
Cinematic Techniques Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Forget that for a second. What is off-screening? Well, it's around the vague definition, but it basically refers to a piece of action that occurs off-screen or off-page that we either hear about or see the results of after the fact."
"This movie is the king of character introduction and it's all done in one shot."
"The delayed appearance of something as simple as a title card, a common feature in the beginning of films, pivots the viewer into a different kind of movie experience."
"If you ran the movie without sound the clothes would tell you the story."
"There are two things that might not be true there and I mean might be under no obligation right like universe a stay tuned for after the credits and we're going to show you something from Frank's."
"The phrase movie magic has never been more applicable."
"Tarantino uses cinematic artistry in a way seldom used today with a sea of artfully choreographed pans, dollies, and crane shots."
"Most of us grew up watching Marvel so we're used to fake endings."
"Psycho begins in pitiless sunlight, with titles informing us of the exact place, date, and time."
"The one-take thing is absolutely a gimmick and a cinematic achievement."
"Color grading can be a very in-depth topic... but the technique that I'm going to show you guys... can really take your renders out of this like very flat very generic world into a much much more cinematic world."
"The Russos utilized a trifecta of character relationships."
"They literally ended the film with the exact same shot they ended the trailer with."
"Unreal's exceptional bokeh depth of field also works in tandem with the dynamic camera to create something rather impressive."
"A light moment with the main characters can have use if it sets up a dramatic moment."
"Cinematic is a quality that comes from effectively using the tools of cinema to tell a story or express an idea in a way that would not be possible in another medium."
"It sticks with you because they didn't just they didn't shy away from it they didn't make it quick like they made you feel it."
"The fear of the unknown was the best weapon in the original Jaws movie."
"All important movies start with a black screen."
"Like a sprinter, you know, but I love a lot a lot and a lot of the shots, like with the fight with Superman."
"Motion blur is something that you see in professional work. It's something that you'll see in cinematic looking footage."
"It's cut together about as well as possible without making it abundantly obvious nobody's really there."
"It's these kinds of practical solutions that I think make movies like Titanic work and hold up to today's standards."
"The only thing that motivates you as an athlete at that level... especially if you haven't made it is money."
"It's amazing how much of a story they're telling with just the color direction and the lighting."
"If you love all things drones and want to know how to get better videos and more cinematic photos with your drone."
"Most of the time the best cinematic videos use Simple subtle motion."
"The superb first act of the movie plays like a short horror film in itself."
"The film's real horror resides...in our imagination."
"The monsters here feel truly enormous with almost every shot framed in such a way that effectively conveys the imposing stature of beasts."
"They used her powers and his powers in a really cinematic way."
"Set design for Lord of the Rings was amazing, using perspective tricks to make everything seem real."
"His garment was ripped, but his integrity was intact."
"The subtlety of Keaton's look to the rafters here went seconds later the light will fall is one of the things that make this movie so special."
"What's clever here is that Thomasin is actually really standing next to Anya Taylor Joy."
"Those transitions between cutscenes are so subtle."
"The Blair Witch Project is a master class of cinema."
"It's a little weird at times, I will say, to see close-up shots that you wouldn't really feel like you'd get in a multi-cam."
"I gotta add in a sin for continuously switching the scene from the band to the opening package video."
"It's a perfect mixture of slapstick comedy, really good special effects for its time, fun cinematography, it's great"
"Zooms can be used to disorientate the audience. Alfred Hitchcock and Steven Spielberg used the Dolly Zoom effect extensively."
"The absolute debauchery of the opening scenes is the proverbial last meal before descending into the sea."
"Just the way that Sergio Leone is able to use silence and use the way that characters are looking and their body language and shot composition to tell a story."
"The use of silence in this film is just really cool."
"...the way Nolan was able to convey all of that... just was something that was incredible."
"But that's what John Hughes does."
"It always fascinates me when you're like: how?! How? What? How did they film this?"
"So much of that comes down to atmosphere, brightness, contrast, fog, color - all of these things make lighting nearly as vital to storytelling as the dialogue."