
Film Development Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The changes gave the film a more positive buddy comedy quality."
"Star Trek the motion picture was born out of many recycled elements."
"Deadpool lived in development hell for years."
"There had been talks of a Samurai Jack movie dating all the way back to 2002."
"The Purge might have never happened if Demonaco's first idea to do a slasher horror film starring Ethan Hawke would have followed through..."
"One story element that I do think has a good chance at being explored in some way in the Eternals sequel is the backstory of Titan."
"They built an amazing mythology in the first film that they expanded upon in each of the sequels."
"You can make Spider-Man 4 and they totally should."
"The movie has been in development for over a decade, getting bounced around between studios."
"I kind of like this drawing, but in all honesty, I'm glad this movie never got made."
"Spielberg thought that the idea would actually be better on the big screen..."
"Toy Story 3 appropriately grew up with its audience."
"The Orphan prequel that a lot of fans have been anticipating has now gone ahead and been picked up by Paramount Studios."
"He's developing a movie that he wrote from scratch and he's like now got equity in companies."
"Storm has the most built-in potential for Marvel to have a really great film."
"A sequel to Interstellar is reportedly in early development at Warner Bros."
"Godzilla vs Kong has been in the works since the post-credits scene of 2017's Kong: Skull Island."
"Esports has destroyed quite a few games trying to make everything an esport."
"It's getting there all right and we finally have footage."
"Anyway, with no other sources of light in this room except for the safelight, it is now safe to open these boxes of paper in this room under this light."
"They started building the sets before the screenplay was finished."
"It's not about the first Fantastic 4 movie, it's about building it. As long as the movie itself is great, they can build on that."
"The 'What's up, danger?' scene name was 'Rise Up' in storyboard sequences."
"In earlier versions of the movie it was Boseman's T'Challa who was mourning the loss of time."
"Blue Beetle is one of those projects that they've actually talked about for years."
"...in March of 2021 it was revealed that DC and Warner Bros were working on a film based on the character zatana..."
"It was revealed in August of 2022 that Warner Bros had secretly been developing a film based on the legendary comic event Crisis on Infinite Earths."
"It was kind of like after those movies, they kind of learned, and then this one was where they were like, 'Okay, we kind of see how to do this legit.'"
"This film was initially being developed by the legend Don Bluth as a traditionally animated film before the switch to CG was made."
"I think all of those themes are really things that we get to tease out in in developing these films and I feel very lucky to get to work on something where there's an opportunity to do that."
"With photography film, it's not too hard to take control of many of these steps for yourself."
"Developing rolls at home isn't difficult for beginners to get into."
"So you clicked on this video because you want to learn how to develop film at home. Well, welcome, I'm glad you're here. Let's develop some color film."
"Developing your film wrong is actually about adjusting the exposure and the development of your film to match the contrast of your scene."
"Ultimately, color negative film has an orange base because certain dyes have to be more active than others to balance out imperfections in the color reproduction of the film."
"Make sure to follow the times correctly and maintain that temperature. Developing or bleaching incorrectly will result in dark negatives and sometimes grainy or discolored images."
"D76 is not terribly expensive at just 56 cents per roll if you always use the one to one dilution."
"This keeps negatives more flat than any other option that I have here."
"You can absolutely develop your own color film at home, but the process is a little bit more involved and quite a bit less forgiving if you get it wrong."
"Development of your film, especially black and white, is just as important as the exposure itself."
"I actually really like the direction of where this is headed."
"I hear you all loud and clear, I understand that development plays a big role in the final look of these films."
"Sometimes it is possible to pinpoint a specific decision that changed the fate of a movie."
"We are developing a third movie, and we will see what happens with it."
"That is how I develop my black and white films from home."
"The next movie should definitely be more Bruce centered and focus of his character arc of retaking control of his family's legacy."