
Databases Quotes

There are 380 quotes

"Instead of us learning about databases in a cold, soulless academic, isolated vacuum, we are going to learn about them within the holistic context of creating applications."
"Each one of these pages has already been created for us automatically. The database is in the background."
"MongoDB document databases make a lot more sense."
"Non-relational databases can be very fast for primary key or indexed queries."
"Document databases don't have to have predefined schemas, instead they are dynamic with the ability to handle all types of data."
"So, let's get into this new, better databases experience and dive more deeply into each of the features that I previewed in the beginning of this video."
"The primary key is the minimum number of columns that you need to uniquely identify a record."
"I worked out how to create like linked databases I worked out what they were and I also just realized how powerful they are."
"Cloud SQL is a fully managed cloud-native relational database service that offers MySQL, Postgres, and SQL Server engines."
"Fortunately, there are amazing databases out there that have been polished over decades and don't cost a cent."
"SQL databases are really, really interesting."
"In relational databases, we store data in tables that are linked to each other using relationships."
"SQL or SQUEL is the language that we use to work with these relational database management systems."
"So we've got all these databases that are prefixed with SQL or SQL."
"Given that they're so similar, for example if you can code in PostgreSQL, you'll be able to code in MySQL as well."
"Let's talk about relational databases versus no SQL databases. Which should I use? And when and why?"
"SQL stands for structured query language and it's a powerful tool for extracting, querying, and manipulating data stored in databases."
"Being able to have all of this here that we can all address with a similar number we can all track it in a central set of databases becomes really important."
"Vector databases are not only used in retrieval augmented generation pipelines."
"SQL allows you to pull data out of databases, prepare that data, and then use it to report useful information or create visualizations."
"You are now inducted into the Hall of People who know now a little something about databases."
"...you should probably know the fundamentals of using SQL to connect to a database and retrieve information."
"...how do we get data into those databases and then how do we get data out of those databases? We do that using the structured query language, which is SQL."
"Relational databases are great because they're a centralized location where the data is efficiently stored."
"Vector databases such as pine cone allow you to not only insert and update vectors but also update the index instantaneously."
"Once we understand semantic search, we can pretty much go anywhere with vector databases."
"Knowledge is a much more comprehensive database of the different questions that customers have and it's meant to be exposed publicly as well as internally for online users to search."
"Utilizing SQLAlchemy means that we don't need to learn anything about SQL code. We can just use our normal Python code classes to build tables."
"Document databases are easy to scale, provide indexing, powerful ad hoc queries, and analytics."
"Relational databases remain stable in many industries, especially in finance and e-commerce."
"Normalization is the process of organizing data in separate tables."
"Databases save you time by never making you repeat yourself."
"The actual data is stored in the other database."
"A document database can store practically anything."
"Foreign keys establish relationships between tables in a relational database."
"Redis is a great technology to know in general. I would also recommend learning NoSQL database management systems like MongoDB or Cosmos DB."
"So at its heart, this system is essentially a set of three linked databases: an income database, an expenses database, and then a balanced database."
"If you do want a SQL like database, then I suggest looking at AWS Aurora, which is a more SQL schema compatible, but also serverless database."
"Before you start applying screens on these big databases, there are a couple of things I want you to think about. Many of these databases have publicly traded companies across the world. S&P Capital IQ, for instance, lists all publicly traded stocks everywhere in the world."
"Time series databases built to answer any question related to time data."
"This will impact so much of the use cases that you can tackle with these databases."
"Neon is pioneering serverless for databases, specifically for SQL databases like Postgres."
"When data relationships are valuable in real-time, traditional databases aren't the best choice."
"Indexes make your database faster."
"The storage on the RDS one is up to 32 terabytes, 64 terabytes on Aurora."
"In order to fully utilize SQL Map, it's important to have a solid foundation in SQL, databases, and web/software development."
"Mathematics is being used now in terms of the development of large databases to try to make sense of what's happening in individual patients."
