
Formatting Quotes

There are 227 quotes

"Every Harbinger is listed in the exact same format, except for Piero."
"I always format on the camera to get a very clean starting point."
"Music" (used as a separator between sections).
"Let's just remember that's a short way to do a line break to put a line break in text so that works."
"I really like how they're uh formatting that."
"I'm probably gonna play with the formatting a little bit, figure out what is gonna work."
"If you ever want to paste text without the formatting, you can simply press control shift V."
"We use a custom number format: day day month month month."
"Alright, we're ready to do the conditional formatting."
"I use Adobe InDesign to format books."
"Adobe InDesign is no exception and I think it makes formatting books a total game changer."
"It's very easy to be consistent for your formatting using Adobe InDesign."
"How can you make thin text bold? Let me show you."
"Let's come up with some tools that you can use to create formats that strategically highlight your client's best information."
"We've now got a formatted Virtual Drive."
"So you can either hire a formatter or you can learn to do it yourself."
"This formatting master class is everything I've learned, every valuable lesson on formatting put together in such a way that is easy to follow, no nonsense, and will save you from ripping your hair out, which is always a bonus."
"...consider trying to make your book smaller to save money for your reader."
"Knowing how to put an image in your book can help you put in simple things like your title page or your author photo."
"This is where formatting finally gets to pull from all of your creative genes and we get to do something a little more exciting."
"It just gives the message a little bit more visual interest to use those formatting options."
"...camelcase capitalize the first letter of each word no spaces because you'll end up with % 20s which take up three characters instead of what you expected one and no special characters."
"Changing font size and line spacing can significantly reduce the number of pages."
"A PDF is the preferred format for print-on-demand companies, improving print quality."
"The whole title page should be single spaced but you can put spaces between the different sections."
"How can I make the sections have different headers and footers from each other?"
"Click to put your cursor in that heading 1 style right there in the bebop era. This will make it easier to see changes when we start changing our theme."
"...page breaks and section breaks are very important, especially if you're going to be converting your book into Kindle format for an e-reader."
"Manual tabs or using the space bar to try to indent the first line of a new paragraph is one of the most consistent and biggest problems that I come across."
"You only want one h1 per page and this should be an outline much like you would have an outline for an essay or any type of paper topic you would write."
"I want the text to look like this January through April with January in the bottom April on the top so we centered it left to right and top to bottom."
"So when I click this, it's going to put one underline underneath that paragraph. But if I wanted to change that or maybe have a double underline or even a dotted underline, I have those options in this drop down as well."
"It's rather useful to set cell styles that you want and then at the very end, pick a theme that you want."
"What if I have lots of formatting that I need to apply? Well, I can double-click Format Painter, and that means that I can use it multiple times."
"One misconception with pivot tables is that when you want to format your numbers or your values, the misconception is that you can simply go in maybe select them all and change the formatting."
"All the column names have been changed to the format that we wanted."
"Remember to add alpha characters in the address."
"And so there's my blank lines on the top, there's my title page which is three inches down, and then there's the rest of page one."
"Block-level elements will always force a new line of content."
"Inline elements are for when you don't want a new line of text."
"Let's select this right click format painter just once click on amount."
"I like to have the phone number look like parentheses around the area code and then a space and then the three-digit sort of prefix and then a hyphen and then the four-digit ending."
"So in other words, if I were to hit Return here, type some more text and make that body, it would automatically restart in the following paragraph."
"Now that we've done a little tour of that, I think it'd be cool to figure out some formatting options for our messages when creating new emails."
"Now the very first one that I like to use is when I have certain text that I want to make stand out, I'll try to increase the font size because bigger means important, and I like to use a keyboard shortcut for that."
"Writing is 90% psychology and 10% formatting."
"If I choose 'Align Left', it's going to move the blue circle to the left and put it in line with the green circle."
"You want to make sure that you're formatting your blog post in a way that makes it easy to read for people to see if they want to continue reading."
"Gofmt showed it could be done well and today pretty much every language worth using has a standard format."
"One of the main ones that a lot of people love and use to format both ebooks and paperbacks is called Vellum."
"So the book will be just shy of A4, so I'm just going to check the actual settings."
"If only there was some easier way to format our output."
"Styles are a really powerful and really quite an integral part of Microsoft Word these days."
"So this is with an Excel file that the data was already formatted as a table."
