
Alarm Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"Can you imagine what bad luck she said what's going on in Australia is next level literal new world order coming out of that person's mouth."
"If things get a lot worse... Vouching is gonna have to sound the alarm."
"Democratic governors are sounding the alarm on Trump's reelection."
"Don't move, why is she moving y'all? She's turning in the c. What was that? What was that? I heard some beeping."
"It's remarkable when you look through the actual conflicts of interest here, it is terrifying."
"If you ever wake up with that many messages, something's wrong. Somebody died or War started."
"Do you see this crap? This is where this is going. If you allow that, you're undermining democracy."
"There's some fucking evil science going on in here."
"Europe, start worrying because you may not wake up tomorrow."
"I've become increasingly alarmed with the looming climate crisis."
"The alarm bells are deafening." - Antonio Guterres
"Holy crap, things are getting serious here, guys!"
"Turkey's sinkholes have started to show up with alarming frequency."
"Think about if a war broke out in the real world and the city had alarm bells ringing the entire time. Let's be honest, all of us would panic."
"The power structures pushing this conclusion should scare the hell out of you."
"He is sometimes quite brutal in what he says. But I was impressed with the sense of alarm and even despair with which he looks at this."
"Absolutely insane and police state... is becoming increasingly totalitarian."
"She's obviously not healthy... her skin is blue... her circulation bad... there's something there."
"What's gonna happen when Bitcoin's at 250? The monetary fire alarm's going off now."
"Chicken Little says the sky is falling. That's big news, right?"
"We are indeed at a very frightening moment in the Republican bizarro world."
"It's the end of freedom in Canada, and I'm not exaggerating."
"It's horrifying to me and it's scary that it's happening in front of us and a lot of people aren't saying anything." - Republican House Candidate
"We're entering a dystopic nightmare, and I yell and scream to try to get people out of their trance."
"Bad news, we are about to have a nuclear fallout."
"The deliberate destruction of freedom, values, and people is terrifying."
"Regardless of the cause, scientists worldwide have been sounding the alarm."
"The worst collapse in decades has now begun."
"This is scary. This is not a joke. Not longer a drill."
"It's terribly frightening, we've never seen anything like this."
"Our entire culture is under threat right now."
"My water broke! I'm giving birth! Red Alert!"
"I look forward to it; I don't have trouble getting up to the alarm clock for that."
"Something just touched me on the back of the neck."
"Set your alarm far away from you... when you have to actually physically get up and go turn it off, chances are you're probably not going to hit that snooze button."
"Each beep of that alarm seemed to touch a raw nerve in my head; it was almost like a countdown."
"Suddenly as I was fast asleep, the communications array started back up again, lights began to glow red and green, yellow and blue, and alarms began to sound as the systems woke up from the long slumber."
"I've got a an alarms on my phone at 6:00 and 7:00 sometimes I've got them at 4: and at 7 but my alarm Mo most mornings goes off I always have it for 6 and 7 but I wake up before my alarm goes off"
"Harry bolts up and says, 'Hogwarts. There's a horcrux at Hogwarts I've just seen.'"
"I felt absolute alarm, absolute threatened, discomfort, alarm, holy [ __ ]."
"I'm freaking out now, what the hell is this guy talking about?"
"What the [ __ ] is that? The [ __ ] there was somebody with a chainsaw!"
"Suddenly, an alarm blares, flashing red lights fill the room, panic ensues."
"A strange electricity shot through the air; something was terribly wrong, and I could feel it."
"Anti-theft bike alarm: Look out for you with its 113 DB alarm sensor."
"I immediately yelled out to my husband, I said, 'Yo, this guy killed his wife and kids!'"
"Something is wrong, something is very wrong on this planet."
"This sudden disappearance was alarming, especially when considering the dropping temperatures and the impending nightfall."
"Enhance your personal safety with the Falcon personal alarm."
"After all these years of carp fishing, a screaming alarm in the middle of the night still gets my heart pumping."
"Oh no no no no, not good, not good."
"You know, those are the kind of things that alarm me because maybe I'm a Millennial, I can't believe we are old school, but now I'm old schoolish."
"...I was kind of alarmed like do I need one? Well, I saw a lot of tick tocks and people were like you will want one in the middle of the night."
"Ring the alarm, pull the extinguishers off the wall, said the sprinklers off like Jada Pinkett and Queen Latifah 'til the shingles come off the roof."