"I truly do believe this is a very technically interesting way to solve the problem and can be really valuable in situations where the application is talking to the database and the humans are kind of left out of it."
"Step two: identify databases for your search, like PubMed, Medline, and PubMed Central."
"Understanding relationship types is crucial for database design."
"MySQL is an open-source database, it's been around forever, it powers things like WordPress, and just way too many websites to even name."
"You certainly don't need to know anything about databases or MySQL, a little bit of Python, if you already know some Python is probably good."
"ACID stands for atomicity, consistency, integrity, and durability"
"One of the big trends in technology at the moment is Vector databases."
"Vector databases they come with built-in similarity functions."
"...we can very quickly find the texts that are most similar using the similarity metrics that are built into PG vector..."
"...MyHeritage will use its connections to public databases such as Geni.com and BillionGraves to suggest possible ancestors."
"But now that actually just queries my in-memory data like wouldn't it be cool if I could actually use the same syntax and both the syntactic sugar and actually also the method called syntax to query actual SQL databases?"
"A database system is going to be a piece of software that's going to expose an API to your application code that allows you to store, analyze, and manipulate data in a database."
"Databases are very different between themselves, so don't make any assumptions."
"So what I'm going to do here is just today the basics of how to create a database from scratch using code."
"SaveChanges() starts a transaction, does whatever SQL is necessary to issue that to the database and then commits the transaction."
"And really that's the basics of Entity Framework. We've managed to create the database, we've managed to create data for the database and we've managed to read it back."
"Splitting your database is more secure."
"Lasting database connections... really is not that big of a deal."
"You can either open a form and find specific data or you can use a subform."
"Database metadata describes the structure of the database tables, columns, constraints."
"Nothing has happened yet, nothing was updated, inserted. We haven't touched the database at all yet, this is just an object in Python code."
"We're going to cover topics such as Vector embeddings, Vector search, and databases – the foundation of AI."
"An ORM is an object relational mapper which basically allows us to translate database logic into simple JavaScript code."
"MongoDB is like a NoSQL database which stores documents in collections instead of records as tables."
"The database is a source of truth, not your app."
"Implementing joins inside your application and not in the database is a massive performance bottleneck."
"Time series databases are optimized for collecting, storing, retrieving, and processing time series data."
"We'll save all of this data into a pandas data frame, and in the next video, I'll show you guys how to actually save the data that you've collected from the API to a database."
"This is the core where I wanted to go to in this lesson: I wanted to demonstrate to you how powerful adding object graphs to the database is with Entity Framework."
"Entity Framework having an object-relational mapper is a really useful thing when it comes to working with databases."
"Don't use traditional relational databases; you're going to get burned."
"It's shared by multiple databases within the same process, that's a key feature."
"SQLite is not trying to replace all these other databases; it ends up being very useful in embedded devices and the Internet of Things."
"Scale is one of the most important reasons for needing a database for time series data."
"We want to be able to age out old data."
"It's kind of like two databases in one system."
"The best way of learning any database is by getting your hands dirty by pretty much learning the raw commands behind everything you do."
"A universally unique identifier... makes it a good fit for primary keys."
"Because they are globally unique, that means that you can migrate data across databases without any conflicts."
"An index, in simple terms, helps the database find data within a table."
"Why do we need indexes? To allow our database to read less data from the disk."
"The B-tree is the good general purpose index if you need an index."
"The real goal here in designing a database is to reduce the use of redundant data."
"I'm gonna flip the script here and close out with the talk about large-scale transactional workloads and the systems that make them possible."
"That's how you run MongoDB database inside your Kubernetes cluster."
"There are a ton of resources out there for using relational databases and object relational mappers, but there's not a whole lot out there for NoSQL databases."
"Currently, over 1 trillion SQLite databases are active."
"Atomicity guarantees that each transaction is treated as a single unit, which either succeeds completely or fails completely."
