
Programming Tutorial Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Welcome to JavaScript 101, over the next few minutes you'll learn 101 different things you need to know about JavaScript."
"I hope you feel like you've got a good idea of how to use the threading module and how we can use this to speed up our scripts."
"There's a whole bunch of different really cool things we can do with all those different guys as we'll see as this tutorial continues."
"So let's start building our React app and understand how we use TypeScript with React, state react, hooks, props, etc."
"You're going to have a good project that you can show after this video."
"Hopefully this showed you kind of how to structure a program."
"We've written some fairly complex queries, but next I want to show you how you can write just about any query with ease."
"Welcome to my Kotlin video tutorial covering what you would find in a standard 250-300 page book on Kotlin."
"Python installed? Let's dive into this fun project."
"Let's draw the player ship, a nice demonstration of just how simple we can do things using the pixel game engine."
"You literally read it like plain English: you write the keyword if, so if you write some condition here and then if that condition is true, you go ahead and you do whatever is in this block."
"I pretty much just taught you more than enough to get going with basic Lua scripting. You know what I consider to be the three basic data types: string, number, boolean."
"You can make a game in basically anything, as long as you understand the logic of player input, positioning, and drawing elements."
"I wanted this to just be kind of an introduction to data scraping so that if there is data you want to get and use in some way but there's no API, you have a way to do it yourself."
"So what I'm going to do here is just today the basics of how to create a database from scratch using code."
"Let's take it step by step to make sure we really understand the code."
"I'm going to show you how to make a pong game."
"We're going to be learning how to take an image, a PNG, a JPEG, a bitmap, and how to convert it into a CPP or C++ byte array code that will tell us exactly what each pixel color needs to be."
"Thanks for tuning back in; today we're going to be taking a look at how to construct a RESTful API with CRUD functionality in depth."
"You can dynamically change the value and based on the max value, this progress bar will keep changing."
"Hi, my name is Zac and in this video, I am going to show you how you can convert a CSV file into an interactive map using Python and Streamlit library."
"In this one, we're going to be building a modern micro eCommerce web application using Python, Django, Tailwind CSS, Flowbite, serverless Postgres."
"Let's get into the video and learn how to build a live chat room application using Flask, Flask Socket IO, and Python."
"Okay, that was fun. We created our first module and in the process covered the general module syntax and use cases as well."
"This is a good one for beginners."
"Everyone welcome back to another Swift tutorial."
"This is just how easy it is to create your very first React component from scratch."
"Now let's have a look at how we can set custom variables."
"Let's get into it and build a full functioning client."
"In this tutorial, we're going to build a drawing app using canvas in HTML and JavaScript."
"Hello friends, welcome. In this video, I'm going to create a Laravel REST API."
"I want my user to enter two numbers and also operation sign, and then depending on those two numbers and that operation, we want to calculate the result and then write that result to our user."
"Welcome back to another quick flut tutorial, in this one I'm going to teach you how to create a minimal social media app."
"I hope that this tutorial provides you the basics of how to create a Windows service using C# and Visual Studio."
"Without wasting time, let's get started. We are creating a Flutter e-commerce application."
"We're going to continue with more NestJS related stuff, such as setting up post requests, setting up requests and responses."
"You can basically make anything follow, and this is just, I'm just going to show you how to do this with the combination of JavaScript and CSS transitions."
"In today's video, I'm going to show you how you can build this modern looking interface with Python."
"Let's hop into our code editors and let me show you how I created this."
"This is officially how you write a game in Sparky."
"I hope you learned something. Now don't forget that we are going to be converting this app over to React in an upcoming video."
"Hello everybody and welcome to another video in this Django and React tutorial series."
"The Flask Mega Tutorial starts friendly for beginners; it doesn't stay at the beginner level all the way through the end."
"Let's start off by actually creating the comments API."
"In this video, I'm going to show you how to read simple PDF files with Kinter and Python."
"In the next video, we're going to tackle how to handle errors."
"Okay, so let's look at the code for that just real quickly, and then things will become more interesting afterwards, right?"
"Let's test in this video we are going to learn how to read the data from excel, convert that into json and later save that json file onto our local system."
"The last thing that I want to show you before we get started is a reference for the text editor that I'm using, Visual Studio Code."
"That's our scrollable background done, so that actually was not too painful, luckily."
"Okay, so the next thing I want to do to our app here is I would like to add a Save Menu and a load menu."
"Good luck with this project. And feel free to leave a comment with anything you learn in this tutorial."
"In essence, what we'll be taking away from this series is going to be how you can use classes, how you can use hash maps, how you can create multiple user logins, how you can store this user credentials in your offline database."
"Welcome to Beginner's Code. Today we are going to be creating a banking system that uses object-oriented programming."
"So this is how you can extract the biggest or the largest contour in an image."
"This video is going to show you how to build a chat application in Go using WebSockets."
"Hi and welcome to a very exciting new Swift tutorial."
"Hey everybody, today I'm going to show you how to make a space shooter game with Swift and Xcode."
"What's going on everybody? Welcome to part 5 of our OpenCV with Python tutorial series."