
Viewer-feedback Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Let me know if you enjoyed this video if you learned something new about the behind the scenes of how lavendaire runs."
"I love your page so much. Your videos are so genuine and so fun to watch."
"I certainly look forward to hearing your thoughts in the discussion below."
"It sucks because like all the comments are just like 'oh my God this is amazingly do more stuff like this' but then like the views are down."
"If you're enjoying my videos, you can let me know by giving me a big thumbs up."
"Just keep doing more of what you did with Season 2."
"Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below."
"I really hope you enjoyed this video if you did like this video please give me a thumbs up."
"Smash the like button... let me know that you're enjoying this."
"What really keeps me going the most is the feedback we get from our viewers."
"I'm always looking for feedback to improve these videos."
"Unanimously or mostly unanimously, it was like people want to see longer videos."
"Please stick around for that and let me know if you guys like this video or not."
"I'm really just really excited to see what everybody thinks about the product when this video drops."
"I'd greatly appreciate if you could hit the like button and let me know your thoughts down below."
"Thank you for posting the videos you do. That is a good message right there."
"Price and Rick play 'Played Up'... if you guys are liking this, let us know down in those comments."
"One of our viewers had a great response: 'Well, we jumped from Shazam to the Joker.'"
"If you like my finger splint you better let me know I will see y'all at the next video."
"Whether you've liked them all and watched them all, left comments on them all, or you're just wondering why the f**k this was in your recommended, thank you."
"Let me know how you feel about this whole series."
"I love seeing all these comments and interactions from our viewers."
"Hey man, love the channel. Bought and completed Ghost of Tsushima because of you."
"Let me know what you thought, appreciate you guys."
"It seems that it doesn't matter what content that I put up right now, there's without fail many multiple comments, 'Yeah, that's all very nice dude, but where's the TV?'"
"I appreciate your videos so much... they're fantastic..."
"I read all of the comments you leave on my videos and I use them as inspiration for future videos."
"We're glad that we can be that for you." - Lauren Todd
"Hopefully you guys enjoyed the video. If you did, let me know with a like, but only if you enjoy the content."
"After releasing the video it was one of the biggest sentiments in the comments so I looked into it and from afar its visually very impressive."
"I hope you enjoyed it, if you did I'd really appreciate it."
"Real quick, I wanted to tell y'all, uh, thank you so much for all the feedback and the comments on the last video."
"How did you guys feel about the gameplay edit? They're not too bad, it's good for a YouTube video."
"If you guys like this style video, definitely let me know because we could do stuff like this in the future as well."
"Yeah, I kind of wish the expressions were a little more animated. Like they all seem pretty unenthused. You know what I mean?"
"Thank you for watching the video and reacting positively."
"We're feeling like hey, I could have used another 20-30 minutes."
"I've been noticing a lot of people have been commenting down below about Lucy."
"I hope you enjoyed, let me know in the comments if you did. Let me know if you want me to do more of these kind of head-to-head matchups."
"Hopefully you guys enjoyed the video let us know in the comments below which gadget was your favorite trust which one is your favorite."
"If you have any comments or questions leave me one down below I love hearing from you guys."
"Good show! This is becoming the go-to show for weekly Alberta news." - Viewer comment
"Hopefully, that means you enjoyed the video, found it helpful, or at least liked me or something along those lines."
"I just want to know from you guys because very soon I'm going to start doing other types of videos and I just want to know how much you guys want to see that."
"You guys really enjoyed the last video where it was more of a commentary instead of a Minecraft."
"You're not going to read these super chats out yeah so obviously think about it you know what I'm saying in these things you question if."
"I hope you're enjoying this series. Let me know what you're thinking about the series so far."
"If you've enjoyed it, let me know, smash the hell out of that like button."
"I've watched hundreds of your videos. They're so interesting."
"As ever, your feedback is massively appreciated... thank you so much for watching."
"I still look forward to your knowledgeable videos." - Kathy
"I'll do my best to answer as many questions as possible and make dedicated videos based on your feedback."
"Viewers are saying incredible success stories."
"Loads of you have already been commenting back saying you found the code really useful."
"Let me know in the comments below what you think," the narrator encouraged viewer feedback for future content decisions.
"I know a lot of people said that they do like longer good good videos so there you guys long."
"If you'd like to see a dedicated video specifically on the anime so far, talking about my concerns for the production as well as my overall take on its quality, please let me know in the comment section."
"Thank you very much for watching, hope you enjoy and please tell me in the comment section how you felt."
"Encouraging viewer interaction by asking for feedback and suggestions for future videos."
"I really appreciate you supporting the channel by buying merch as well as giving me really great feedback on the videos you've watched."
"Comments are important because it allows people to engage and interact with the person who created the video."
"I'd love to know what you think of this video."
"Let me know in the comments if you want more videos of this type of tutorial."