
Election Analysis Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Why is Senator Sanders beating you two-to-one among younger voters?"
"Trump's polling numbers against Ron DeSantis in a hypothetical Republican presidential primary have fallen to an absolute new low. Donald Trump is getting crushed."
"It's very weird that on election night Trump was leading by all of these votes and then by the end of the election he was not leading."
"We're waiting for lawsuit heavy Pennsylvania, but we're also going to have to wait for Arizona and Florida and Ohio and those so-called blue wall states."
"Candidate quality has a lot to do with outcome."
"We actually have... about the best balance we could have hoped for from this election."
"If it's anything like 16 and 20 the election will be decided by fewer people than attended the most recent Taylor Swift concert."
"The statistical anomaly evidence is 10 times stronger in this election than it was in 2016, and the historical anomaly evidence is 20 times stronger."
"The right-wing populist PlayBook keeps winning... it's not a fluke."
"This is about as local an election issue as you can get, but the reality is, if you're the Biden administration you have to say, is this a bellwether change now?"
"Do I think Trump's going to win by 10 nationally in 2024 not necessarily but I do think he's going to win the popular vote."
"Democrats were defeated by a group of voters that hadn't even made it onto their sophisticated radar."
"If you want to ask me if there's a correlation between white racism and voting for Trump, I'm gonna be honest and say yeah, there probably is."
"Trump has zero shot at 2024 General after tonight, this is enough for debate."
"What Trump's campaign did whether it was on purpose or an accident was brilliant I'm not talking about policy I'm talking about strategy and politics."
"I'm kind of sick of hearing from the Bernie Sanders supporting online talking heads that Sanders can beat Trump because I actually don't think he can."
"On the basis of what we're looking at, Donald Trump versus Joe Biden, Joe Biden's going to beat Donald Trump."
"This is will never be a close election, I'll tell you this right now, Joe Biden is a crazy radical leftist is not one of those arguments."
"We're now looking at an amount of votes that could have changed the outcome of the election."
"I think whatever way we look at the election it's pretty clear that the Democrats Nancy Pelosi being the leader in the house there they're going to hold on to the house so it is a serious threat it is a serious threat."
"What Pennsylvania has done is provide a case study into how to tip the scales of an election."
"The 2022 election appears to be headed towards the simplest measure of partisan fairness, the party that gets more votes will also get more seats."
"Trump talks to the audience but you want to jump in every two seconds and say no."
"The reality is if my math is correct the Democrats don't have to win any of those races in order to win the presidency."
"I think Biden then really did win the national popular vote by the double digits."
"RussiaGate was designed to distract us from the real causes of why Donald Trump became president."
"At least I mean again we've talked about it there's a reason he brought up Mo Brooks... there's a runoff right now two out of three voters in the Republican primary in Pennsylvania voted against Donald Trump's choice."
"2020 was an outlier election in terms of voter turnout."
"Mary Peltola's victory... is showing a change and difference in tide and direction for these midterm elections."
"To see a Democrat winning in Alaska in a year so unfavorable towards them means that something is off about the expectation for November."
"Black people voted with their insecurities, white people voted with security in mind, they voted with their interests right."
"Is she in a better position to be the nominee today than she was yesterday? She is manifestly."
"Labour absolutely dominated everyone aged 18 to 45, the Tories dominated from 45 upwards, and the problem with Labour's young vote is that it's solid, it is pretty much unchallenged."
"He certainly energized the population come out and vote on his side now on the other side too um they increased their turnout uh overwhelmingly from 26 is like 10 points higher than it was in 2016."
"I think if Trump wins the sun belt, we're looking at Pennsylvania as the key state."
"Maybe it's something happens where a city gets big, the Democrats are able to win all the elections."
"I think it's going to be as of right now I think if you wanted to be either Trump or Biden in terms of who's sitting prettier I would say unfortunately Trump's looking better right now."
"So the most likely electoral college count at the end of this is probably Joe Biden 306, Donald Trump 232."
"Bernie Sanders nearly won a rigged primary... he did not have a super PAC... and he almost defeated Hillary Clinton."
"I think it's clear Republicans have seized the upper hand."
"Elections are always best understood if they are not looked at only for what the election was about."
"I believe this election cycle has revealed how desperately we need reformation in the prophetic movement."
"If the election were held today, I would expect Donald Trump to be re-elected."
"If Donald Trump has named the nominee look at any of those general election polls he can't win."
"Every official polling figure that I have been able to look at is calling a Democrat win for Kamala Harris."
"Bernie had a humor, he had a lightness... Bernie is the choice, clearly."
"Bernie did an incredible job... it is a Sanders-Biden race."
"The polls were off, yes, but not massively off."
"This is one of the most difficult elections to predict the entire time I've been following politics."
"Democrats are employing a strong strategy, a strategy that won them the 2022 midterms."
"I don't know why it is that Democratic senators look at this last election, an unbelievably close election, and conclude there is no need for bipartisanship in the Senate."
"To blame his miserable performance in Iowa on the lack of diversity in the caucuses I think is kind of crazy."
"Trump's gains were in the big city itself, and where Trump then lost it lost these states was in the suburbs."
"Did he beat the polls? Yes, he did beat the polls but he also lost, so it's weird to frame it as him winning..."
"There are voters out there that are saying you know what I don't love Joe Biden."
"It's interesting people are writing about the fact that Trump increased his support among black men in the 2020 presidential election." - Barack Obama
"I think what it clearly does show... is that if even half of this is true, we don't know who won the 2020 election."