
Value Judgment Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"If you can't show that it's true at all, it has no value at all. It is just an empty assertion, unworthy of consideration."
"Things matter when they're good, frankly. That's the only qualifier."
"Trump is a plutocrat. Money is the standard by which he judges success and failure, not race."
"You don't judge someone by how much money they have...it's what you do with the money that matters."
"Things being simplistic does not mean that they're bad. Things being complex does not mean they're good."
"They have better priorities, that's what's really going on."
"Having money is very valuable, but someone who really helps with strategy and direction is priceless, so choose wisely."
"The higher the body count, the less valuable."
"All that matters is how useful they are politically."
"Have we exalted charisma and talent over character and trustworthiness?"
"I never recommend anything that I don't personally believe has value."
"The pro-abortion left sees it as a necessary good."
"To the extent that you pay money into a microtransaction, it's a bad deal."
"A story is a way of organizing value judgments and uniting people socially and psychologically."
"But not all that glitters is gold apparently."
"Everything doesn't have a price, but if it makes sense, yes, do it."
"I'm not a vintage collector. Everything old isn't better than everything new."
"Doesn't Thanos value the stones over his henchmen?"
"Again I will repeat, cookie cutter does not equal bad."
"Clothing bad? No, a thousand dollar t-shirt bad."
"I think everyone knows where this card's gonna go... absolute joke of a card."
"If your family, that child is precious to you, and of course you'd go and save that child. If you're a business manager, that one is a write-off."
"When the only thing that determines your worth is money then you are worthless"
"Bitcoin is the best money mankind has ever come across."
"Quality of life is more important than total life."
"Just because it doesn't make a billion dollars, it's not a failure."
"Just because something is criticized doesn't make it bad."
"Is uncharted overrated? No, it's not overrated."
"High IQ is not the sole measure of societal worth."
"Crumbs from the right person are better than a loaf from the wrong person."
"If my suffering leads to your entertainment, then you know what worth it."
"Return. Not everything old is bad and not everything new is good."
"You gotta decide, like, are they worth the treading or are they just worth eating?"
"Not all money is good money, and not all fame is good too."
"If she's making you wait for sex, it's never worth the wait."
"Just because something is ugly does not mean it's necessarily bad."
"Even a hundred thousand dollars is worth nothing when it costs you everything."
"Intrinsic characteristics or values is always gonna be superficial characteristics superficial characteristics are your clothes your body your looks your car"
"It's just something about this game, it's just so perfectly balanced."
"It's just perception people think used power supplies are bad therefore they judge them at the value that they judge them at but for me I know that that $10 power supply so many times is just such a good buy."
"I think there's a difference between an antihero and someone that's just plain worthless."
"We each get to decide if what we're doing has any value at all."
"That's the beautiful thing about music though, right? Is that with music you judge it based on how it sounds and not how it looks."
"Just because something is a cheap off-the-shelf kit does not instantly mean that it's crap."
"To have or to claim to have a kind of value judgment is to fall prey to the idea that you can have a value judgment in this system, which you can't."
"Value is such a subjective thing. We all have our own ideas of what is and isn't valuable."
"For some people, especially coming from traditional finance, that would be something unacceptable. For others, being a good contributor to the ecosystem is what matters."
"The various value judgments that are embodied in its content moderation standards... embody a judgment of 'this is material we think might be of interest to our users'."
"Pleasure and pain are good or bad because of the feeling, not because of how we're disposed to respond to it."
"One who cannot cast away a treasure at need is in fetters," said Aragorn.
"What we value is not of intrinsic value; it doesn't have value in it of itself, we put the value in by our choices."
"If it plays good, it is good, no matter the price tag."
"If you're using a colored reference, turn it to black and white. It will make it so much easier to judge your values and contrast."
"The most obvious sign of value judgments is strong emotion, and the evidence of emotion in this case was overwhelming."
"Complicated doesn't mean bad and simple doesn't mean good."
"Just because something is big doesn't mean that it's better."
"Evaluation is about valuing what is good, what is bad, what is better, what is worse."
"The principle expresses a basic value judgment which cannot be established by argument but which one can only present in the hope that it will be as morally plausible and indeed compelling to others as to oneself."