
Calendar Quotes

There are 235 quotes

"We must go by Yahuwah's calendar as he described in the scriptures."
"The Maya Long Count calendar, a marvel of ancient engineering, intricately tracked a 5,125-year cycle with astonishing precision."
"I understand that you feel like Monday's the first day of the week. I understand that when you google it, both answers come up."
"Passover would eventually slip into winter, then fall, then back to the spring."
"The calendar we have addressed in this video will be available for download."
"They're going to start exposing the truth about the modifications of the calendar."
"It's insane, isn't it? [Expletive] up how October's the 10th month."
"Technically every day is the first day of a new year if your frame of reference is that the year starts on February 4th."
"We're officially in the second half of the year."
"It's Yeshua's birthday, at least on the Gregorian calendar."
"There are actually 13 months in a year."
"I love this calendar, it's basically any workouts or stretches that raise my internal vibration of freaking happiness."
"I highly encourage that you call your friends today and you get something on the calendar."
"30 days in the month, 30 live events."
"You gotta make sure you have a strict calendar. Everything has to go on my calendar. If it ain't on the calendar, it don't exist."
"The Georgia Guidestones function as an astronomical calendar."
"When the calendar came about... we grew so much, our friendship grew so much."
"Leap day, which is February 29th, is crucial for a calendar. Earth doesn't orbit the Sun in exactly 365 days; it's actually 365.256 days. February 29th compensates for the planet's not-so-perfect orbit."
"The feast of Saint Faustina and Saint John Paul II are in the same month."
"Mark your calendars for January 25th and let's get started."
"This 7-day cycle is the basis for all calendar calculations in this system."
"Dubai is full of different events so any time of the year, any month, you can find lots and lots of events."
"Honestly, when I looked in my calendar on Sunday night, I nearly lost my [ __ ] when I realized I'd said yes to all these things."
"Leap years are not common. They've got an extra day, 366 days total."
"The most recent year divisible by 100 with no remainder was the year 2000, and that was a leap year because it was divisible by 400."
"It's a solar calendar that marks the four cardinal points: the two equinoxes and the two solstices."
"My objective is to produce a clear, concise, and orderly account of the 7,000-year Sabbatical calendar."
"The Sumerians were among the first to develop a Luna calendar keeping track of time based on the moon's Cycles."
"A 30-day month, what a 30-day month."
"Our calendar was wrong, our timeline was off, our prophetic prediction was erroneous."
"These two calendars create a cycle that resets every 52 years, called the calendar round."
"The sacred calendar was made up of 13 months divided into 20 days each."
"The romans called this extra month 'mercedes,' which directly translated means work month."
"If you can't wait until Christmas to give your gifts, grab a SnapBack calendar."
"So each month then she provides you the stickers so that you can manually do your calendar."
"Hell yes, in the calendar they're going to have to have a little picture of you at the bot like 'Oh yes, my dog'."
"Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day. One day."
"The Ethiopian calendar places itself 7 years behind to compensate for sins, celebrating New Year on September 12th."
"If you're wondering why our calendars changed in the first century from before the common era to the common era... you can discover it by looking at the fuse and the fallout."
"The year 2000 was the roundest date in the calendar, even for trees."
"...keep a blank copy so you don't have to delete stuff in a calendar. It's easier to just duplicate the blank one."
"I just love a fresh start, and the fact that 2024 fell on a Monday? Literal shivers."
"The ancient Egyptians were the first to develop a 365-day 12-month calendar, created by observing the stars."
"I love the body shop calendars. I think they always look so Christmassy, so festive and cute, and yeah, I just think they do such a good job every year."
"I mean, it would make sense. This is a Body Shop calendar. This is the Himalayan Charcoal Purifying Glow Mask. And again, I think this might be one of my favorites out of this variety of Body Shop masks."
"The year in Ethiopia is 13 months long, 12 months of 30 days each and an additional month that has five days in a regular year and six in a leap year."
"Why do Americans start their school years in the middle of the year? That makes no sense. When else should you start school? In January like a regular human?"
"After the feast of unleavened bread, we have Sabbath's, Passover could be any day of the week."
