
Personal Dissatisfaction Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"But still, the act of doing so really does suck."
"There's something wrong with my life, that shouldn't be."
"We are in hell, personally I'm just so tired of capitalists ruining everything that I love."
"Any great creative person is never happy. If they're happy, they're the wrong creative person."
"I should have represented myself because I couldn't have done worse than they did."
"If you aren't happy with the way things are, please do it in a constructive way."
"I hate living the way that I was living and like I was looking for happiness in all the wrong places."
"They're tired of seeing other people have emotional fulfillment and connections."
"I hate my life, I hate my life, really, really."
"It's something that everyone goes through so I wrote something that I wasn't too proud of."
"Driving downtown LA, I feel like a piece of [__]."
"Harry never enjoyed his fame, in fact, he actually resented it."
"That's the end of Holiday Hell. This was sort of like holiday hell for me. I sort of felt like I've been in holiday hell ever since this movie started and I'm really sad that I watched it."
"I've also been very lucky, but I don't enjoy my life."
"If you're unhappy, then you should just change."
"I disliked my job. I disliked the work I had to do. I disliked the things I had to fulfill for that investment."
"I realized that what I created for myself was not what I wanted."
"Recognize the part you play in your own dissatisfaction."
"I just don't want to stream anymore. I just... I don't want to do it anymore. It's not fun. I'm not enjoying myself, and if it keeps up this way, I probably will."
"Feel unsatisfied? It's a sign you're ready for a spiritual quest and big life changes."
"For a long time, I've been unhappy, and it wasn't unhappy with the circumstances around me, it was unhappy with myself."
"The surgery was a nightmare... they were really botched in every way. If anything, they were worse after than before." - Cher
"A lot of men feel that the deep core of their being, if they are unhappy, too bad. That's their issue."
"Every time I win it feels like a [ __ ] loss."
"This is no way to live. This is no quality of life."
"If you feel like you're not completely happy with where you're at and what you're doing you can make that shift."
"If I didn't open this first, I'd be very upset with the way my life was going."
"The final result is that it was an exact split, which actually doesn't make me feel good."
"Am I happy about the pardon? No, cuz none of this should have fucking happened."
"It's just not that great for me to live with all the other hours of the week when I'm not running."
"This is really at the root of why I despise this patch so much."
"Honestly, wasn't confident in myself, wasn't happy with my body."
"Oh yeah dude I don't even get to do any of this cool stuff."
"That's one thing I would hate about it, getting let's just say I got second place and it's like hey it's all in the judge's hand."
"Some guys get it all, I can't even get a text back."
"We're almost never satisfied and always chasing the next thing, which is good but also our biggest downside."
"A lot of us complain and complain and complain. I'm not confident in this. I'm not doing this. I need this. I need that."
"There's very little evidence that I found of true animating joy coming from Ray."
"I don't like it man, of course I don't like it because I'm getting the short end of the stick."
"The goal that I had did not take me where I wanted to go I was living the cliche of money can't buy happiness."
"But obviously the whole reason people start getting plastic surgery is because they don't like something about the way their body or their face looks."
"No matter how much money you have, weirdly, if you don't really have much going on in your life, you're very unhappy."
"They're ready to take on the world together, confident that nothing can get them down."
"Living in a fantasy world has made us miserable."
"I just play video games because they're relaxing and fun. I don't think so. I think it's definitely a method of escape from your life that you are not satisfied with."
"Former beauty queen Lindsay Shirley Shyer had it all - looks, popularity, money... but it wasn't enough."
"I'm just in this place where I feel like I've plateaued and I just don't like it. It's making me feel uneasy and I feel like I just need to dip my toes into something else."
"I feel like that is why sometimes something can feel unsatisfying to me when I'm done, because I didn't risk it all."
"Sometimes we wish we could get rid of that and look at others and compare."
"I can't stand constantly chasing money and doing, by the way, like pouring yourself out in that way."
"They were stuck in just these cycles that they were not happy in at all."
"I just didn't like the way that that went down."
"It's not like I'm really amping for this, but it just seems so backward."
"Because it's like the old grandpa who just sees so much in you and you can never satisfy him."
"I'm tired of being told here you have to take this [__] sandwich and eat it and say nothing and like it."
"You should always be a little uncomfortable and a little dissatisfied with yourself."
"I can't live with myself knowing what's possible in the world."
"I want a nose job because I don't like the shape of it and also I can't breathe."
"The windows were like the main problem that I had and the thing that I complained about the most."
"I had to look at myself and say I don't like what I see."
"I'm miserably unhappy because I'm not growing and going where my soul wants me to go or whatever the context is that's what spirit's kind of helping you to see that's the answer all right that's what's come through for you pal."
"But there came a time I was 27 or 28, living in Boston, running a large, pretty good chunk of the operation out there, had a fancy boyfriend, had a fancy salary, had a fancy apartment, and I was miserable."
"When I first saw this house, there was one space I was not happy with: my kitchen."