"A haunting alarm that cuts through the chaos his desperate cries pierced the air at chilling Proclamation."
"Wrong demon, wrong demon, school alarms ringing, fire and drill, right? I got screws loose, somebody gonna die, I don't keep 'em real tight."
"Wow, that's loud. Now, that is definitely an alarm."
"those are alarming characteristics of the relationship."
"Let's just throw some confetti, let's sound the alarm, let's just get really excited!"
"Lack of effort isn't something I could label at them today, lack of class, and that's the biggest alarm bell for me."
"The alarm has sounded from the church house to the school house to the White House."
"I'm supposed to wake up at 5 a.m, my alarm didn't go off."
"Klaxons go off and white fragility happens."
"Oh my gosh, it's almost 7:00. Did my alarm go off?"
"We have an alarm, and so the chime went off."
"There's been a casualty. Oh, he's bleeding."
"My bed began to shake from right to left violently."
"The board had been unsighted on the issue. They had naturally been alarmed when they had found out what had happened."
"Pirates were coming, the villagers got agitated."
"... obviously this was quite alarming as I assumed there was no one else in the house startled I jumped up."
"I love having an alarm that's like, 'Hey, let's wake you up in light sleep, let's make it easy transition from sleep to wake."
"I remember the exact thing my brother said: 'Hello, there's someone in our house and I think they're stealing.'"
"I simply stared at him unnerved, alarm bells ringing in my head."
"She's in there, she's in there, the person on the phone!"
"You want to be scared right now? Look at this [__] man."
"Oh, Timothy, does he think it's a devil? cried the bosun's mate in a voice that even the Canadian must have heard."
"Some time later, the realization hit those who'd seen and heard the drummer: they had been sending the alarm."
"There's somebody out there! Do you guys see that? There's somebody walking around out there! That's a flashlight, that's moving! Oh my gosh, are they getting closer?"
"Separation equals anxiety. It's like an alarm system. And the alarm system is like imagine a fire alarm going off in your body and you can't shut it off until you wander back to your loved ones."
"It's a false alarm Tesla's too fast for his own good."
"They're coming. I made it up. They're coming!"
"Law enforcement says they're all runaways, but these mothers are convinced it's not that simple and are sounding the alarm."
"Anxiety is not painful itself. What's painful is this sense of alarm that's in our body."
"So we've got a user now added to our system and that user is able to arm and disarm the alarm using their unique code."
"The alarm sound is able to reach up to 110 dB."
"I immediately burst into the house screaming that someone had just tried to take me."
"If you're going through a lot of pain that is the alarm system that's an alarm waking you up out of your Slumber."
"I had the alarm buzzer on my waistband. No, you'd clip it on, right by your like, the dick hole flap."
"He was woken a few hours later by a cry. It sounded like a cry of pain from somewhere not far away."
"I realized a huge mob of students and teachers had gathered in the corridor."
"Lunch was usually the most enjoyable part of a working day... what I didn't enjoy was the blaring [__] alarm and deafening repeating automated voice blasting the would breach that went off right as I was about to eat my chili."
"Why is it when I set my alarm clock, I lie awake all night waiting for the bloody thing to go off? It goes off, I go to sleep."
"She's going to destroy everything," the priest bellowed.
"That was a scream. Can we confirm that? Absolutely, that was 100% a scream."
"Those sirens sound mad. I actually think if I was, when I visit America, if I hear that, even though watching this video, I totally forget and I think we're going to war."
"I was startled awake by the sounds of screaming."
"The silence was pierced by a loud bell ringing."
"An ear-piercing alarm shattered the quiet."
"Sound in the absence of sight can be seriously alarming."
"Goodness gracious, for goodness' sake be careful!" called Julian in alarm.
"Check for the presence of suitable audible carbon monoxide alarms."
"I was jolted awake by the sound of a man screaming loud and long coming through the baby monitor."
"At that moment among the trees nearby, a horn rang out; it ran the night like fire on a hilltop."
"They finally discovered the truth, and the alarm was sounding; the dude in that prison was long gone."
"Genuine moral outrage is important, it's crucial, and it's because real moral outrage is so important that the porn version is particularly terrifying."
"Do not be alarmed... alright, be alarmed."
"Your nervous system signals an alarm because you're not supposed to be separate or feel unsafe."
