
Database Design Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"A model is a single definitive source of information about your data contains the essential fields and behaviors of the data you're storing."
"Building ERDs is a great way to conceptualize and visualize before you've actually built your database."
"Embedded or separate? The primary question for document databases."
"A database model will determine exactly how you want your data to look and interact with other data."
"How you store your data how the data actually sits in your database makes a big difference... there's a lot of different things that go into Data modeling and creating a good data architecture."
"Primary keys are used to define unique entities in your tables."
"Duplication is a sign that the data should be in its own table."
"Whenever you are creating a database design, it's very important to consider that the data in the database be just that data."
"That's a great question, one of the cases where you're trying to decide between using a model as embedding the comments inside the book versus having the comments in an external collection."
"The primary key is the minimum number of columns that you need to uniquely identify a record."
"Let's remember, in databases, simplicity is often the ultimate sophistication."
"A critical point to remember here is that in order to qualify as being in second normal form, a table must first meet all of the criteria of first normal form, and then it must meet an additional criterion."
"Next, let's consider a type of intersection table known as an associative table, or an associative entity."
"There's gonna be three kinds of relationships that your data can have between each other."
"This is all I have to talk about how to design a large-scale database system."
"Joining tables together allows for more comprehensive data retrieval."
"Data model must contain necessary data for the end solution."
"Star schema data model: easier to use and allows faster queries."
"So let's first of all talk about what is a date table."
"Understanding how dimensional modeling builds connections will help you understand database design as a BI professional."
"Leverage data model templates provided by ArcGIS to ensure a solid starting point for your geo database design."
"Whenever you have the choice between anything else and a star schema, in my personal experience, a star schema always wins. Enjoy star schemas."
"Design your MongoDB schema based on what your application needs."
"...so I'm just gonna use one table for this entity. However, this is not really how you know the big companies do that type of thing."
"One challenge with DynamoDB, one impediment perhaps, is that you really have to think out ahead of time how your application is going to be used and how you are going to query your database because those decisions are going to go into the structure of your database itself."
"Ralph never snowflakes. He might use outriggers, he might use bridge tables, he might use a couple of other things, but he never ever snowflakes."
"When you're planning your tables, think of what you want to name the table as well as what fields are going to be in the table."
"What problem did I just solve? To solve a many-to-many relationship, form bridging table and connection in between."
"Many times this indicates that you are missing an index on one of the foreign relationships between your tables."
"So in this case, we would create a second index over the email address."
"How you design your schema is very very dependent on how your queries are going to look like."
"We're going to create a recursive CTE... this is going to allow us to write a subquery in here to generate a temporary table."
"Put a list on both sides of the relationship, and Entity Framework Core 5.0 is perfectly capable of creating the intermediate table for you."
"The more planning you do ahead of time, the easier the job of building the database will be later on."
"The primary key is that one unique value that each table has that lets you uniquely identify each record."
"Every item needs to be uniquely identified by that primary key."
"What were the goals that the DynamoDB creators were aiming for?"
"We're optimized for an insert only, append only real workload."
"Unique constraints create a unique index for you in the background."
"We want our database to represent whatever the thing in the real world is like, logically correct."
"There's three types of relationship, one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many."
"The real power of MongoDB is it doesn't have any schema."
"Our goal here isn't necessarily to have a large count of tables, but to have a small logical number of entities in your database."
"The star schema has a simple design which can make querying easier."
"Using a UUID version that supports ordering can mitigate some of the performance and storage impacts."
"The snowflake schema is more complex and there are more tables to work with, however, this also makes it more flexible."
"Whenever you're creating an application in Bubble, take the time to sit down and think hard about what are the things or the entities that users are going to need to create in your database."
"Bubble allows you to create completely relational databases, which in simple terms just means that you can in fact link different data types together."
"Primary keys allow every sort of row in our database to have a unique ID."
"One of the points of Datomic is to close the loop on this to actually make a database that behaves in the way that paper talks about."
"The advantage of the row storage approach is it's great for inserts, updates, and deletes."
"We've avoided all duplication. We've normalized the data, so to speak, by factoring out any duplications."
"The whole purpose of the relational model... is that we're allowing the user to specify the answer that they want but not necessarily how to compute it."
"There is two way of data modeling we can do it one is Task schema other one is the snowflake schema."
