
Narrative Excellence Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Number 4: The Last of Us. Yes, buddy, we've just been through hell. Studio Naughty Dog has come into their own as a purveyor of cinema-inspired pulp action titles has been nothing short of spectacular."
"The superb writing made this game so special."
"The core narrative... might be the absolute best part of it."
"The story of this game is undoubtedly one of the best tales in speedrunning history."
"This is the best master chief has ever been written. 'I trusted you why can't you do the same?' 'You don't understand.' 'Try me, cortana.'"
"I always know that I'm in the best possible storytelling hands."
"Annie's Lobby: arguably the best written arc in the entire series."
"Not only is it a one-of-a-kind experience, but it is also expertly told, pulling you into its strange world with a deft hand."
"The most impressive element is storytelling."
"The last of us for many people was the greatest video game narrative experience."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 exceeds in almost every way with telling a great story."
"This is unquestionably the best arc of the entire series."
"It is the best written Call of Duty game by a long shot. Not even close."
"This is one of the best written video games I've ever played."
"Truly one of the best games to come out of this year and one of the best game narratives I've ever played."
"They finally cracked the code here when it comes to storytelling in a board game."
"Fallout New Vegas perfected the Fallout formula, I think the setting and the story are perfect."
"A soaring, searing, scorching chapter in The Saga."
"Red Dead Redemption was so good man... the ending to that game got me."
"Majora's Mask is the pinnacle of story in Zelda games."
"I'm truly inspired by the storytelling they've done here."
"By the time this video is done I hope you will see as I do why this games story stands alongside some of the greatest stories ever told in the history of the gaming medium."
"Black Ops had the best Call of Duty campaign story out of any Call of Duty game."
"Far Cry 3 had the best story in the series, and one of the most unique and creative stories in gaming."
"The storytelling is second to none, the build up to this point was intense and the payoff followed suit."
"Randy Savage's story arc is terrific... the best part of this whole show."
"This is a great moment. It's great storytelling."
"The narrative remains a supreme standout in video games."
"Halo 2 brought the storytelling to a level that the series has since never reached."
"The jerk protagonist story was done really well in this case."
"An epic, epic story that is definitely not to be missed." - Mass Effect series
"Mass Effect 2 in my opinion is still one of the best role-playing games of all time."
"The Last of Us is still the best example of interactive storytelling we've ever experienced."
"There's just so much amazing writing in this game."
"Bioshock has one of if not the most well executed plot twists in the entire medium of video games."
"Insomniac has delivered on an epic, truly mindblowing story as Spider-Man story that people are going to remember for a very, very long time."
"Man props to the writers of star force 3 it's moments like these that push this game above the rest as one of the best mega man rpgs ever made."
"Eren’s conclusion was not only logical and natural, but also fantastic, inventive writing that truly elevated his character to a level very few could have foreseen."
"All of them pale in comparison to the mighty beat em up in terms of gameplay depth narrative like we're this is a league of its own."
"Water Seven, oh my goodness, this arc was perfection."
"Life is Strange is probably one of the best story games out there."
"Valve know how to do a good storyline and Portal 2 is them at their very best."
"She is embracing her power, I'm the queen of Seven Kingdoms, I will do as I wish."
"Chapter Rewritten is doing great in the story Department."
"Following the highly praised Titanfall 1 the sequel added a single player campaign that honestly is some of respawn's finest storytelling to date."
"Super Paper Mario easily has one of the best stories of any Mario game I've ever played."
"The storytelling and the pacing of said story is excellently handled."
"Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is a once-in-a-lifetime game. It's the best written Mario title ever created."
"It might be the greatest superhero science fiction first-contact story ever made."
"The story they wanted to tell... executed extremely well."
"Yeah, it has like five different endings but what the [ __ ] when you're this damn good you've earned every single one of them."
"One of the best prologues I've ever seen in any video game."
"He's a phenomenal... I think he's one of the best storytellers ever. He is so fucking good at telling a story."
"Whole Cake, from the tea party chapters to the big mom flashback... some of the best chapters of One Piece."
"Mob Psycho and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood gave us a perfect narrative ending."
"I think Last of Us Part Two wins in a landslide for storytelling."
"A storyline that consistently wows us viewers."
"The writing for this ending was absolutely brilliant."
"This show is genuinely well-written in all facets."
"This game story was probably the best Star Wars storytelling of the past year."
"This writing and storytelling in this game is truly outstanding."
"Jesus Christ for such a comedic adaptation they really know when to pull out the big guns for the darker moments of the story and it's brilliant they did."
"A show that does this amazingly well is The Good Place."
"Knights of the Old Republic II outdid its predecessor; its writing was even stronger than before."
"Odd Taxi is an absolute master class in writing."
"Ace Attorney offers some of the best constructed murder mysteries in gaming period."
"Stunning Big Bang: one of the best finales in any game that's worth these many sins."
"Rim starts talking and this entire dialogue was probably the best fucking dialogue I have seen all year long."
"Half-Life 2: a legitimately great shooter with a really good story."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 has some of the best writing and characters of any piece of fiction."
"The Last of Us 2 is simply the best storytelling in any video game ever."
"Celeste sets a new high bar for future indie games."
"The atmosphere and environmental storytelling are in top form here, resulting in one of the most effective narrative sequences of the entire Halo series."
"The Heroic tale of Commander Shepherd and his team is probably one of the best journeys I’ve taken next to the other Bioware hit Dragon Age Origins."
"The third act is some of the best storytelling of 2022."
"The big important things, like how it felt to be in this world, the quality of the writing, the quality of the quests, how much fun combat was - all of that stuff was on point."
"The campaigns were pretty fantastically done. Very good voice acting, pretty compelling plot."
"A beautiful story, strategic and pointed, really executes the exact thing that he's trying to say."
"God of War Ragnarok is an exceptional conclusion to a compelling saga."
"This is such a visual experience right here. This is like exposition done extremely well. This is incredible."
"I'd say it was one of the first games to really nail the narrative aspect in a profound way."
"Remarkable production with an outstanding story."
"The universe is saying go be happy, and happiness is a result of achievement."
"This is phenomenal it is a masterclass in storytelling experimental in all the right ways."
"If you read this part of the chapter and you're saying you're human and you're a fan of Demon Slayer you didn't cry you didn't get emotional bruh I don't know what to say this part one god this was so good."
"The storytelling is another thing that is just a tier above."
"It's the sound of peak fiction you're hearing."
"The storytelling that I've been fortunate enough to be part of for so long is just so good."