"This is a perpetual calendar showing the days, months, years, obviously, and it is set to run for 400 years without correction. Wow."
"You were so busy watching March Madness, you forgot about April."
"I missed Earth Day. No, Sunday was Earth Day."
"Another nice change on the progress page is that you've got a training calendar right up top there."
"I am just in love with this adorable cat calendar for 2024."
"It's always on the same thing, you can be like, 'oh, are you free on the 13th?' and you're like, 'that's a Thursday,' you're like, 'no, but then your birthday is the same day every year, that's kind of boring.'"
"I think it would align the months with the cycle of the moon, and also with the cycle of women."
"this is one that you're definitely going to want to add to your calendar"
"I can't be the only one that thinks it's weird that Easter is in March."
"So every month that is on top of a knuckle is a month that has 31 days, and every month that is in a knuckle does not have 31 days."
"Mark your calendars for February the 11th, 2023, a literal New Beginning."
"365 of them, unless 2024 is a leap year. Oh, hates that. Well, to answer your question, yes, yes it is. I must have known that because why would I have said that? I think I just knew that subconsciously."
"Since Jesus had been born in 753 which is Roman time, they reestablished the Year in Christian terms to be 526 in other words 526 years after the birth of Christ, this is when the new calendar, this is going to be the date of the new calendar when it's inaugurated, if you wish."
"Google um calendar app is the best thing that's ever happened to me like the best the best"
"Literally the most amazing calendar you could possibly use. I prefer Google Calendar like by far."
"Loneliness is usually a failure of group activities in your calendar."
"Every wrinkle tells a story, that's the map of my journey and I'm gonna let you follow it. That's good, I'm gonna write one of those calendars, those everyday calendars, just a little helpful hint to get you through the day."
"The oldest calendar in Europe is based on the movements of the constellation of Orion."
"The Jews keep the calendar because they're faithful to do it. He couldn't trust Americans, for instance."
"The brothers dug up every scrap of information about every saint on the liturgical calendar and printed the text arranged according to the saints' feast day."
"Yamada's shoulders slump as she checks her calendar for the 24th."
"The big gay calendar is still for sale, a lot of people have been buying it."
"The winter solstice was incredibly important as it acted as a method of calibration for the calendar, meaning that the ancient Scots could accurately keep time and determine the beginning and end of the seasons."
"Their calendar here in Ethiopia consists of 13 months."
"The deck of cards has a lot to do with the calendar: four suits for four seasons, 52 cards for 52 weeks."
"Using the calendar as a device for practical learning helps build consistency."
"Why is there leap days? To keep the calendar on track with the Sun and the movement of the planets."
"It's December now, it is technically December now, this is the first week of December."
"Everyone knows there are 52 weeks in a year and 7 days in a week. But that can't be right because 52 times 7 is 364, and no year has 364 days."
"Did you know that the current calendar has two months that are basically just vanity projects for dead Roman guys?"
"What's brilliant about this is it means that the calendar will list everything that's happening very specifically across the whole system."
"And finally, a full calendar view of absolutely everything so that you can manage it."
"I've got you a 2024 landscape photography calendar by Thomas Heaton."
"We're looking for data from January 2020, it has 31 days, and February 2020, that actually had 29 days because February 2020 was a leap year."
"It actually takes the Earth 365 days and six hours, so we have to add a day every four years so the calendar doesn't get all messed up."
"My desk calendar ends on December 31st, but I don't think that's the end of the world."
"The intiwatana, a sort of sculpted calendar, represented the connection between men and the sun god."
"The Egyptian calendar, regulated by the Sun and the moon, worked on a 360 day basis."
"This month of Nisan shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you."
"The great pyramid and its immediate surrounding structures was a tremendous calendar structure, perhaps the oldest known to man."
"February has certain patterns of days based upon the year."
"Having a content calendar is the best way to actually have your content neatly organized."
"You don't believe how much good one calendar does to so many different causes."
"How many days are there in total in the first two months of a leap year?"
"Happy New Year, today is January 2nd."
"Just the fact that the ancient Greeks had an automated calendar for the stars is remarkable."
"At the end of the year, I treat myself to a calendar that just sparks joy."
