
Winning Attitude Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"She loves the game, but she is an absolute bond-dedicated winner."
"Wolfsburg just went out tonight to win the game, to control the game from the start."
"If she doesn't win tonight, she's already winning."
"I mean, it was incredible that they kept going for the win when they didn't need to."
"There's no question that we have the capacity and capability of winning with Derek here."
"That dude's a winner. That dude's a freaking winner."
"He's definitely like a winner and he can set his team up to whatever he wants."
"You gotta have a permeating attitude that you're gonna win."
"This deck slaps. We are not losing today with it and it feels fantastic."
"If I win, I win, and if I lose, I still win."
"We are finishing this game 2-1. We are winning this. I don't care."
"We expect to win every game and obviously it's not, that's not going to happen, but you have to think that way."
"Ultimately, it's just the people, it's the organization, it's the culture, the chance to win, and just kind of everything I've mentioned so far."
"Forget the previous game outcome and just win. It's just winning mentality."
"If you want to learn anything from that guy, he's a winner."
"We refuse to quit we refuse to lose yeah we refuse to lose yeah exactly we only win."
"He comes ready to play every day and comes in with a smile on his face... We love to win." - Alex Rodriguez
"Last race, ladies and gentlemen, and I'm gonna win here."
"Trust me on that one, this is going to be a winner."
"I like our Vibes. I like where we're going. I like a win."
"Ultimately, that's the kind of mentality that players are going to need to win championships."
"The franchise is not dead, we slay, we win these."
"I feel like you're right, I think we win this."
"He's a winner player, he likes to win." - Commentator
"Tim Geyser and HRC, he was not going to be denied the overall win."
"I'm not gonna finish in second place. It's either win or win."
"If you have true heart and good intent and you're also a f***ing beast and want to rip people's throats out of their bodies, you'll always win."
"Everybody wants to be a winner but a real winner is someone who falls from that platform and gets back up."
"I'm here to knock my broom out and I'm here to win the tournament so I'm showing what I'm about I'm showing how much I've improved."
"Believe in the smoothie and you will always win."
"You want to be a part of a winning team, this is a winning team."
"We could choose whoever we want and we're still gonna win."
"Sometimes we win not because we're like the Fast and the best like athlete out there, we win because of our mindset of being okay with being uncomfortable."
"No more freaking losing, let's go!"
"You gotta have a faith, gotta have a winning attitude."
"Great strategy never quit attitudes got him in this position."
"You gotta do better if you wanna win."
"Winners don't make excuses. They make progress."
"It's that care, you know what I'm saying? You don't find that, you don't, you know you can translate that to care, translate that to camaraderie but it's, it eventually becomes the culture of the team, culture of winning games."
"Reggie Miller is one of my favorite teammates of all time because he is... he's a winner."
"The team that has the will to win and wants to win."
"You are winning regardless of your circumstances."
"Play to win rather than to not lose."
"I smile because no matter what happens, I'm still a winner."
"It's a sure way you can tell a real winner in sports is the way he pitches in when you need help."
"If I'm going to go, it's going to be as a winner."
"This girl wins with her charisma and smile."
"That's so sick. If you're not first, you're last."
"We expect to go through in the group, we expect to go into every game and win the game."
"We're always gonna be in first place, no one can pass us!"
"We could win this game on enthusiasm, on energy, on desire alone."
"That's the pull of a champion right there."
"He's just a winner; that's the best thing I can possibly say about a kid."
"If you fight every day and you compete and you do it, you get one percent better. I'm pretty sure we're gonna win more than we're gonna lose."
"Winning's winning, doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile."
"They're gonna walk out on that field today and absolutely believe they're going to win that game."
"You can do the numbers, but if your head's not right, you're not going to win. It's as simple as that."
"I'm here to win, baby, no matter what."
"He's a winner, the way he competes no matter what the scoreboard says."
"He wasn't gonna let his team lose."
"He just plays that winning type of style basketball that it's hard that you don't want to go against."
"Keep winning like the winner that you are and keep killing them with silence."
"We play Fantasy Football to win, but we play Fantasy Football to get first place. If you're not first, you're last."
"We're not playing, we are not. We're here to win."
"If there's a ville, there's a way; if there's spin, there's win."
"That's the mentality of a pro; that's the mentality of a winner."