
Thematic Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"The childish joyfulness remains within the hearts of every single character."
"It's the closest thing we've got to a cops and robbers in the Mon."
"We have some cool posters here to really build out your sort of magic basement or sort of magic crafting area."
"It's pronounced scare, it's the scary island of scare."
"Life, love, and loss - themes that resonate long after the movie ends."
"The movie is age of Ultron it's like a family therapy session."
"It fits well with the idea of spooky Halloween stuff."
"The Northmen constantly accentuates its storytelling through visuals."
"The whole thing is designed around being a kind of pirate slash bandit, and I think they've absolutely managed to deliver that fantasy with these weapons."
"This is going to basically be what the entire set is centralized around."
"Hector's brave alt embodies the vigor and majesty of his character."
"Volcanoes, the Vatican, victories, and vendettas."
"This show seems to be 100% a political message."
"This is very Mad Max, I'm getting Mad Max vibes."
"I love the fact that it's like very trove themed and just feels generally very powerful for the Dino tamer right."
"The Sun shot seems to convey three things: astronomical change, leading into hell, and blood being spilled."
"Everything about it is really thematic though, I like that it's very thematic."
"These are incredible I love the theme of these."
"The ghost horse I made white giving it more ghosty vibes and the accents are dark gray making it even more spooky looking."
"Unity is gonna be the key theme on the planet."
"It really does tie together a lot of the loose ends and themes of the record."
"The story arc is always about what George has always said: Star Wars is about the dark and the light, selfishness and selflessness."
"That adventure horn, as I like to call it, very patriotic, exploratory, battle-oriented."
"The idea is that each season is a singular arc with its own themes and ideas."
"Spooky, sensual skeletons - it's getting extra spicy this year."
"This might just be one of the best executed themes in the series up until this point."
"In another video I slightly prefer the California version in which it would stick around as it makes vastly more sense."
"This ending is the embodiment of the meaning of Hyouka’s title."
"A Bacio's story is a microcosm of Part 5's overall message."
"Each champion's identity is defined by theme."
"South Park RPG is a good fit, with in-jokes and thematically appropriate humor."
"This is it, ready for it, a very grim Halloween special 2021."
"It's a good big statement piece that communicates the theme."
"Yellow helmet, yellow sunglasses, yellow shorts, yellow jersey, yellow bike."
"During the mission, you can pick up the fake samurai jacket."
"Each danger is accompanied by its unique theme that perfectly reflects the ongoing turmoil."
"It's a film about people, it's a film about purpose."
"...the flaws here are almost a joke, wildfire druid is so powerful..."
"Hammers are cool and they kind of convey judgment thematically."
"Let's talk about the record thematically. Let's get to the Holy Grail part of it."
"Highly recommend if you are a thematic role-playing type player."
"Thematically, the show is conveying that revenge is a cycle that is self-fulfilling, history repeating itself in different forms."
"I love that she referenced those themes again... it's just a great addition to the album."
"This dollhouse aesthetic is very central to the film, it's not just like a throwaway thing, it's kind of this thematic thing that ties the movie together."
"It would make a lot of thematic sense for Jaime to end up taking the Twins."
"Thematicaly this is the most absolutely perfect conclusion to the show that was possible."
"If that's the thematic of connecting One Piece's world, then that's gonna be a huge thematic in the One Piece world."
"Hunter Hunter as a series is surprisingly similar thematically structurally and tonally to Isaac Netto as a character."
"Sometimes an ambiguous ending can enhance the themes of the movie."
"All right, so this was your choice. This is your fault. We are going to try making an orange build which is Halloween themed."
"I love the American mythology thematic so I almost automatically love them when it does that."
"I wanted to do something that literally, you see it and you automatically think October 31st, baby. And this wig screams October 31st."
"This makes for all kinds of neat thematic story elements all throughout the ride."
"It is vitally important for a character to fit into the series that they're in thematically."
"I love horror that has a lot more to say and has a lot more themes other than just like here's a scary thing."
"Titles shine a spotlight on the heart of the novel, directing readers’ attention to an important element that thematically ties the story together."
"Not all of them are spooky but all of them are perfect for Halloween."
"I think it would have made so much more sense thematically for Eve to die rather than Villanelle."
"Plays into the album as a whole, cohesive and defining the apocalyptic world."
"This was an absolutely perfect finale, it fits the series to a T and the themes within it."
"I love a good theme I love a well thought out event."
"I feel like I'm actually allowed to talk about pumpkins, Halloween, and leaves now."
"Two of the most well-renowned speedsters and masters of Flying Thunder God being pitted head to head against each other just sounds so thematic."
"The Legend of Korra is a very thematically rich show."
"Every single little thing is an act in this ocean theme play called 'The Mollusk'."
