
Termination Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"You got terminated for my social media. The George Floyd video only put my social media on, you know, like basically on their target board." - Jacqui Williams
"Lies compromised, that's a term for termination right there."
"Something could be great, great, great, great until it's not, and then you verbalize it and then you decide you want to end it."
"Terminate their gods, terminate the source of their powers."
"Tonight, let there be a supernatural termination of every satanic contract."
"Being fired was the most freeing thing ever."
"Former manager made my life hell and I finally got her fired."
"I didn't quit, I was cut. I didn't walk away from my brothers, I was thrown out."
"We would like to end its interaction with humans as quickly as possible."
"You're not good at your job bro, you get an F, you fail, you're fired."
"Seo-Hyun finally snaps and turns the system off to stop Jung-Yi's suffering."
"Dr. Dan was adamant that SCP - 096 was too dangerous to be left alive, and requested permission from the upper echelons of the Foundation to terminate the creature by any means necessary."
"Terminate with extreme prejudice."
"I was angry as hell because I had just gotten fired from a job for like no good reason."
"Getting fired is the most educational and opens up a new door."
"The cathedral building era comes to a sudden termination in the early 1300s."
"Douchey had been fired and frog marched from the building."
"You're fired, and that's just the beginning."
"It will terminate and, yes, here you can see the message that tells that this process with that pid has been terminated."
"If you've been fired for ADHD issues, that's really a gift to you."
"Angel terminated repeat. Angel terminated."
"He never came back. Oh, he was fired."
"He'd be fired in 2009 after a power struggle with management."
"They gave her a PIP but the process to give that PIP is something that must be documented verbally in writing and then after that PIP is created if she has a wrongful termination suit."
"...you're fired no need to come in from tomorrow..."
"I assumed that I was going to be fired and was frankly surprised that it was happening in person."
"Civilization that self-terminates is probably doesn't meet the criteria of what an optimal civilization is."
"They exploited my skills, denied me a transfer, and then fired me with less than 24 hours notice."
"But when I do need to terminate male ends, these are what I use."
"The only strategy in the workplace is no contact. Fire him or her. No one is indispensable. Don't be afraid."
"Let this serve as a warning to any federally appointed board: If you betray American workers, then you will hear two simple words: You're fired."
"The show was terminated not for failing rankings but because Warner Brothers animation executives decided that the sixth season pitch was just horrible."
"When this contract ends, I'm [expletive] done."
"We have even better news. Our agreement with the one called Ghost seems to be null and void."
"You're sending a set his way, the percentages are in your favor that he's going to terminate. You're right."
"Yeah deny deny deny they said you can't keep your job we already know you did it you can't keep your job unless you tell us who else did it and I was like [ __ ] no but I was like no I can't I can't and they go okay you're fired."
"SCP 2007 instances will self-terminate as a means to avoid capture."
"I got fired. I've never seen Stan angry. No, that was him angry. That was his moment."
"You're fired, Dick! I knew it, huh? I knew it!"
"Dolph is a dead cause, and I'm not sure people care. His contract's up soon, it's convenient, get him out the door."
"He wishes to assist the Foundation in the termination of SCP-UBU, and has laid out a plan for its termination as outlined in Document-8048-Zeta."
"Enough is enough. You don't even need to finish the shift, just go. I'm firing you."
"One can end at any time with notice from either party."
"I do hereby demand that the administrative leave granted to Pete Ardondo be rescinded and his employment with UCISD be terminated."
"It's important to terminate work with a client when your services are no longer needed."
"I fire more people than the police do down here."
"He pulls out the power core and shoves it in her [ __ ] gob and says, 'You're terminated! You are terminated!'"
"The reason that call centers do this is so that they have a lot of ammunition to use against people when they want to fire them."
"Not only do I feel that the simple step will restore trust with Etsy but I speculate that this transparency will naturally result in more accountability overall as sellers begin discussing their reasons for termination through social spaces."
"But until then hasta la vista baby."
"The abuse continued to escalate to the point where the experiment had to be shut down after only six days as the researchers were put under pressure by parents and other scientists who observed what was happening in the basement of Stanford’s psychology building."
