
Gaming Anticipation Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"I'm so excited for Breath of the Wild 2 stuff."
"Octopath Traveler 2 is just around the corner."
"Streets part 1 will be huge on its own and will include many points of interest, and that's directly from Nikita himself."
"If you like Civ, I think you should be excited for it."
"Are you gonna be playing 'God of War: Ragnarok' on launch day if it actually releases in November?"
"The more I see, the better this game looks. If nothing else, I'm hoping for a fun gameplay experience. I'm hoping to get even just a few weeks or a month out of the game and just to explore a new world enjoy some new systems."
"Whatever GameFreak ultimately chooses to do with Sword & Shield, I’m excited to see it."
"Let's just get my absolute most anticipated game out of the way: Cyberpunk 2077, duh."
"Anticipate enemies... you want to be thinking about where enemies may be and anticipating them being ready to actually shoot them."
"It's now been over six years and 10 expansions so a Sims 5 release is expected over the next year or so."
"I really have no idea what to expect from the future of little nightmares but if it's anything like what we've already gotten in terms of quality I can't wait to see what they come out with."
"It really does seem that Red Dead Redemption 2 is going to be the game of the year."
"Fans of the elder scrolls series are also hungry for the answer and some are even wishing to see the return of the dwemer feature in the elder scrolls vi."
"What are you most excited about finally getting to play for yourself in patch 8.3?"
"The hype is real for that game, it is looking great."
"Season A will be the best update ever because we're getting the biggest update ever."
"If this is a game they can deliver, if that vertical slice is representative of the final product, I'm telling you right now there's gonna be nothing like this."
"Anodyne 2 has probably been one of my most highly anticipated indie games like ever."
"This game looks like it's going to be a huge hit."
"With the popularity of 'Melee', people were dying for a new game for years."
"I am predicting that we will in fact see a new Donkey Kong game at this year's E3."
"I think we're gonna end this year with Luigi's Mansion and a Pikmin and Animal Crossing."
"I'm actually so excited for the game, man. I'm so [ __ ]."
"This seems to be the most anticipated game of this year, I won't lie."
"It really could be anything. Share your best theories of what's happening down in the comments."
"For me, this is going to have staying power and I think it's going to be really interesting to see the conversation when this gets out into the wild with everybody else playing."
"Resources are limited and so is your damage."
"I would love to see a new Splinter Cell at E3."
"Final Fantasy 7 limited edition is gonna be coming out. I need that like I actually need that."
"Starfield will be the herald of the game flood."
"Some excitement for Elden Ring coming up a little bit later."
"Grand Theft Auto 6 is probably the most anticipated game ever in gaming history."
"It is one of my more anticipated games to check out this year."
"Open World Star Wars from Massive, yes please."
"After seeing and learning more about Dark Tide, I am even more excited for this game now than I was before."
"I hope so because it's been such a long wait."
"Devil May Cry 5: The long-awaited mainline sequel in the Devil May Cry series."
"People are just dumb for Blizzard's latest entry into the legendary Diablo series arrived amidst a whirlwind of anticipation promising to usher in a new era for the franchise."
"It seems pretty likely that we're going to get a video game pretty soon."
"Halo is back now obviously we don't know until we get our hands on the game but it's just a different vibe all together."
"It just sounds like it's gonna be an incredible time when we finally all get to play this together."
"When it comes to E3 hype, few other franchises are as consistently rewarding as Super Smash Brothers."
"I'm so pumped, this is out of everything we saw in the press conference this was my number one in spite of not seeing too much gameplay there Jones."
"Apple's M1 cores process twice as many instructions as AMD and Intel CPUs."
"The first possible hint that Street Fighter 6 might be on the horizon."
"Wolverine game is very unlikely, but I would love to be surprised."
"I'm excited about the next game, so let's look at Jedi Fallen Order."
"A Star Wars Battlefront 3 could very well end up being the game to cap off an incredible era for an incredible game franchise."
"A full year of anticipation from the game's initial announcement was laden with praises."
"I am excited for Fallen Order, I hope it's a good game."
"Everyone waited in suspense, wondering what Fortnite could do next, not realizing they were about to raise the bar even higher."
"Smash will help people like wait like they're like oh okay we know our big game we can wait now."
"Thank you for having me. I'm actually pretty interested to see what kind of weapons people discover when they play Cyberpunk for themselves."
"Ballista, what a game and it's still an alpha."
"The next evolution of Dark Souls I've been dying to see for years."
"This presentation definitely got me excited about the potential impossibilities of this game."
"We feel that this is going to be one of the games to look out for if you are into competitive games."
"There is still a lot of excitement to be had with the launch of a new generation of game consoles."
"Final Fantasy 3 was positioned as the second most anticipated property, sitting only behind Dragon Quest 4."
"Could this be the first mainline Zelda game where we get to REALLY play as Zelda herself?"