"The series also seems to be in part a thematic exploration of history as a general field of study."
"It's about what's happening thematically through the production."
"I think 'Hereditary' is thematically one of the most frightening horror movies of all time because it's so nihilistic."
"...captures the feel Abel was going for perfectly"
"Soldier 76 versus Mr. Incredible, surprisingly one of the most thematic fights here."
"I really liked our characters I liked the wintry setting definitely if you are the type of person who likes to read certain books that give you certain Vibes seasonal Vibes during that season this is such a winter book."
"The double note of Love and War is to become the pervasive theme of Finnegan's Wake."
"The script handles its characters and themes so well."
"It's really fitting with the overall themes of the series."
"The themes really speak to me personally."
"It just kind of really flows with the overall theme of the story, which is Joel and Ellie's journey."
"Your memoir must be theme oriented, replete with stories from your life that buttress your theme."
"Castle Ravenloft is a really good adventure to run for Halloween."
"You can't have a dinosaur festival without an ominous archway."
"Despite how risky certain decisions were, to me thematically with this trilogy, it made sense."
"It's ballsy, it's unique, and thematically with the world that he has set up since Unbreakable, those decisions make sense."
"Scary Godmother manages to capture that image and that feeling that comes alongside the season."
"We have a buffalo plaid blanket because we're gonna try and dress little Daniel in something similar for more of a Christmasy tone type of photo."
"It's what you're looking for if you wanted the entire lavender experience."
"I have a white pressing of the White Album which perfectly goes with the theme."
"I always love winter themed dolls."
"The Revenge of Iris concludes in a striking fashion that perfectly complements the themes the trilogy has been developing."
"We are on a good path for the first chapter matching the overall vibes of the book."
"It sticks to its themes and does everything that it does not only competently but extremely well beyond that."
"It has a thematic heart which is extraordinary."
"They all fit the prerequisites of being medieval fantasy, blind archer, and chained."
"It fits both characters thematically, with Zoro fighting the god of war and Sanji fighting the god of love."
"Themes don't passively emerge from data; they're actively generated by the researcher in reflexive thematic analysis."
"Books about books, books related to books, books with authors as main characters."
"I'm so impressed when Oda picks a theme and really dives into it."
"I just love it when shows can string together musical themes between characters."
"That's thematically rich for Tyrion."
"The ultimate purpose of the protagonist is to serve as the primary character who will allow those themes to be made visible."
"The freaking bathrooms have underwater murals, play the underwater theme, and smell like the ocean."
"I think it really went with the theme because it really added the aluminum look here."
"A game pack adds new experiences to play with in new thematic ways."
"As always, Cyberpunk is about style, and like its predecessor game, style just drips from this book."
"I love how they have this store laid out with all of the boxes just like in the movie."
"In the end, you get a show that has incredible characters, engaging themes, and a satisfying ending."
"I feel like out of the five, this one is the best fit for the prompt of female rage."
"You don't have to present your themes depending on how strong they were or how many times they were discussed by your participants, but rather by how they contribute to your story."
"She's running through the look at this background castle, do you see in the distance? It's so much better now, it's all to theme."
"It's a beautiful thing to make things thematic and work on a record, work on an album where the whole thing is interwoven, it's interconnected."
"I think it handles a lot of these themes incredibly well."
"This is a righteous set that does justice to the theme."
"Despite being one of the strangest, silliest, and most over-the-top anime I've ever seen, Studio Trigger's Kill la Kill is simultaneously one of the richest in terms of themes."
"You have an amazing look at basically Chancellor Palpatine's office on a Venator."
"The theme was about books and games."
"I liked the theme; I thought the music is actually like extremely catchy."
"I'm like completely a sucker for Halloween themes."
"This album features an array of characters either experiencing or being dragged down to Hell."
"Every stage is like a theme, that's pretty key."
"These usually coincide with an awesome theme or is a clever play on words."
"Organic unity is a fancy way of saying that works with multiple movements were tied together with a recurring melody or theme."
"Maggie saves Moe, Moe saves Maggie. It's the oldest thematic trick in the book, and they pull it off really well here."
"Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai is a pure samurai film at heart."
"A symmetrical story within a certain theme is more important to me than just this is a great character."
"This is Ultra Violence, this is the song, this is the album, this is what's gonna encompass everything that this album is."
"It's rare that you would have something so thematically epic in something so personal."
"It actually plays into the overall theme of the album."
"It fits into the album's concept which is finding the light within himself."
"The Song of Ice and Fire is a much bigger, more thematic reference than just one theory."
"If it's creepy, I'm trying to put it together now."
"The whole theme of the album is good versus evil, Heaven versus hell, all that sort of thing."
"It feels so perfect in the thematic sense of it."
"I love the fact that all of these features were rapping or singing in line with the theme."
