
Software Management Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"We just indicate this file depends on this and this and then webpack takes care of the rest. It makes sure that everything is loaded in a valid order."
"You see, Linux is fundamentally different. How it handles device drivers... it's all just kind of there as a whole."
"On Linux, you have central repositories of software, curated by your Linux distribution."
"Lutris is best for handling Origin and Ubisoft Connect."
"Microsoft has stated that all non-essential or optional Windows updates will be paused instead Microsoft will focus only on critical and possibly any out-of-band security updates."
"Check browser settings, disable background apps for Chrome."
"At the end of the day, I like the idea of being able to maintain stuff."
"You're not removing the program, all you're doing is preventing it from starting up."
"Now I feel better. Yes, now if you skipped ahead, we just installed Rancher to manage all of this."
"This approach reduces update sizes by around 40%."
"You will be downloading code from the internet. You want to make sure that you understand what is going on, how to modify it, and what you might need to do to successfully run that code."
"Pac-man is the tool you need in Arch for system updates and package management."
"Ansible, Docker, and Linux: the trifecta for enterprise configuration management."
"It was a groundbreaking generational leap in the quality of experience we had managing our dependencies."
"Git tracks every change that has ever been made to the code you tell it to manage."
"Your code is extremely safe when you're working with git."
"Start using git today to manage your project's code effectively."
"I logged into steam today and I was literally like okay so there's a 19 GB update to Freeman and I was just like what that is insane."
"Now when you have configuration management software, everything becomes a lot easier to manage because you can have one place to basically implement your configuration."
"SCCM is a software management group that allows the user to manage computer systems running various operating systems."
"Make sure things are not installed on your systems that you don't need."
"Anytime you're running your own software in a home lab or self-hosting, make sure to check the change logs so that you understand what things have changed and what might be affected by those changes. It's really important."
"WinGet configuration takes the installation and management of software packages to the next level."
"The operator abstracts that away so that you can say, 'I want to have three baseline replicas,' and the operator could add auto-scaling or things like that to it."
"As a professional, you definitely are not allowed to leave all kinds of yellow and red things down here; you need to solve these as you're working through them."
"Portainer is kind of like a front-end management for Docker, Kubernetes, and I believe others as well."
"You can do anything from managing users to installing software to managing configuration files."
"It allows us to use software to essentially begin to manage our own schedules as well as contact information with people that we have."
"When you use Conda, you don't have to worry about missing dependencies; they will usually be bundled together with the packages."
"You're going to have customizable Rings; you'll have a lot of configuration over the settings."
"Homebrew is the most important piece of software that you're going to install to manage other software on a Mac."
"Package managers are gold around simplifying that for the end user."
"Operating complex software is so much more than just deploying and configuring."
"For each piece of software, there should be a single owner."
"The advanced package tool, apt, is used to manage installed software on Debian-based systems."
"You define the SLS and SLAs for the software that you're building."
"The operating system is software which manages hardware and other programs on the computer."
"As your API evolves and you have new versions, then when you want to publish the V2 of your API, all you need to do is publish a new NuGet package."
"Pure Variance is variant management software for complex systems and software engineering."
"That's another great thing that composer does, it actually handles dependencies."
"Our package repositories are curated, each change set is explicitly promoted."
"It is super important to manage your build.gradle dependencies properly."
"It really gives the customer a lot of control over managing their AX implementation."
"Let's agree to delight our users, whether that's giving them the apps they want or managing the apps so they don't see what's going on behind the scenes."
"In Lab 2, we will discuss how to use Motion Studio to manage the Movi Drive parameter files and how to reset faults if they occur."
"This is the only way I know of to have true zero downtime deployments."
"I want the package manager to disappear and not be something that you have to think about."
"Anything elastic means exactly this—having the software automatically add or subtract resources based on actual load or thresholds that you set."