
Game Importance Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Every game is like the Champions League final."
"Confidence in a poker player is actually the most important thing."
"It's worth it. The battle rifle is quite an important weapon to the Halo series."
"The importance of getting it is huge because D&D is a very social game."
"It'll definitely be a missed opportunity if they don't win this game."
"Every game is gigantic... Today is one of them. So get this one out of the way, play your best, and then worry about what happens after that."
"If we win today, we're in a good position. If we drop more points today, we're in a bad position."
"We've got one game left next Sunday, and you know everyone said the season's over, let's play the youth, and suddenly it's turned into the game of the season."
"When you lose your first game in the group, you've got to win the second game."
"Turnovers are the equalizer in playoffs: 'You can change anything with turnovers.'"
"Is it a great game? Not necessarily. But it is an important one."
"The next goal is gonna be absolutely crucial in this one."
"If you shorten the season by 20, each game becomes 20 more important, it's just simple math."
"If we don't bring it against Fulham, there's a big issue."
"Tribes Ascend is probably gonna be one of the most important PC shooters we've had in several years." - Totalbiscuit
"Any game that comes out and does things competently in the way that Tribes Ascend appears to is extremely important." - Totalbiscuit
"Position matters way more than it does in Hold'em because so much of the board can be represented."
"I think the fact that we're talking this much about top lane shows how important it will be."
"Game 69 is going to be the most important of the season perhaps more important than game 70."
"Massive, absolutely massive for Chelsea and massive for Wolves."
"It was important to include it on the list because I feel like it got a lot of us through the beginning of the pandemic."
"They have just been so clutch when it actually matters most."
"Elimination games are what make a good player great."
"Did you win or lose as a team... none of that other stuff really matters."
"It certainly is... we needed a win and there was a high sense of urgency to do that."
"We have to win this game, we have to win, simple as that."
"This shot right here, it didn't seal the game, but it was important."
"Every minute of every game is important to fantasy players."
"We've got 24 finals left. They are 24 important games, every single one of those is important for different reasons."
"Next goal is going to be massive in this game."
"They really put their heart and soul into the game... it was one of the most important games in my life."
"This is more than just a game, this is a rivalry that's going to carry through."
"At the end of the day, three points are all that matters."
"You cannot afford to lose matches like this."
"Winning this game is the most important thing."
"I want a clean sheet for sure because I think it's gonna be key."
"Emerging tight ends in the passing game is significant, especially for red zone offense."
"Every single game feels like a Champions League final at this stage."
"If you go to Old Trafford and win, you basically win the final."
"Without Starcraft, we probably wouldn't have as big of a scene from video games that we do now."
"Midfield is everything, that's where you win the game."
"The opening drive of the second half is the most important of the ball game."
"The third shot is the most important shot in pickleball."
"You should know what this game means."
"That's a big game right there, absolutely."
"This game is going to tell us everything we want to know about the season, bro."
"Kicks and scrums are essential to rugby."
"All that matters is how Demar Hamlin is doing right now."
"We've got to treat every game as if it's a cup final."
"The fundamentals of the game are the most important thing of the game."
"How many times do we see in the game of netball the third quarter is always the most important of the 60 minutes."
"The first goals are always important in any game."
"The actual football game will always be more important than who scored."