
Romantic Connection Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"They view you as their soulmate or twin flame, feeling completely at home with you."
"He will fall in love with you because he connects with you, not because you're trying to connect with him by being really smart and cool and funny and interesting."
"That's how I know he's the one for me because I can't... it's like we're magnets..."
"Their connection was instant, and for Tatyana, it felt like striking gold."
"This is a beautiful connection. You don't want to let this pass by."
"What your connection is about isn't about that romantic forever love always being there in the physical."
"The spark is still there, they still miss you."
"They know that they're your divine masculine."
"They always find their way back to each other."
"You are their sunshine, soulmate connection."
"There is definitely a soulmate connection here between the two of you."
"They see you as a soul mate and feel incomplete without you."
"This connection definitely feels like it was written in the stars."
"Try something you've never done before because many of you, you're connecting or reconnecting with your twin flame."
"You are gonna like this person... this is mind-body soul sex like this is making me rethink my entire life."
"Your one, your twin flame, where you belong."
"Mirrored souls, mutual feelings, fate: you mirror each other in this special connection."
"Eventually you meet the right one, and I knew the universe would do the work to match me up with the right one."
"The key to creating a romantic connection is just listening to their needs."
"It's like the moment you actually see that person, they walk in the room, your eyes meet, and you just know that that is the person for you."
"This person feels like you're their twin flame."
"The sacrifice or the leap of faith, the risk will be worth it."
"You've ignited a fire within me, you are my other half."
"You make this person's passion grow stronger each and every time they interact with you."
"Your soul touched me long before your hands did."
"Your connection feels like heaven on earth, a blissful union of oneness and joy."
"True soulmate, true partner, it's always been you."
"Someone's coming in who wants to be part of your world."
"They feel euphoria, knowing that your connection is fated."
"Your physical intimacy is unmatched by any other connection or relationship."
"There's a genuine attraction and passion for this person."
"Connecting physically romantically to be fully supported."
"I called my boyfriend with my friend's phone and he answered, 'Hey, my love.' He just knew it was me. I love him so much."
"Love makes you understand the person without words you look at them and you know exactly what's going on."
"They see you as someone who's openhearted, very loving, and would make a good parent."
"There's genuine love here, a lot of love in this connection."
"They knew that you were their destiny, and things would change in their life when you came."
"It's gonna be a very sort of sexual connection but also very, very deep."
"When I look in my partner's eyes I see my future."
"In that moment, the connection between Lyanna and Rhaegar became apparent."
"Trusting in their heart, this is a true love connection."
"Their connection was so perfect and I just love them so much."
"Saturday again we're in romance season here, so you objectively see someone or something that simply clicks within you, you see what you want, you're able to communicate it very articulately and in a very eloquent, clear, concise way."
"Love and harmony, sincerity, partnership... that's where your soulmate is coming from."
"An insane magnetic attraction that is pulling you two towards one another."
"Your person feels a genuine soulmate connection with you."
"They feel like their destiny on this earth is to be with you."
"Both these people are deeply in love with each other, both seeking source, both feeling the power of love in their life."
"They feel that you are their soulmate or their twin flame."
"This is someone you have a very passionate connection with."
"I do believe that you are the other half of me, that you are my identical match in all ways."
"You feel so strongly pulled to one another, just that I feel like you're answering your soul's deepest calling by being in this connection."
"Unconditional love in this connection. Somebody who, I'm hearing first love as well."
"Some of you out there are going to be getting with your twin flame."
"Your soul mate is an artist, something about their voice."
"Make eye contact, transmit your dream of love, and see if they want to build the same thing."
"This connection is the romance of a lifetime."
"It's going to feel like a magical, faded, destined connection."
"They feel like you are the love of their life."
"All of a sudden he looked up and our eyes met. I'm not exaggerating when I say I felt as though I'd been shot through with a bolt of lightning."
"Definitely a heart connection here. True love like we saw, no doubt about it."
"They feel connected to you, like you're soulmates."
"They feel like you are their soul mate, they feel like there's this powerful magnetism that continues to draw you together."
"They feel a very strong soulmate connection with you, definitely feel like you're the one."
"You're gonna recognize your divine partner through the way they're gonna make you feel, period."
"Shifting from hinting to expressing, transforming from repression to authenticity."
"They feel like you are home, this is definitely like a soulmate to inflame vibe."
"Your person definitely feels that this connection is very addictive."
"There's a true soulmate connection going on here."
"They've always thought of you as a soulmate. They've never stopped thinking about you."
"There's just a sense of them knowing you are one, that there's an unbreakable bond with the lovers here."
"They really see this connection as true soulmate love. It is my ultimate wish."
"They feel like you are a soul mate to them and they're wanting to communicate with you but there is this guarded energy because there's something going on in their personal life that they're not ready to speak about at this time."
"They feel like you are the one for them. You're meant to be together."
"I see a union here between you and your person."
"The King and Queen of Cups... there is a true acknowledgment of this connection and this love between the two of you."
"This does feel like a serious connection, possibly leading to a long-term commitment, a celebration of love."
"When you meet your future spouse, you're going to know that they are the one because everything is going to be unusual."
"Sometimes you're aware that people are very attracted to each other it's obvious the body language you know the touch of a hand or the way people look at each other it's about that connection it's about that bond it's about that warmth"
"There will be synchronicities that are blowing your mind when it comes to this person."
"I loved you since it said you're a match."
"Sometimes love, if it's a strong love and you're both feeling it, how can you deny that love between two people?"
"We found each other and we just locked onto each other."
"One single thread of gold tied me to you."
"There's love here, some sort of connection between two people."
"There's nothing more special than having that special connection, that romantic connection, that intimate connection with someone else."
"You guys are soulmates; there's a soulmate coming in."
"Love is for real and the chemistry is right."
"As soon as you guys touch, the souls both say 'mine'."
"You and Tianlang are in love; this is fate."
"This is a true soulmate connection right here."
"There's something here that you're meant to learn in this connection with this romantic interest."
"They feel like you're everything that they've been waiting for in a connection."
"The lovers, Gemini energy, this has to do with love."