone."
"I hope you guys have a great day; talk to you soon."
"There's a really strong message of hope in this."
"Please take care of yourselves, have a great day."
"I love the album because in today's music, it is definitely what we need."