
Core Workout Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Twists are a great way to work the core of the body, also to keep continuity with your skips."
"Come on, hit that core! Good, Rhys, we got 10 seconds left, man, let's go!"
"This isn't just about your abs, you're also working your hip flexors."
"This is predominantly core focused... brutalizing those core muscles, abs, obliques, and lower back."
"Nice strong core, we've got three, two, and one."
"Shoulders reaching across the midline that's gonna hit your transverse core it's a deeper layer that helps you cross body do those cross body movements."
"Pull the abs in, squeeze those abs, squeeze the glutes."
"This is perfect I'm about five going at six months postpartum it's like my favorite Core workout I've Done Yet right."
"I think you're gonna love this workout, love the focus on your core controlling everything."
"This is what planks work. And when we have a stronger transverse abdominis muscle, it takes pressure off the low back, adds stability to the spine."
"Great exercise for strengthening our abdominal muscles, hip flexors, quadriceps."
"Glute bridges are great for working the hips, core, and glutes."
"This is an interval-based workout specific for the core muscles: the abdominal muscles, the obliques, and the lower back."
"You just did such an amazing job there, we just worked the entire core and abdominal section of our body."
"It's all about that core control."
"This is really good low belly core work."
"I'm not only hitting my obliques, I'm also hitting my abductors."
"Boxing is a powerful core movement, so use the core, use the rotation."
"Just lifting those shoulders, you're really working the core."
"Think about wrapping like your obliques and lifting your belly button."
"We're really creating those long lean lines today, lengthening through those thighs, working our core."
"Keep pulling that band to work your abs and torso."
"This next exercise is called swimming; it's really good for building core strength and back strength."
"Squeeze your core as well, it's really working your core."
"Feel that core burn because guess what, team, then we're taking it back to the top, we're putting some things together, and we're getting more time, less rest."
"Stay to the very end because I have a super cool ab finisher set up for us."
"I've been able to just really exercise my back and core."
"Squeeze your abs in nice and tight."
"These are some of my favorite ways to work my core and I hope you like them too."
"Thank you for joining us for our yoga core workout today."
"So challenging, but so good for those deep layers of core."
"Using your abdominals to press the hands into the straps."
"Nice and strong, we're getting chest, shoulders, and triceps, and lots of core."
"Every exercise we do is going to engage the core."
"You're working your obliques, you're working your back, every muscle when you're working your core."
"This is a fantastic exercise for the core, should be done very slow and with control."
"Let's wake up that core again, pick up your toes, a moment to hover the toes."
"This is where the core work comes in, a lot of this standing work really does work the core very well."
"Now there's a machine so advanced, it targets your entire core, upper, middle, and lower abs, and even your obliques, all in one circular motion."
"We're working your core for the entire workout."
"Work the core not just for six-pack abs but for that deep core strength which gives us the foundation for the rest of our training."
"Remember this one works chest and back, but I want you also to think about your core and keep it engaged."
"It's a great exercise for your core, great movement through the midsection of your body."
"Keep those hips up, really squeezing in the glutes, abs are pulled in."
"Working your core will enhance the ability to inhale and exhale fully."
"Fitness is fun, right, but I still want to work that core."
"Your single-sided chest press is not only good for strengthening those chest and shoulder muscles, but it's also a really great core exercise."
"Rolling one vertebrae at a time up off the mat and then slowly rolling back down one vertebrae at a time."
"Good for your balance, you have to use your core."
"Work the deep abdominals, the sides."
"Lean back, you can do it, hold and lift from your core."
"Imagine you're making a C curve so your chest is forward over your abs."
"You're going to feel the power of your core in this one."
"The single leg glute Bridge lift... balances you from one side to the other and builds an immense amount of glute strength and core strength at the same time."
"It's not just twisting; it's a diagonal crunch taking these ribs towards the belly button."
"This is really working the core, specifically the obliques, those side abdominals."
"Someone should really connect to your abs here."
"Feel that twist in the core, squeeze out those toxins."