
Loops Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"For loops are very, very useful and very common in coding and scripting."
"So we're going to write what is called a for loop."
"Do-while loop performs its task while a certain test equals true."
"I need to run two loops to determine what day."
"When we don't know how many times we actually want to do something, that's an indefinite loop."
"Loops are used when you want to execute the same part of code multiple times."
"Your do while loop is going to execute at least once always."
"For loop is often used when you know in advance how many iterations you will have."
"Are you counting up to something some number of times, or are you just going to do something until some condition is true? That's kind of a differentiator."
"This whole set time that thing is like completely is just completely confusing with the delay would be like for loop and all that so that's what I'm trying to figure out."
"A while loop is going to continue executing as long as a condition is true."
"First the hosts were freed from their loops, and now humans are freed from their loops."
"Animating loops: from start to finish, creating seamless motion."
"So the next topic you know it's about loops."
"For loops are a fundamental aspect of every programming language."
"It's good to have loops around the eyes and the mouth; that's something that you need to always do."
"It's mostly an exercise in range remapping and for loops and off by one errors."
"Loops are easier to read and understand."
"I know people don't love for loops, but hey, we're for looping, okay? They don't call me off by one prime for no reason here."
"If we're doing a standard loop, it's recommended to use a for loop because a for loop is shorter and more organized than a while loop."
"So what's an example of a non-standard loop? Let's say we want to generate random numbers until we get a number that's at least 0.5."
"It would be nice to have a return in a while loop, and the while loop can automatically access all the employee salary one by one and keep adding the bonus to the salary."
"Always remember not to end up in an infinite loop, that's probably one of the biggest mistakes any beginner programmer does."
"Now, you can do anything that you could have done in a regular for loop, such as if you want the sum of all these numbers, you can do so like this."
"So, make sure you are putting the println call outside of the loop; otherwise, this will be printed every single time the loop iterates. Let's run the code and see what happens."
"Do loops are ubiquitous in computer programs."
"A network administrator would like to prevent loops on their switched Network."
"An important thing to know about this strategy is that I don't want the pattern to trigger the loops. Instead, I plan to trigger each loop in real time as the pattern plays."
"If you want to improve code quality in your organization, I would say take all your coding guidelines and replace them with one goal: no raw loops."
"Odin's loop construct: one loop to rule them all."
"No real loops, don't play loops. So now with ranges we really don't have to write loops anymore."
"You can use loops to loop through functionality in your application, loop through arrays and objects."
"...are there any loops in my network?"
"You could literally spend your whole life, and a lot of people do, in a mental prison of their own making with the same loops and feelings of inadequacy."
"For else/while else statement: determine if loop was broken."
"Inside of my loop function, all that we're going to do is just increase my frame index by 1."
"So this is the very last thing I'm going to show you, very important for loops, and that's how to exit a loop."
"The idea behind the for loop is that we're going to run a snippet of code against all the devices within a list, and that's going to make our lives just that much easier."
"Take all your coding guidelines and replace them with the one goal that's how important I think this one goal is: no raw loops."
"Implementing loops in Keras and TensorFlow can be a little bit trickier than in PyTorch, but it can be done."
"A while loop specifies a condition or a block of code that is to be executed until the condition evaluates to false or the loop is explicitly ended with a break statement."
"Usually, you're going to end up using a modulo because the remainder effectively creates a loop."
"Blood is transported through the body on two systemic loops: pulmonary loop and systemic loop."
"Loops are super fun and useful; they can be really, really useful in animations."
"Everything we can do with a loop you can do manually as well, but the more items you have that you want to sort of individually interact with, the more useful a loop gets."
"This is a loop: this is a while loop."
"If you do 'while true', that means it's going to continue doing this forever."
"Here's another type of loop: a for loop."
"I think it's funny that there's often such negativity towards loops when really you can get extremely creative with them."
"Loops are a way that we can repeat some action over and over again."
"Map is a loop that grabs the element and the index and then creates a new array."
"Loops are a way of repeating an action some number of times."
"Loops just need us to repeat some action multiple times."
"We can process them using the same code, and that's what a loop does, it executes the same code for every item inside of an array."
"There should be no raw loops in our code."
"Yeah, so a loop-- a loop, some kind of cycle that says, do that again."
"Practice makes perfect, and trying to find out the output for such things of nested loops is crucial."
"Loops are code structures that allow us to repeat processes."
"IEnumerable and IEnumerator. Similar names but doing slightly different parts of the job of allowing us to have foreach loops."
"The for each loop is a loop that eases the traversal over an iterable data set."
"A while loop is generally used when you're not really sure about how long a loop should run."
"A do while loop is guaranteed to execute at least once."
"Loops can be translated into FP by using recursion."
"Whenever you need to do the same thing over and over again is when you use a loop."
"We have strings because they're kind of a big part, loops also major deal."
"Loop structures are one of the most important parts of programming."
"Loops can be used when programming games."
"You could use a loop to achieve this same result, which would be a good practice exercise."
"Loops are a way to make tiny, tiny miracles."
"Four loops is a way of condensing code."
"We've written a statement that allows us to loop however many times we specify."
"We're going to learn a bit together about these things called loops, just repeat some code some number of times."
"There's so much happening in these loops between sort of subcortical and cortical activation."
"Another thing we typically need in our program is a while loop."
"A for loop repeats a set number of times; it implements definite iteration."
"A while loop repeats until a condition is broken; it implements indefinite iteration."
"I like to create perfect loops for my animations."
"You can see how powerful loops are."
"These for loops are really powerful, once you master them you can achieve some really cool stuff."
"That's my favorite way of doing loops."
"A while loop will run as long as a certain condition is true."
"Anything you can do with a while loop, you can do with a for loop and vice versa."
"Nessie was the first coaster ever to feature interlocking loops and is still the only ride in the world with it today."
"This form of using a for loop is widely used in Python programming."
"We do loops a lot in terms of how you actually create loops, there's a very simple structure that we like to use."
"This is what's called a classic loop and a half construction."
"While true in order to induce an infinite loop."
"For loop does something, like print out hello world, again and again."
"A for loop has a fairly simple syntax."
"Looping is doing the same thing repeatedly based on some condition."
"We're going to use a forever loop because it's got to keep going forever until we get eaten."
"But the while loop keeps checking the condition and executing the body over and over and over until the condition becomes false."
"For loops... execute a code block repeatedly while a condition is true."
"Consider using for loops especially when dealing with arrays."
"Loops are incredibly useful in Scripting."
"You can create way more complex loops."
"We can use loops, conditionals, and functions to create a simple program."
"Const can do a bit more than that as well; you can also have logic and loops."
"For each int luckyNum in luckyNumbers, Console.WriteLine(luckyNum)."
"The real power of the array is that because it's the same variable name but it has a different index for each value, you can use a loop to enumerate the array quite easily."
"That is by far the most valuable aspect of using loops; you can do a lot with very little code."
"Particles are not point particles; they're actually little loops of string."
"There's a lot going on because of some, to me, very neat notation, right, which is there are three implicit loops all going on at the same time plus one explicit loop in the sum."
"We make loops we turn and in the same place we make a high point to make a V."
"The most powerful aspect of using the mid-test loop is you can combine the mid-test loop with a series of ifs or an if-else ladder to evaluate several conditions."
"Every programming language has some form of a loop."
"Loops are incredibly important; you will see loops in programming now all the time."
"The major difference between the while loop and the for loop is that the loop iterator is created outside of the loop structure."
"For each loop containers are far more useful."