
Negative Feedback Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"It's like the movie is actively trying to do as many things to disappoint fans as it possibly can."
"Negative feedback loops, like unhappy citizens and the increased cost of running a larger empire, pushes back against over-expansion."
"I think I get some negative engagement, Mr. Natalie, all berated her with the same message that she's wrong with the intent of bullying her into changing her mind."
"this may trigger you and you may want to go buy this but i don't recommend it because this is crap"
"It's so bad that everyone can't stop talking about it."
"When they tell you something negative about yourself, you retort with, 'That’s a lie.' You don’t hook on to it, right?"
"This is bad, this is just not good flat out."
"None of my friends, colleagues, or family members will ever purchase a plan from you. That's a promise."
"This writing is so awful and there is no excuse for it."
"Regardless of whether you personally loved the product we got or not for Black Ops 4 Zombies, you have to recognize that it is not at all what it was originally intended to be."
"I love it. I love it. I love it. I think it was a disgrace at the weekend and I think it's bad for the game."
"YouTube Rewind 2018 is the most disliked video on the entire platform."
"She makes me just that sweet it makes me feel sweet and sexy and I love her."
"The worst of the classic bunch no doubt in my mind. I can't recommend it even at a budgeted price. Remake is all you're gonna need."
"Velma is honestly a terrible character in the show."
"It's like overwhelmingly negative... truly like going back and watching Ace Ventura. So bad."
"One negative comment is like the thing that'll just stick with you."
"Absolutely fundamentally off its fuckin tree..."
"It's so detrimental for kids to have negative feedback all the time."
"Stoli gold is gonna go down to an F tier, it's not good, very overpowering, very bad."
"I don't like it. I don't like that type of behavior."
"If anyone ever laughs in a negative way about something you say, that's the red flag."
"Every second that I waste on thinking about a negative comment or a hater or a troll is the second that I'm taking away from people who do enjoy what I do and who can get value and who I can help."
"For every thousand positive comment there's that one negative that sticks out for some reason."
"There is nothing good about Pokemon Home. There's absolutely nothing good about it."
"Overwatch 2's progression: regression across the board."
"No dude, nope, no man, that's good bro. It's like if you burned a Band-Aid."
"Continuously happen, it will put off people."
"Constant unsolicited advice and criticism has the potential to drain somebody's enthusiasm."
"One of the worst books in general I've read."
"World PvP is trash content, it's [__] annoying."
"You as people at MIT will try and bring mathematical concepts into environments where people are like, 'I don't see why that's relevant.' And you will experience negative inputs."
"When people scold you, don't believe what people say about you."
"The McTominay thing is a disaster, an absolute disaster. I mean, he is crap."
"That was quite the flush hotside chats is highly regarded as a name really really bad."
"This is disgusting. This is... I hope you never come back to New York."
"Every year there's always a handful of easy targets when it comes to talking about the worst game of the year."
"Who's ever going to want to work with you now?" - Christian Harloff
"This game is single-handedly ruining Harvest Moon."
"I've never seen such a perfect storm of getting everything wrong in a film it doesn't even need a review just any ten seconds from the movie."
"Your hate mail inspires me. It is my North freaking star."
"Overall the film reportedly received the worst preview response in Warner Brothers history..."
"This is definitely not the way you want to launch your triple-A game."
"The stink of EC had already reached most people's noses before it even launched."
"This is the absolute worst way of doing that."
"This is the worst sandwich I have ever had in my life."
"It's frickin' garbage, this is a terrible idea."
"Senpai Legends: one of the worst games I have ever played in my life."
"Yeah you're right it's a bizarre like psychology to spend your time writing negative comments like it's such a yeah but I love my audience in my community so much."
"That was the worst vacation I've ever had in my life."
"Mortal Kombat had class, but this game feels like a dirty 50 cent hooker you came across in an alley."
"Anyway, sorry that this was such a negative video, or if it made you feel a bit deflated. I definitely feel deflated after filming this."
"A negative opinion is not a bad thing... It's the mindset of stopping and choosing to distract yourself."
"I was able to get this negative feedback removed from my account."
"Negative feedback is like a thermostat, helping to maintain homeostasis."
"Negative feedback tends to bring us back towards our set point for a controlled condition."
"Most hormones in the body are controlled through what's called negative feedback."
"Negative reinforcement is taking away something that increases the chances of that behavior happening again."
"An increase in A causes an increase in B, which causes an increase in C, but this time the effect of C on A is to remove the increase, so now we get a stable system, a negative feedback system."
"Negative feedback regulates the secretion of erythropoietin."
"A stabilizing feedback is a response to a perturbation that pushes the system in the opposite direction as the initial perturbation pushed it."
"Thyroxine increases, does TSH decrease? Yes, thyroid goes down, they have negative feedback on each other."