"MongoDB's notion of documents that can contain subdocuments nested in complex hierarchies is really expressive and flexible."
"With VLOOKUP and IFERROR, we can build a really nice-looking database."
"Let's start off by creating a state table."
"Establish the purpose of your application, create separate tables for each of your entities."
"The logical level can be thought of as a set of tables that contain the data stored in the database."
"What the data is going to look like is going to have a very important impact or influence on how we're going to design the rest of the database system."
"You have this hash function or range function that allows you to divide up the database into disjoint subsets."
"Create also the relationship between the team and the Departments."
"Bubble not only allows you to create your own custom database but it allows you to design the interface of your app."
"The beauty of the ER model is it captures all the information and maintains the links between the various data points."
"So when designing a database column that you know is going to contain a word or a sentence or even a paragraph, you can tell the database, hey, database, make this column this many characters wide."
"But if you're not sure, as might often be the case, you can instead use varchar for variable length character strings, which is to say you specify only an upper bound."
"Design a schema that does not suffer insert, modify, delete anomalies."
"Sometimes it might make more sense to have a different identifier for each row."
"A well-designed database will be simpler to maintain and to adapt later on if your requirements alter."
"Each watch list can only have one movie, so in that sense we want to generate a one to many relationship."
"Normalization is king. If it's normalized, it's good."
"We actually don't have a way to store comments in the database."
"We also need to think about our business requirements when we're building a database."
"This is how I specify the primary key for this table."
"Cardinality is very important to understand when you talk about tables."
"The first step to creating your database is to plan out all the tables you'll want and the fields each one should contain."
"It is much more time-consuming and difficult to change a database structure once it has been established, than to make it exactly how you want in the first place."
"A primary key can be thought of as a unique key."
"We're going to need these functional dependencies to actually determine whether our database design is correct."
"The goal of this week is for us to understand and reason about what it means to have a good database schema, good database design."
"This is called decomposition, and this decomposition of that original relation I showed you before is better."
"Normalization is primarily about the elimination of redundant data to save space and to safeguard the integrity of the database."
"It is usually easier to extend a normalized database because it is easier to understand and changes have a more clearly identifiable impact."
"With Apache Cassandra, the way you build the application is very, very different."
"We're defining a variable called user schema and we're putting our new Mongoose schema."
"Now, today, we'll take a step forward. And we'll talk about how to put you in the driver's seat, designing your very own database schemas to organize your data."
"One to many relationship is a way to structure your database table to represent a scenario where a single record in one table can be linked to multiple records in another table."
"Design a database to help Criminal Seafood maintain its wait lists, supporting the following operations each in constant time."
"A content management system lets us set up a database, a collection of information like client projects, or blog posts, or menu items, but after we get all that information into a database we can design with it, visually."
"Star schema is just a way of organizing our data."
"This part of the series is going to focus on basic table design, choosing data types, and adding basic column constraints."
"A general good practice guideline for designing good database tables is to break your information down into sensible smaller units of data."
"What helps to understand the relationships in a database is to draw a database diagram."
"Each studio exists once as a single entity but can appear many times in the film table because each studio can produce many films."
"Database design is how we make sure that our database can be trusted to be the source of truth."
"A primary key is really just the key that we all agree to use most of the time."
"Assigning primary keys and identity columns to these multiple tables so we have a way to uniquely identify every single row in a table."
"That's the ultimate aim of relational database design."
"Building your database is trying to guess what your needs of the future are going to be, so you want to keep things flexible."
"Using the ER diagram and using the cardinality constraints we can provide a more specific definition of the database."
"DynamoDB is schema-less, that's because we heard from all of you that you don't want to deal with migrating your database schema and coordinating that deployment with deploying new code to your application."
"Good database design is important."
"The primary key of The Borrowed by relationship can be the primary key of book and its attribute date of issue will uniquely give you the user."
"Keep it simple, really, just wanted to show how you know if you think of data like a spreadsheet with rows of data very easy to model that data in a database."
"A junction object is a custom object that you build for the purpose of relating two main objects."
"The upside of using a numeric identifier like an int that just auto increments would be, it's a little more efficient because you just search on a 32 or 64-bit value rather than some arbitrary length varchar'."
"Normalization generally flows naturally from proper separation of data."
"Avoid EAV schemas; they're nightmares to join and report on."
"Use natural keys whenever possible, keys that evolve out of the nature of the data."