"I've been saving a game I've been not playing a game the entire time it's been out that I know is good and I'm finally gonna play it what is it?"
"I am so excited for this game. The more I've seen of this game in trailers and gameplay, the more excited I get."
"I want to see the final Smash Bros fighter revealed."
"I just think the next consoles are gonna blow people's minds."
"I've got 52 packs saved up here and I know it's been a minute since I did one of these but this one I think is gonna be special."
"I think it's a lock Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth being shown."
"GTA 6 is gonna blow GTA 5 away, guys. It's gonna blow it away."
"What new thing we'll the game throw at me next?"
"Man, I love the Nintendo switch. I can't wait to get into it even more."
"What has you most excited for this game which is still probably a couple of years away?"
"To have the Switch Pro hopefully drop sometime soon, I feel like that's gonna be a huge win."
"Hopefully when GTA 6 set in Miami like Vice City launches in 2025, the wait for PC won't be too lengthy."
"Hopefully the next presentation we get a new Pokemon Puzzle League and we get a Pokemon Pinball."
"The anticipation of Tears of Gothics minigame."
"There is a world now where I see we might get a Starcraft 3."
"This new journey is looking to be a game any platforming fan should keep on their radar."
"I hope that means an Ultimate Alliance 4 would be a solid step up because I do want another game in this series."
"This could actually be my most anticipated game right now."
"I know a lot of people are very curious about Wastelanders and this trailer has a little bit of everything."
"We've got one more game to go before Dark Souls 3 that I think needs no introduction."
"This one has gotten me more hyped than anything else and it proves that Chapter 3 of Poppy Playtime is going to some really dark places."
"That would have been sick if we actually had seen the gameplay."
"I promise you guys that Pantheon is going to be amazing for us."
"Black desert clearly has a lot of potential and it's shaping up to be one of the most significant MMORPG releases of recent years."
"Now, down to number one, we have to mention 'Prey 2.' It was one of our most anticipated games ever."
"I'm absolutely gonna give it a shot when it comes out."
"I'm actually excited about it yeah, I was uh, I the tone of a vowed looks really cool."
"What if the new 'Breath of the Wild' comes out and they launch the new Nintendo Switch Pro?"
"They're creating something incredibly special, and I just can't wait for gamers to get the next chapter of Aloy's adventure."
"The hype going into Elder Scrolls 6 is going to be in many ways unprecedented."
"I really wanted to put something up because this is the most exciting Assassin's Creed since, you know, Black Flags."
"I'm more excited for fallen order honestly... I'm just excited to have a new single-player story driven Star Wars game."
"For me, I want to continue playing this and I want to have something out for people who are interested in getting an idea of what this game is ahead of the launch on Friday."
"Which is, yeah, which is like all of the same mechanics as Call of Duty 4 Pro Mod. It's going to be [] legit. I can't wait for that [] to come out. I've already, like, rearranged my setup to play that game."
"Final Fantasy 17 came out on top by a pretty significant margin with 66% of respondents saying that this was their most anticipated unannounced game."
"A new Mario Kart game, we're long overdue for a new Mario Kart."
"I hope there's more that the game's going to offer when the full release comes out."
"Has the time come for Tomb Raider to make a comeback at this E3?"
"Yo, brand new! Give me some Ultra Beasts, that's what I want to see, man!"
"Starfield is like one of those once in a generation type games."
"I think this could be a really good time for Overwatch."
"Let's go, Mario 3D World deluxe, is it a deluxe version? We'll see."
"Nine days till we're full-time. Chuck nine days then all of you guys who actually wanted to see me play the game will actually get to see me play the game."
"I'm just ready to finally jump into the world of Elden Ring and see what it's all about."
"There is a lot of cool stuff coming out with 1.17 even though we're not getting the new caves under the ground."
"I'm digging it baby! We've kind of seen this from the trailers from the game."
"We're well on our way to our first boss fight. I'm really, really excited for it, honestly."
"I'm sort of looking forward to Red Dead Redemption 2."
"This just may be the Star Wars game that you've been waiting for."
"Heroes are easily one of the most anticipated aspects of Overwatch 2."
"I think there's going to be a new Assassin's Creed and I think it's going to be decent."
"Nintendo fans have been pretty patient... now we can look forward to what they have for us in 2022."
"GTA 6 is going to look just like this. It's going to be incredible, cannot wait."
"Project DX: the number one most commented about upcoming game."
"When Ocarina of Time HD fixes that, when they're actually able to go back and make the combat system more interesting, it could only improve more if they brought it to Switch."
"This game looks amazing, the graphics are incredible."
"This game is one of the most anticipated YouTube games we hear all the time from both fans."
"I'm really looking forward to seeing how it works in Halo Infinite."
"Imagine if they dropped Left 4 Dead 3, Team Fortress 3, Portal 3... those games would destroy because they're all unbelievably good IPs."
"Video games, I'm still waiting on the Skyrim, still waiting on a new Fallout."