
Innate Talent Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Child prodigies are very real - some people seem to be blessed with preternatural skills."
"You can't teach what he has. He could still win the dunk contest, no question."
"Some people are just really talented. Real skill, real talent."
"You were born with that 'it' quality, it adds value."
"Some people are just naturally good at games."
"Natural God ability is just you can't even nobody can't buy that for sure."
"You have a talent that will always procure success for you."
"You can't teach people to run like that, you just have to have that instinct."
"Some people are born to do just one thing and one thing only. Lionel Messi was meant to be a footballer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was made to write music, and Albert Einstein was born to change our understanding of the universe."
"People listened to him without doubt and he had an innate understanding of fighting. To direct an attack or devise a strategy came as naturally to Corvus as breathing."
"Some people just have that it Factor you know they say Jonas you know what I'm saying like some people just have that in them right you clearly have that thank you"
"You can't teach it... by education give this whatever it is to people."
"It's born in you and there you are."
"It's the stuff you can't teach right? Can't teach that."
"You can't teach that stuff; that has to be deep within your soul."
"She has that talent inside of her."
"How could they not be boxers, these kids? It's been part of their blood since they were born."
"The innate talent is the love of the thing, the painting or words or whatever it is, and that takes you on a journey."
"Touch around the rim is something you can't teach."
"I think a lot of the joy of music comes also from having some things innate without having to think about them."
"Speed is something that's so hard to defend because if you have it, you have it; it can't be taught."
"That's Championship pedigree; you can't teach that, you can't learn that, you got to beat that."
"Everybody born with that talent, it's just you if you discover it."
"I think we're all born artists, you know. I think it's just over time we're taught not to be artists."
"Those are the little things you just can't teach; you either have it or you don't."
"She is extremely creative, creativity is in her blood."
"You can't teach what he's got, you've either got it or you ain't."
"She was born to be a superhero. She is a natural."
"Either you have it or you don't, some players lack it, some players are honing it, and some players are made of it."
"Creativity is just a feeling I can't help."
"He's talented in a way you can't practice."
"You simply can't legislate for talent like this."
"It just automatically comes in my head," I said. "It is a gift, I think."
"I was born with music notes floating through my bloodstream; it's really a part of me."
"You were born with this gift of creativity or creation."
"It's just a god-given talent, the ability he has with the cue ball."
"God gave all of you a gift at birth... it's the thing you do the absolute best with the least amount of effort."
"People are gifted by God when they're born."
"There are just some things that can't be taught, and the sooner people understand this, the better."
"They have the thing that cannot be taught."
"You cannot teach Charisma in pro wrestling; a lot of the time it's either in you or it isn't."
"Your son was born with a love of dance in his heart."
"However, Shishaya was born with a Fiery Soul which directly surpassed too many cultivators."
"That kind of talent... he's born with that talent obviously and utilized it in a great way."
"Some people are born with the clutch gene."
"This is talent you can't teach, obviously."
"You were born awake, all your gifts and abilities were online from the day that you stepped foot on this Earth."
"I think I was just born an organizer."