"Ladies and gentlemen, we have just got the scariest market data in the past three decades."
"Be not alarmed, madam, on receiving this letter by the apprehension of its containing any repetition of those sentiments or renewal of those offers which were last night so disgusting to you."
"I don't know at what point I started screaming, but I know I didn't stop until I was restrained by military police."
"Me checking my alarm before waking up: 'You've got about an hour.' Me after closing my eyes for 2 seconds: 'You've got about 5 minutes.'"
"The sirens are sounding, our planet is talking to us and telling us something."
"It was my alarm on my watch going off."
"I was shaken awake by the sound of the phone ringing, shooting up in cold sweat."
"I woke up to him screaming at the top of his lungs 18 minutes after midnight last night."
"That was creepy, yeah, that was a child screaming."
"I was woken up by Lisa frantically shaking me, telling me someone was in the house."
"I woke up to the sound of glass shattering. It was 4 AM."
"Whether you're someone who sees the competition for the soul of modern society as something like an adversarial struggle like a culture war, or something more like a diplomatic dialogue between potential friends, you should be alarmed by the trends that we are seeing."
"I had taken three steps when a scream pierced the quiet of the mountain."
"There was a distinct fear in her voice that immediately set me on edge like a bucket of ice water."
"It triggered something inside of her that was telling her something is terribly wrong."
"Someone's coming up that nearest tower," Clara said with enough alarm in her voice to give Anton a rare pause.
"Go to sleep for 10 seconds, check the alarm, make sure we did wake up after 10 seconds, blink the LED, and then just go right back to sleep."
"That's when all sorts of alarm bells started ringing in my head, and I knew I had to find out what was happening."
"Good heavens, I cried, have you startled me! Every precaution is still necessary, he whispered."
"But the train's put its brakes on, and the whistle is screaming, Terrapin."
"I love that alarm, it just goes 'yeah, that was pretty good'."
"It wakes you up gently, you can do like a sunrise alarm, you can do like birds chirping, you can do like ambient noise."
"A panic attack is your body... sounding every alarm I have, all of them at the same time."
"I was jolted awake in the middle of the night by a loud banging on my house."
"The scream shattered the silence of the forest, echoing through the trees, reverberating off dense foliage."
"The barking now was more intense and deeper."
"The planet is sounding the alarm, and that is why on this side of the house, we're going to continue to invest to fight climate change."
"An alarming discovery has shaken the scientific world, unimaginable in scope and perplexing in nature."
"You can wake up to radio, you can wake up to a beep alarm."
"Surely the whole school could hear the noise. The Headmaster, the police, somebody would come help us."
"The sound of a rooster, his morning alarm."
"Thunder crashed, the lightning flashed, and everyone was alarmed at the trouble the deafening noise was causing."
"America is eating itself to death at an alarming rate."
"Out of nowhere though, I heard a really loud sound that sounded like someone was pounding on something."
"On that day, humanity received a grim reminder to always set your alarm."
"I tried to make a nice breakfast for everyone and ended up waking everyone up with the fire alarm."
"The sun suddenly vanishing from the sky was a pretty alarming experience."
"That's when the alarms began to sound, loud and piercing."
"My alarm didn't go off as I'm clutching my phone."
"Needing an alarm clock to wake up is a sign of sleep deprivation."
"That is the most significant wake-up sound we've yet heard."
"Now keep in mind this was a little after 10 o'clock at night, so it alarmed me quite a lot."
"And to me, this is rather alarming."
"Their panicked howls can be heard echoing over the darkening hills."
"Disoriented, she'd erupt the sleep out of her eyes, her alarm loudly blaring in her ears."
"As the alarm rose up from thousands of voices and rolled like waves through the camp, the serene afternoon turned to panic."
"I began jogging, 'Hey you!' the pursuing shadow shouted louder."
"The rate of deforestation worldwide is astounding."
"She glanced up and appeared alarmed to see the fin of a shark moving above the water."
"What a cool wake-up alarm, right?"
"Lieutenant Nick looked alarmed by the data received because now he is the only one of the camp officers left."
"Something is wrong. This feeling slams into me all at once."
"Serena's scream rang out as she ran towards her sister."
"Anxiety is an alarm system in your body."
"This alarm can have a smart alarm feature, which helps you wake up at the right time when you're in a light sleep phase."