
Treaty Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"The Treaty of Wedmore firmly established the idea throughout England that the kingdom of Wessex would not capitulate to the Viking incursions."
"We need to get a new Arms Control treaty... it literally means saving future generations of Americans."
"The Antarctic treaty restricts access to Antarctica, heralded as one of the most successful examples of International cooperation."
"Any attack on Philippine aircraft vessels... would invoke our mutual defense treaty."
"Constructive dialogue reopened and resulted in the INF Treaty which saw all intermediate-range missiles eliminated, which was huge."
"The Cape Town Convention, one of the most successful international treaties."
"The main goal of the treaty was to ban the use of nuclear weapons in space and thus maintain the security of the MAD doctrine."
"Keen to secure his power in Russia, in March Lenin reluctantly approved the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany and its allies, surrendering control of Poland, the Baltic states, Belarus, and Ukraine."
"We will honor this treaty and we will keep it sacred to our people."
"The treaty was to last 'as long as the river flows and the eagle flies.'"
"The signing of this treaty will usher in an era of unprecedented prosperity."
"As part of the treaty ending the Revolutionary War, much of the British colony of Quebec was made a part of the newly independent United States."
"We must end the race to create new nuclear weapons by signing a truly comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty this year."
"The two even signed a treaty reducing their nuclear stockpiles."
"They made a road along the Platte River to carry their people to California and Oregon. We signed a treaty promising to let these settlers pass and called their path the holy road for our promise to protect it."
"The government believes that this treaty is constitutional."
"No country that values its independence and indeed its self-respect could agree to a treaty which signed away our economic independence and self-government."
"Thus is our treaty written, thus is agreement made."
"The treaty thus endeavored to set up a system of peaceful coexistence between the men of Alfred and Guthrum."
"There's two previous systems that existed in European history, one from 1648 to the mid-1700s, with the Treaty of Westphalia, and that set up the international system, at the end of the Thirty Wears' War."
"The treaty was a living document meant to evolve as the partnership grew stronger."
"With the Waitangi Treaty, the Maori believed they’d reached an agreement with the British, whereby each would respect the other’s sovereignty over their respective lands and people."
"Under the Compact, the ten nations would remain sovereign however they would have a treaty binding them together for mutual defense."
"Despite this great Victory, Malgus was infuriated by the resulting Treaty of Coruscant, considering peace with the Jedi and the Republic unthinkable."
"The Federalists cheered the treaty while the Republicans were very critical of it."
"The treaty brought an official end to the so-called beaver wars."
"They signed the 1420 Treaty of Troyes, this treaty granted the French throne to soon fall to Henry V who would then rule both sides of the English Channel."
"The German people felt humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles."
"This treaty meant giving up more than two million acres of Georgia land."
"The treaty of Sycamore Shoals claimed a great amount of Cherokee land in the state of Kentucky."
"The outer space treaty establishes space as neutral territory."
"A treaty was signed in 1951 in San Francisco."
"The treaty that was entered into in 1840."
"He had just won another crushing victory against Austria at Wagram and imposed a humiliating peace treaty."
"Rwanda is a monist system, so a treaty entered into by the government of Rwanda is capable of being relied upon in their domestic courts."
"Montreal Protocol was signed on September 16th, 1987, to regulate the use and production of chemicals responsible for ozone layer depletion."
"We call on all member states to fully comply with their obligations under the outer space treaty and to see the opportunity and Achieve International commitment not to ever develop nuclear weapons or other WMD specifically designed to be placed in outer space."
"We urge all states to defend and promote universal accession to and implementation of the Outer Space Treaty."
"The 1967 Outer Space Treaty is the cornerstone of the existing international space order and has played a positive role in safeguarding the peaceful nature of outer space and regulating space behaviors."
"Which war was ended by the Treaty of Versailles? The First World War."
"This treaty has suspended all new claims, guarantees freedom for scientific exploration, and a ban of all military activity."
"The treaty of Adar... establishes the definitive borders of France for nearly a thousand years."
"Thus, the treaty between France and Britain was signed, and the Concorde project was born."
"The terms of the treaty are harsher than the Germans ever imagined."
"The Montreal Protocol international treaty sets out to ban the use of CFCs in most products by the year 2000."
"The Treaty of York established the border between England and Scotland down to the present day."
"The treaty of Tordesillas from 1494 agreed to divide the new world between Spain and Portugal."
"Well, the British government accepted the Declaration of Independence, and that set the scene for the Treaty."
"The resulting treaty in 1783 saw Great Britain remove its troops from American soil, recognize U.S Independence."
"Red Cloud had won; he had forced the United States to sign a peace treaty on his own terms."
"The Treaty of Waitangi... became a central document in New Zealand's history."
"The Washington Naval Treaty was so vital because by limiting both sides to equal displacements... it meant that neither side would possess the level of firepower and numerical advantage necessary to kind of think about kicking off a war."
"According to Article 227, Paragraph 16 of the Galactic Treaty of Laws, I am legally not a sentient being."
"It was a very important peace treaty and probably one of the very earliest, if not the earliest, peace treaty in the world."
"It's a remarkable achievement that more than half a century after Hiroshima, the treaty is signed."
"UNCLOS is now the most important treaty governing the uses of the oceans."
"The Treaty of Lausanne created the Republic of Turkey and Turkey finally had their independence."
"This treatment was in direct violation of our treaty made at Skeleton Canyon."
"What is the peace treaty going to look like in this situation?"
"The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1848 transferred control of more than 500,000 square miles of territory from Mexico to the United States."
"The victors of the first world war gathered to sign the treaty which would definitively end the conflict."
"The Antarctic treaty... means that the continent is reserved for peaceful use."
"The American Revolution ended with the 1783 Treaty of Paris."
"...you could have an innovative treaty body that would learn from some of the more recent experiences with field visits and more active engagement."
"A treaty shall be interpreted in good faith in accordance with the ordinary meaning given to the terms of the treaty in their context and in light of its objective purpose."
"The world does need a treaty on business and human rights."
"The Maastricht Treaty officially created the European Union and established its three pillars."
"We can raise awareness about the treaty and our government's obligations under the treaty."
"The United States and Soviet Union agree to the START I Treaty."
"On Christmas Eve 1814, the Treaty of Ghent was signed, bringing to an end the War of 1812."
"The Antarctic treaty was the upshot of that."
"The goal of the treaty is to end the competition and distrust that characterize the space race and usher in a new era of cooperation and partnership."
"...our generations and your generations will be bound by this treaty."
"The Treaty of Lisbon is the treaty which gave the foundations of the European Union its current form."
"I beg to differ, you must help me, the choice has been taken from you, for the terms of your treaty with the assembly are already broken."
"The treaty would be signed with steel and written in royal blood."
"The Treaty of Versailles ended World War One; this punished Germany severely."
"In accordance with the Treaty of the Reclamation, every five years a special set of rules would be incorporated into the Hunger Games."
"He really did fight the Hittites and he designed the first treaty, first peace treaty between the heavens and Asians."
"The Treaty of Versailles very much reflects the rejection of much of Wilson's fourteen points."
"The agreement of the Treaty of peace and friendship evolved which is the world's longest running treaty."
"To prevent such bloodshed, the government offered the tribes a Treaty of land rights, making certain areas off-limits to the trappers."
"With no time to waste, Inspector Fitzwilliam led a patrol south from Fort McPherson to Blackstone crossing with the precious treaty."
"Good news sir, the High Commissioner in person from Ottawa received and signed the Indian land treaty."
"We should try very hard to make sure that we get an international treaty against lethal autonomous weapons."