"A macro is not just about assigning or adding string values to cells we can apply formatting as well."
"Use styles to apply everywhere. It brings forth professionalism in the document."
"The most obvious extra formatting that you will see in novels is that decorative, gorgeous header."
"When you are sending email notifications, when you're sending tasks do reminders, you would like your dates to be formatted right."
"I use this gorgeous template that has built-in formatting already set up and I highly, highly recommend it."
"You can apply multiple pieces of conditional formatting to the same data set."
"Bullets and numbered lists allow us to add some structure to our document."
"Indentation Works in word as I mentioned we are going to come back to this when we cover sections a bit later on."
"Tabs or tab stops are a great way to define the layout of your document."
"Using themes is a really quick way just to update the look and feel of your document."
"To format a section of a Pivot Table, such as sub-totals, columns, or unique row entries, then you need to go into your Pivot Table tools tab on the options in the actions group, under select, you're gonna make sure that enable selection, let's tick."
"The top and bottom rules in conditional formatting are a great feature and your data really does stand out."
"Formatting is just as important as the content itself."
"Add some spacing between those columns."
"You can bold, italicize, add links, and you have many other formatting options down here in this dropdown."
"Format cells to make them look visually appealing."
"You want to check the formatting and style rules of your target journal."
"Then you can either select best for electronic distribution or best for printing depending on what you want to do with this document."
"The copy style and paste style is a really helpful feature if you're changing a font or something similar across multiple slides because you can just set your first slide to it, and then paste the style."
"Using the format painter across images shapes text icons multiple objects all that cool stuff."
"I think you're one of the best like the way you format things."
"Reveal formatting allows you to see what font, alignment, and indentation are being used."
"Even if you're going through 20 or 30 pages, you may not want to go through that. That's where styles are more beneficial."
"That's the major benefit of using styles, a combination of formats."
"Another side note, you probably noticed you can change text color over here in the format pane as well."
"Now you just created a paragraph style or a character style right here in your document."
"Control 1 will open the format pane."
"Conditional formatting is a simple way of doing that."
"Every single list item here is formatted in the exact same way so number one, two, three, four, five and you just kind of build this in as a process."
"Your resume should not have errant spaces, extra tabs, or formatting issues."
"Formatting is one of the most overlooked aspects of PhD research proposal writing."
"Prettier is an opinionated code formatter."
"By using Page Break, you have full control of where one page ends and another page starts."
"The importance of delimiter or a separator is essential because you would need to pick the format of how the source file is structured when you're importing the data."
"Markdown is basically plain text except that you can format it using various special characters."
"That's going to give you the date time and it's in set hours, minutes, and seconds in that format."
"That's why I'm a big fan of bolding and italicizing and stuff."
"Learn how to import the copy that you will use in your tables and then how to format and refine them."
"How you can create data tables and how you can make your data readable using conditional formatting."
"Atticus is aiming to be a One-Stop shop for writing, formatting, and soon everything in between."
"Just make sure that your chapter names are in header one or size 20 or bigger, and if you have a section break, just use three asterisks."
"The rich text one will allow people to enter information into the form and also utilize formatting tools."
"We also have access to linting and formatting tools."
"If you want to look into auto formatting at all, I'd heavily recommend JuliaFormatter.jl as your formatter."
"All references follow either an italic title or an italic source formatting pattern."
"Styles and formatting are what makes an attractive document."
"If you want to create an H1, the largest possible heading, you would put one pound symbol followed by some text."
"If you want to create a link, you put what you want your link to say inside of square brackets."
"Lists are really great because you can do unordered, ordered, any type of nesting you want."
"Use format to create our strings."
"One of the best ways to professionally format the data is to uniquely identify column headers."
"The metadata lines start with two pound symbols and describe the format and content of the VCF file."
"If you create smaller tables in Microsoft Word, you can add text in between the tables, which enhances the design."
"Row banding causes adjacent rows to have different formatting so that each row in the table is distinguished from surrounding rows."
"You want your grammar to be accurate and your formatting to be clear."
"It's much easier for the reader to follow the mathematics if you line up your equal signs."
"HTML tags are used for placing the elements in a proper and appropriate format."
"The easiest way to format your document is with this formatting toolbar."
"Google automatically updates the spacing for you."
"Formatted successfully; your drone, the SD card, is now ready to save your videos."