"It's thematic for what it is; it really does feel like you're a bunch of superheroes stopping villains from running through the city."
"It doesn't get more thematic than that, put it on your wall as a piece of art."
"When you look at the room, you see, you know, that it's a sewing workshop; that's the whole point."
"I am become Christmas is an album centered around Christmas, surprising I know, and is my favorite EP Neil's made."
"These are going to work really, really well with work that has an autumnal theme."
"It's Bambi with the little butterfly on his tail and then little flowers underneath, it's a really nice design."
"It really kind of sets the tone for the rest of the album."
"I feel like the theming and the characterization in the designs is so on point."
"I think that this actually gets a lot of points for fitting well into the universe."
"I'm so glad the show has different versions of helmets, different variations on the same theme, the different helmets do different things."
"It really fits the whole vibe of this arc."
"Everything's got a show and a storyline to it."
"He kind of has one theme for a show and then just messes with it for like every song."
"It matches the tone and the period so perfectly."
"It's giving Disney villain Mardi Gras voodoo vibes."
"Thematic will let you easily apply those settings to your plots to make everything look really nice and cohesive."
"I love the styling of it, like a sort of '50s type styling, isn't it?"
"Iceberg slush, Penny the penguin will feel right at home."
"The book of Revelation is not organized chronologically, but thematically."
"We have a little spooky, witchy, October-ish spin this time around."
"I think these covers are so cool, they go with the vibe of the series so much."
"It was a great way of kind of bringing around all of the topics of Walking Dead that are quite key."
"It's a very thematic experience, isn't it really, I really enjoyed that again for a family attraction with some good scares as well."
"It's got that nice woodsy kind of classic Salem witch vibe going on."
"Steven Universe Future was more thematically cohesive."
"The Magician's Daughter is in my opinion rather cozy, but also there are some things about it that I think thematically are kind of heavy."
"I want an Australian feel to the room to match him with the bar area."
"It just gives me the feeling of lightning and electricity, and it fits Jay really well."
"Usually the best opportunities are thematic, where you find one area that can be a really big opportunity for many years."
"The Midnight Library is a wonderful thematic journey."
"That's so cool, atmospheric, thematic."
"Her themes of loneliness and living a life of solitude really do crop up in this book."
"This dress speaks to the album. We have the starry night, that midnight color."
"I literally did not care how the series ended so long as it made sense thematically."
"It's such an immersive area, it's got so much going about it."
"Everything about Intrigue just fits, and it creates a more moody and atmospheric feel."
"Often described as Downton Abbey in a box, this game delivers on that premise."
"I think this game is an absolute blast. It's thrilling, chaotic, very very thematic."
"The rolling of the dice to spawn the fire is chaotic, but I think in this case, it works well and it's thematic."
"Pumpkins, your soul is requested, Halloween Horror Nights 2017, that's cool, that is really cool."
"It adds so much character to the world and really gives you that Wild West flavor."
"It's just part of it, it's just a great show, it's a simple show but frankly thematic for years now."
"The decisions you make in this game are driven by the same sort of thematic drives and tensions that you would feel if you were truly an explorer."
"The game touches upon themes of death and explores them through the stories and people you meet as you play the game."
"This series also says a lot about grief, obviously you're dealing with older characters and aging."
"The theme of the fragrance is like a library of emotions."
"This is actually a very thematically grounded game where everything makes nice solid sense."
"I love how all the music is note blocks, it's very thematically fitting."
"I actually like the execution on this and I like the theme."
"You categorize your data into broad themes, you make some meaning of these themes, building an interpretation."
"I love when books have greater themes that then have a romance inside of the greater theme."
"Since the cafe's main product for sale is coffee, you should use an image of coffee beans for the background of the page."
"It seems like the perfect book for Halloween."
"If you like Dark Souls' theme, that's what this exudes, and they nail it perfectly."
"Visually speaking, it is definitely hitting all the right notes for what this season is going to be about."
"Celestial Park is its own wholly original land built to connect those four worlds and bring them together thematically."
"Dark academia... back to school, you know, fall, it works so well together."
"The thematic crafts that spark creativity."
"I'm going to try to crash them together a little bit today because I want to use them to talk about some interesting thematic issues that I think they share."
"It just feels appropriate to the actual event."
"It's always theme appropriate here at Disney, and we love that."
"I think this is sort of a Valentine's Day like painting to me."
"This seems like it would be perfect to read during fall time or spooky season."
"Themed makeup is a huge thing; it's been a huge trend."
"I'm getting kind of oceanic vibes from this look."
"Everything in this game is very thematically grounded."
"I think it fits the theme well, it's very Valentine's Day and very cute."
"This part is a very similar color to his bed in the theme of his room."
"This book is a book about books, and it is just really beautiful."