"Could you guys figure out a way to give us the best of both worlds? We want the open engines with the customer-friendly policies and the portability with the performance of the commercial-grade old-guard databases."
"One of the biggest problems that people have, especially beginners learning relational databases, is what tables do you need to put in your database."
"You need to have a table for each type of thing... what I mean is a thing as far as the logical entities in your database."
"All of these types of people and companies can be put together in one table."
"Where Notion really shines is in its databases."
"Relational databases kind of blew my mind when I first discovered them."
"Assuming that we had MySQL or MariaDB installed, we could use Ansible's MySQL module."
"We used a table function generate series."
"Parameter queries allow the end users to determine by their choice what the query results will be."
"Models.py is where we describe to the database what types of information we're going to use and store."
"Vault can generate credentials for you on the fly if it's given access to things like databases."
"You might want to set up some kind of database that is a little bit closer to the devices."
"Every database has its own sort of little version of SQL; Postgres uses Postgres SQL."
"This is the level of impact you can expect to see on indexes."
"One single instance of SQL Server can hold up to thirty-two thousand seven hundred and sixty-seven different databases."
"Any web app needs to be able to persist data somehow, and relational databases like MySQL are always a good option for a web app."
"Iceberg was built by Netflix... to scale really, really large tables in object stores."
"It makes it easier to work with any type of databases whether it's SQL or NoSQL."
"You can work around that by using stored procedures."
"The way we identify tuples is through these record IDs or tuple IDs, and it's essentially a unique identifier to say here's the logical location or a logical address of a tuple."
"We want to have the distribution of the data in a distributed database be transparent to the application."
"You essentially need to do this migration in the context of a transaction."
"Consistent hashing is a really neat technique and it's widely used in both distributed databases and operational systems."
"Computers have changed an awful lot since we designed the databases that we tend to use with them today."
"What websites like IMDb.com are probably doing is passing your input into SQL queries or similar queries that they've formed."
"This frees up the database system to do whatever it wants to do in terms of executing your query in the best way that it thinks is possible."
"The whole purpose of the relational model... is that we're allowing the user to specify the answer that they want but not necessarily how to compute it."
"Relational databases are so similar in spirit to spreadsheets but they are implemented in software."
"Jim Gray is a name we'll hear about throughout the semester; he won the Turing Award for databases in the 1990s."
"It's the little database that could and the little database that does."
"So with that, using Entity Framework Core, we have created our database and we have added our table based on the model inside our main project."
"Every SQL database engine works in roughly the same way."
"I want to be the Switzerland of databases, I like everybody."
"Learning a whole bunch of stuff, and up next, I am going to start talking about databases and how to use those with C#."
"By the end of this, you're going to know how to be able to use databases."
"I'm going to show you at least three, maybe four different ways of pulling information from a database."
"I prefer UUIDs to integer primary keys for a number of reasons."
"Relational databases are very powerful, and Salesforce allows you to customize the relationships between your data."
"Amazon Relational Database Service supports a variety of different SQL flavors."
"Neptune is a graph database that can achieve better performance on highly connected data sets."
"Metadata describes the structure of a database like tables, columns, and constraints in terms of Python data structures."
"These VMs are well suited for in-memory databases such as SAP HANA, real-time analytics, and in-memory caches."
"It's actually an example that shows us the power of a graph database."
"I'm personally very excited about vector databases and where this technology is going."
"Open source and self-hosted vector databases include Weaviate, Qdrant, Milvus, and in-memory vector stores like Chroma and Faiss."
"Database indexes are important because they make your queries fast."
"One of the most unique aspects of vector databases is the fact that they can handle a lot more than text."
"Both SQL and NoSQL have their pros and cons."
"Hello, I'm Caleb, and I started this channel focusing on databases."
"You should always start with a relational database and only switch to NoSQL when you have a really good reason to."
"We need a place where we can hold on to data forever and that's where a database comes into play."
"No SQL databases are able to store and query life scale data, as well as support high transaction throughput scaling horizontally."
"SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is used for relational databases."
"No SQL actually means not only SQL, which allows you to use the Structured Query Language or not."
"With no SQL databases, the data can be modeled as JSON documents, graphs with nodes and edges, key value pairs, or with dynamic columns."
"Notion has a very nice concept of databases."
"SQL injection is a nasty little trick where the user types a username like 'closing quote; drop all tables'."
"Relations are a huge part of why anyone would use relational databases versus document databases."
"IMS is the only nonrelational database that you can access using SQL."
"With MongoDB, these organizations move faster than they could with relational databases at one-tenth of the cost."
"We're going to guarantee consistency across all nodes in a CockroachDB environment."
"We're increasingly looking for non-relational databases to help solve our problems."
"Big data is just generally considered to be sets of data that really go beyond the range of a typical relational database to store."
"You rarely visit those databases directly and instead access them through linked databases which are filtered, formatted, and sorted to display your information in various contexts."
"Within that page, we are going to create our four master databases."
"Cassandra is a NoSQL distributed database."
"Centralize your information within master databases and then create gateways for accessing that information."
"SQL is the programming language used to access databases of any kind."
"For the right application, you would use a relational database or a non-relational database or a time series database."
"Spreadsheets were built for accounting; databases allow you to organize information because of the relationships between related information."
"You can create a relationship between these related items."
"Let's start off by creating a state table."
"Referential integrity: the database is consistent and there are no conflicts between data stored in different tables."
"The overall goal of this course is to get a thorough understanding of database concepts."
"It supports the persistent storage of large amounts of data."
"The user should interact with a simple logical view on the data."
"The logical level can be thought of as a set of tables that contain the data stored in the database."
"The database management system also guarantees that the transactions of many users in parallel are executed as if in isolation."
"Once the changes are committed to the database, the database guarantees that the changes are persistent."
"Databases, relational databases, Postgres in particular, can scale really far and do, quite frankly, an amazing job."
"In optimistic locking, we are optimistic that the changes that we make to the database during our transaction will succeed and no concurrency control problems will arise during the execution of the transaction."
"An atomic transaction is one in which all of the steps of the transaction must be completed successfully in order for the transaction to be considered successful."
"A durable transaction is one in which all of the changes which are committed during the course of the transaction are considered permanent within the database."
"The objective of creating a database security model is to ensure that only authenticated users are allowed to perform only authorized activities."
"A backup and recovery strategy is necessary to hedge against the possibility of database failures."
"The purpose of these dimensional databases, then, is to intentionally implement redundant data in a non-normalized design, such that we can vastly improved query speed."
"Stream processing combines the persistent aspect of databases and the notification aspect of event loops."
"I have been building databases for almost my entire career."
"At its core, SQL is a language used to interact with databases."
"At its core, databases are composed of tables."
"Everything depends on a database, the clean architecture... shows how it all comes together."
"The query optimizer is this complicated piece of machinery inside of a database system that's going to take our SQL query and convert it to the most efficient plan."
"What we want to do is get the hash map from our database and call insert on it."
"If you see the documentation of Flask SQLAlchemy, you can use MySQL, SQLite, or PostgreSQL."
"SQL Server still exists. In fact, we have just recently announced the next version of SQL Server called SQL Server 2022."
"This is basically the issue that database migrations solve."
"A migration is just a script. Its sole purpose is to take the database from one state to another."
"SQL, or structured query language, with which you can query databases and store your actual data."
"Whenever you're making database queries, you're protecting yourself against SQL injection."
"One of the most common ways is database partitioning."
"We're going to make sure you understand how at the SQL and cluster layer, what was the issue and why they did what they did."
"SQL supports the ability to create data, read data, update data, and delete data - that's it."
"I'm defining what's called a primary key specifically to be the ID column."
"For every one show in the show's table, it can now have many genres associated with it."
"Once you're in the world of SQL, you're probably storing your data there long term."