"Don't worry about formatting yourself, let the tools take care of it."
"What used to take days sometimes formatting, you can do in, well, usually hours. You can do a pretty big book pretty quickly."
"It was honestly a lifesaver for formatting 'Whispers of Shadow and Starlight'."
"There's this awesome function called text in Power Apps, and you can use it to format numbers and dates into the format that you want to see it."
"We've got a really rich robust capability to format what we see and to format what we print if we make the right choices."
"This is the most polished, precise, professional method you could use because really you can create anything that you want in Microsoft Word in terms of the formatting."
"It's one of the most popular ways to format texts for blog posts, documentation, even in things like note-taking apps."
"We can italicize text by adding a star or asterisk before and after the text that we want to italicize."
"We can add bold text by adding two stars to the beginning and end of the text that we want to bold."
"Accounting number format lines up the decimals."
"We're going to set all of the margins to one to try and get as much space as possible to get content into our document."
"We're going to make them bold, click center and bold."
"This is using string interpolation and it's formatting this price in a currency format."
"Headers are done with varying levels of hashtags or octothorpes depending on what terminology you want to use."
"Both the asterisk and the underscore work for italic, and then for bold if they're doubled."
"Adding images... this is exactly the same way that we could do this with a wiki link."
"Or you can use a Markdown link with the square brackets and the parens."
"The rule of thumb is to put each new attribute to the new line."
"He also provides background on the origins of his very popular uncompromising code formatter, Black."
"It will make it where we can actually see the information in an easier to read format."
"What makes this really cool is that it makes formatting really easy, you can do a lot of different custom shapes for your Zine and you can distribute it very very easily."
"So there you go, this is all you need to know if you want to format files for print in Procreate."
"Formatting is very useful for taking values that you have that aren't strings and then plugging them into a string using a template syntax."
"It's a family of transformation languages which allows one to describe how files encoded in the XML standard are to be formatted or transformed."
"Make it more readable by using line breaks and emojis."
"Be consistent. Format all code of a project in the same way; let all team members use the same formatting styles."
"Everything you need to know, including margins, font settings, line spacing, headings, referencing, and much, much more."
"The correct answer is Conditional Format because it allows you to automatically apply formatting, such as colors, icons, and data bars to one or more cells based on the cell value."
"The correct answer is B: 4 M's dash YY, all other choices are designed to trick you."
"Keep in mind that pound sign is a digit placeholder that represents optional digits and does not display extra zeros."
"The title always there up there by default in bold font and in the center."
"We will cover various methods, for example, how to send regular text emails, how to format emails with HTML."
"This is key formatting and paragraphing is the very first thing we want to make sure we get under control."
"We support markdown to add bold, italics, lists, and more."
"Sometimes you have data and you need to remove extra spaces. Extra spaces are any spaces except for a single space between words."
"APA style involves being very precise with how you format things."
"Keep it clean, simple, and easy to read with consistent formatting."
"That was a lot of fun with conditional formatting."
"This mono space clever links is just going to make it so that when you have links within your documentation, it'll have a mono space font."
"It's easier to read when each column is on a different line."
"By inserting a page break from the page layout breaks next page, I am separating chapters completely."
"The precision property specifies how many decimal places to show after the value."
"Use elements to your benefit: underlining, bolding, using italicized text, and bullet points."
"You're going to be learning about date and time formatting."
"Markdown lets you document your project and add some formatting, simple things like links and other assets."
"Use formatting to your advantage; headings, bullet points, bolding, and color can make it a lot easier to read."
"Our goal here is to reformat this and make it look professional."
"You have five different levels under APA seventh edition."
"Align environment is very easy to use and very intuitive."
"Embeds are really cool... it's like a little card that you send in the channel."
"Rome supports markdown, letting you not only emphasize your text but highlight it, add code blocks, include images, and more."
"The finished document was clear, well laid out, and consistently formatted."
"Custom number formatting is important in functions like the text function and for creating labels with concatenation and true/false formulas."
"That's custom number formatting and formulas using the text function and custom number formatting."
"What we want to do is actually format our data."
"Format the numerical data in the net and gross sales columns to the accounting style."
"Rich Text allows us to specify some additional formatting values within the text itself."
"Include the right script; dates, numbers, currencies, they'll all get formatted correctly for you automatically."