"If something was fishy about your termination... call an employment lawyer like me."
"Our relationship was always mutually beneficial. Now it's time to end it, Mr. Wilson. Rest assured, I will keep this relationship a secret. In the future, I'll pretend I never took you."
"Congratulations, my jaw dropped when I saw the termination letter."
"I am very seriously considering having a termination at this point."
"The arrow of love has to terminate in the other for it to be about the other."
"KAG did was they just gave him the pink slip."
"That sounds like something she definitely can and should be fired for."
"Our power series must terminate. It must end."
"Clear I really don't think J station should be terminated off of YouTube."
"So that was sort of the long and short of it like within four days of my boss encouraging me to start an only fans and everything that transpired I was fired."
"Honestly, I'm done. I'm honestly done with Frenemies."
"While you're putting a grievance, you can't get sacked."
"Yeah 100% I understand it let alone that now you have one strike on your channel and literally two more strikes and you're out you're done you're terminated."
"You're fired, could you please play? Wait, actually, here are all your 'Out to Lunch' requests. You want to read one last one? No, it's all right."
"Let's just give her the pink slip."
"He got caught because of a noise complaint. Police called. He was fired and blacklisted from being hired back."
"Deathstroke doesn't just solve problems, he terminates them."
"Firing is always super shitty, but at the same time, you're also doing them a favor."
"If you have health benefits through the company and they're terminating you, talk about who's paying for your health benefits."
"...you have a right to terminate this interview at any time."
"Despite Timothy's willingness to do these really challenging jobs that often paid very little he would always eventually get fired."
"Yeah, what, what did he get fired on Thursday?"
"Therapy should have an end goal, you shouldn't need it forever."
"Well, I gotta go learn a bunch of people's names before I fire them."
"You're fired! You're actually very good, but you're fired."
"All documentation by the supervisor should be completed by the time of termination."
"All right Courtney, you're fired by the most spectacular view I've ever seen."
"...after dealing with this for months, me and the rest of my co-workers file over 200 complaints... and as a result, this entitled Karen got fired."
"If buyer timely delivers the termination notice, this contract shall be terminated and earnest money deposit shall be refunded to the buyer."
"The moment the thing hits zero, we're going to stop the process."
"Termination begins when a stop codon appears in the A site."
"Discuss the need for termination and the client's preferences about referrals."
"You always want to see if they're ready for termination."
"We literally have the card of Aries which says I've been fired from a job."
"If you notice there is a FIN packet, it means this is going to be your last packet."
"Our contract is over because being harassed is not a part of the contract."
"You're allowed to say our contract is over."
"You can end the contract with no liability falling upon yourself."
"This place is a place of power; it's a place of birth and creation but it's also a place of ends."
"Regardless of the reason why an employee was terminated, HR Manager should adhere to the highest level of professionalism."
"Every recursive program must have a condition that eventually causes the recursive call to stop."
"Fruition knowledge comes to an end only when the meditator wishes to terminate it."
"The termination communication should be short, to the point, and respectful."
"Don't apologize, you can express regret but that's different than apologizing."
"Do not discuss the termination with anyone other than the employee and those directly involved."
"The way for you to do a respectful termination without stepping on some land mines or falling into a pothole and creating legal liability for your company."
"Termination occurs when a stop codon in the mRNA reaches the ribosome."
"His contract was abruptly canceled without much explanation."
"This contact is terminated," the voice commented, and the carrier went dead.
"Every good party must come to an end, and that's when we terminate the reaction."
"Termination is often the key to future innovation."
"An alternate universe full of promise, and one that was aborted."
"Tenancy at will allows either party to terminate this tenancy at any time and the termination is immediate."
"Under what circumstances would you part ways with a client?"
"So halting problem is given a program in any representation that makes sense to you, decide if it terminates or not."
"He's calling it off, he's calling it off, he stopped it!"
"Termination conditions are actually stronger than anything else except constraints really, and being able to solve the problem."
"If you create something that someone else has the rights to, and then over time that thing becomes more valuable, you have the right to terminate that license to get the rights to that back."
"You're shining, you're embracing the star quality, you're putting an end to situations that are stopping you from shining."