"Why do we call September September? 'Sept' means seven, but September is our ninth month."
"I love the month on one page... I just mark with stickers the important dates."
"It's not that the world was going to end, it's that their calendar was going to end."
"The Anno Domini calendar was invented, Latin for 'in the year of our Lord'."
"The universal calendar not only simplifies fiscal accounting and standardizing work and school schedules but also eliminates Friday the 13th forever."
"It's the first Friday of the month, and that means it's time for the seventh square in our 2022 Totally Tunisian calendar blanket."
"The Jews have a hepatic calendar; there's a week of days, a week of weeks, a week of months, the week of years, the sabbatical year, and then you've got the Jubilee."
"It's astronomical temple doubled as a calendar, reputed to be one of the most precise in all antiquity."
"The metonic cycle is an even division of lunar months into the year."
"This year Halloween falls on a Friday."
"It's got an annual calendar, Patek's original invention created in 1996."
"The true purpose of a calendar is to track the passage of time, it is not to teach patterns, numeral identification, colors, shapes, or anything else."
"Friday the 13th occurs whenever a month begins on a Sunday."
"Believe it or not, this is the first time on the calendar for both countries."
"Leap day happens once every four years."
"If our calendar goes back to 46 BC with the same Saturday being the Sabbath and the Essenes are saying that agrees with their calendar which goes all the way back to Creation, we can pretty much assume that the Sabbath hasn't been changed."
"What is a leap year? Well, it's a year that occurs every four years that has 366 days instead of 365."
"We need that extra day added to the calendar to sync with the Earth's orbit around the Sun."
"So leap years might seem silly. But until we design a new perfect calendar, this is still the best system we've got."
"I cannot believe it is November already."
"The first thing when designing a calendar is you obviously want to have the year, obviously as well as the months."
"Twelve pound is very affordable for a beauty advent calendar."
"If you know where to go and when to go, you can enjoy festival extravaganzas throughout the continent and throughout the calendar."
"The seven-day week comes from the Bible."
"We need to support different views like year, month, and day."
"For this design, we will cover three views: the year, month, and day."
"The calendar view will have the main presentational model."
"Thirty days has September, April, June, and November."
"Ramadan actually changes the fast and days every year."
"In a leap year, February has 29 days."
"Thoth is credited with a number of scientific achievements, for instance, the creation of the 365-day calendar."
"I use this calendar pretty regularly throughout 2021 because I use my monthly layout for memory keeping."
"My first insert I refer to as my annual book and this houses long-term information such as my monthly calendars where I do my future logging."
"Very happy Leap Day to you, 29th of February only comes around every four years."
"These towers functioned as a calendar marking the rise and fall of the sun during different times of the year."
"The ancient Egyptians developed one of the world's first complex calendar systems."
"The Essenes were the sons of Light because they used the correct calendar."
"In the Dutch Republic, he was born on the 14th of November. But in England, under the Julian Calendar, William was born on the 4th of November."
"When you realize that the last day of 2023 will be 12/31/23."
"It's another Tuesday, it's May now, we're a couple days into May, and what better way to be in May than with these guests."
"Once someone actually sets the appointment on your website, that appointment gets put onto your calendar so you always know where you're going, when you're making a phone call, and what your day looks like."
"Caesar also shifted the New Year from the spring equinox to January 1st."
"The Egyptian calendar cycled through every day of the year until it once again aligned with the heliacal rising of Sirius."
"The most remarkable thing about Rome's calendar wasn't how it functioned but that it managed to function at all."
"Sometimes we even have an extra day, and then we call it a long weekend."
"January, when it was eventually added, was named after the two-faced god Janus, who looked both forward and back."
"It is almost like, what a connection to all of a sudden connect our calendar with the Bible with science."
"St. Patrick's Day, the actual St. Patrick's Day, is always March 17th."
"Christmas happens on December 25th."
"What is seen in the middle of March and April that can't be seen at the beginning or end of either month?"
"Easter was going to be on the first Sunday after the first full moon after or on the spring equinox."
"The AD and BC system that we use today."
"The Julian calendar drift and the Gregorian calendar drift out of alignment with the spring equinox and then jumps back."
"We're going to create a calendar helper file with some basic calendar methods that hopefully are reusable."
"Happy New Year to everybody that officially started their New Year February 1st."
"You've got a huge amount of power reserve, aperture calendar, a killer color combination."
"The lunar calendar is according to the movement of the Moon."
"We're going to need a calendar table because you cannot group dates in a Power Pivot PivotTable."
"That's how you can use a calendar table; you have to add month number then the month name and be sure to sort."
"Valentine's Day is February 14th, 2 weeks later for 14 days would be February 28th."
"Fourth of July fell on a Monday this year, which I guess is the worst possible day for Fourth of July."
"The most famous work is the Mayan calendar... It involved actually revolving interlocking circles and it showed a well-developed knowledge of astronomy."
"December was the tenth month of the year before Julius Caesar and Augustus came along."
"The Ethiopian calendar is seven years behind the rest of the world."
"Kalends marked the first day of the lunar cycle, when the sliver of the crescent appeared in the night sky after the new moon."
"The Romans were superstitiously afraid of even numbers, so they tried to avoid making months with even number of days."
"It was a real problem for the Romans, because the calendar determined a lot in the course of business and politics."
"The list of the dates produced by the priesthood was called 'Fasti' or sometimes 'Feriae'."
"The Anno Domini era was never widely popularized in the Eastern Roman empire, despite originating there."
"So that’s how the Romans coopted, refined and popularized different calendar systems and shaped the one that we use today."
"The calendar is probably the most widespread, but one of the least discussed legacies of Ancient Rome."
"You can look at that laid out right here and mapped out on your calendar."
"Bubble wrap calendar, that's just really fun, and you get to pop the bubble every single day of the year."
"Tu B'Shvat means the 15th day of the month of Shvat."
"Our calendar is essentially the creation of the ancient Near East."
"Humans use the stars as a calendar in order to record time and know when to plant and when to harvest."
"Every four years we have to stick in an extra day just to make sure it still works."
"Julius Caesar introduced the concept of leap years."
"The year 2100 will not be a leap year."
"We are into a brand new month on the astronomically and agriculturally corrected biblical Hebrew calendar."
"Every single day in the vision of calendar is a festival day, isn't it?"
"This may be the greatest calendar ever."
"In this new system, the beginning of the year would revert to being the 1st of January."
"There would be a 10-day time jump between the 5th and 15th of October 1582."
"This messy situation continued in Great Britain and Ireland until 1752."
"Wednesday the 2nd of September was followed by Thursday the 14th."
"It's 365 of course, but what if I told you that there was one year in the British Isles and North America which had only 354 days?"
"If you buy one 12-month calendar, you automatically have 12 beautifully designed pages that you can use in your paper crafting."
"Have you ever had a calendar you love the graphics on, but the year has passed and you didn't want to throw it out?"
"Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a Friday the 13th."
"The purpose of these Heavenly Bodies goes beyond just giving light but they're also connected to establishing the calendar."
"It's officially November, which means it's basically winter."
"It's the final Shabbat of October already, and the fourth Shabbat on the eighth month on the astronomically and agriculturally corrected biblical Hebrew calendar."
"If it weren't for a Pope imposing a new system of counting years, we'd likely still be using Julian years."
"It's the first of the month which means the Patreon calendar digital download is today."
"The Nazca plateau is a huge calendar or map of the starry sky with constellations and lines indicating points on the horizon and in the sky."
"The Gregorian calendar is the calendar we still use to this day."
"Check the calendar; there are four different festivals here all year around."
"If a month starts on a Sunday, you're going to have a Friday the 13th."
"365 days for a normal year, but then every four years we make up for those extra 6 hours by adding an extra day to the end of February."
"It's March, so it's time for the next installment in our 2018 calendar blanket, the Victorian stitch sampler."
"Satsuki azaleas flower in the fifth month of the oriental calendar, which is June in the European calendar."
"Samoa has lost an entire Friday by moving to a neighboring time zone."
"There's no other basis for the seven-day week."
"The calendar we ordered was wrong; 2021 is accidentally labeled 1984."