
Psychological Influence Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Imagining you are wealthy will convince your brain, which will convince your body."
"I believe in many of these cases people are hunted influenced and herded."
"Their specialty is creating specific thoughts and projecting them into your mind so that the thoughts feel like your own."
"The power of belief is not wishy-washy, it's real."
"The mind can hold tremendous power over our bodies."
"You're gonna rely heavily on peripheral route tactics."
"They tempt and torment you until you succumb to their will, doing whatever is necessary. Their tools of control are so sophisticated and subtle as they masterfully craft your thoughts, your desires, making you believe they are your own."
"Psychology research has also demonstrated that eye gaze is extremely important in persuading, teaching and getting people's attention."
"Cults harness archetypal ideas, eternal religious patterns intrinsic to humanity."
"At least 80% of our issues are not our own, absorbed from others."
"If the film stirs the emotions and penetrates the subconscious of the viewer, if it stimulates, however inchoately, his mythological and religious yearnings and impulses, then it has succeeded."
"The most powerful drug is the mind and the heart."
"He was a mass psychologist of really diabolical genius."
"The game is almost like the One Ring, tempting and persuading in order to get what it wants."
"Our bodies and minds are so powerfully connected that experiences in the mind ultimately influence what our bodies are doing."
"If you repeat something, even if it's false, people might believe it subconsciously."
"That kind of mentality is preying on the same kind of psychological triggers as the loot boxes did just in a way that hasn't taken."
"A bond with primary caregivers during childhood has an overarching influence on their Futures social and intimate relationships."
"Simply telling someone that something is expensive or will taste better makes them think that it tastes better as a placebo effect."
"To be demonized in the strict sense of that term is to be inhabited by a demon with varying degrees of influence or control."
"To know the art of impressing the imagination of crowds is to know at the same time the art of governing them."
"Social media is psychological warfare, affecting beliefs, values, emotions, motives, reasoning, and behavior."
"Your subconscious mind runs the show unconsciously."
"Repetition is the greatest form of mind control."
"The act of modifying it has an effect on the perception of the person."
"Malignant self-love... whispered or thundered... that's an introject, that is my voice inside your head."
"Believe in the power of suggestion and perception."
"Successful manipulation is about making the person think it was their idea."
"Our thoughts can be pictures that influence who we are and how we feel."
"The delusional mindset, Law of Attraction, and the like can be a great tool for individuals to achieve their goals."
"You know the thing about spells is that they only really work if people believe in them."
"The politicians are just puppets... controlled by these behavioral psychologists... these demons are reading the collective human psyche and systematically working out how to manipulate it."
"Placebos can have real effects on performance."
"The next big thing isn't the technology at all; it's psychology."
"Ignorance can be invincible due to psychological or environmental factors."
"Several psychology professors suggest that heightened parental anxiety about their newborn safety can influence their perception of ghostly images."
"Entertainment is a very important part of the strategy for mental psychic attacks."
"Your subconscious mind cannot argue controversially, hence if you give it wrong suggestions, it will accept them as true."
"When you control a man's thinking, you don't have to worry about his action."
"Bandwagon effect: It's the tendency to do things because many other people do the same."
"What stimulates our passions? What stimulates our thoughts are going to program that subconscious."
"We can use the Mandela effect to literally rewrite in advance our experience."
"The narcissist disables your inner critic... your new inner critic, your new superego, is the narcissist."
"Your body is literally gonna follow what your mind is feeling."
"Developing awareness and discernment in our interactions with pendulums is critical."
"Justin Trudeau represents to me somebody who, if he really believes what he's saying, then he also fell for the mass psychosis."
"Fear of death is the most pervasive power in our lives."
"Fear is the mechanism by which evil can control you."
"Larry Ray started positioning himself as an authority figure in the house."
"It happens in a way that's so organic inside of them that they believe it is actually their belief when it is not their belief."
"Democracy was one of maintaining the relations of power, even if it meant stimulating the psychological lives of the public."
"They get you with the small things. Yeah, and they make you get greedy."
"Our thoughts can influence or even change our reality."
"The archetypes are seductive if you don't have your own life."
"Your mind is the chemist that determines the composition of your body's culture medium."
"It's about who controls the message, you control the mind of people."
"Attitude and your mental state, your frame of mind, your personality traits, your character can have a huge, if not perhaps the biggest bearing on your performance."
"Symbolisms are powerful for the subconscious mind."
"Some people think that somebody can cast a negative spell on them and they can't get it off of them, and that's really that person creating kind of their own reality."
"Real power is convincing you to give it to me."
"Psychological triggers work; it's the way we're wired."
"The power of suggestion is almost a form of hypnosis."
"Attitude also influences behavior via intention."
"The possibility of behavior being governed by nature or nurture and how much these influence our actions."
"The power of suggestion is so powerful it can actually change your physical reality."
"It's not just a case of mind over matter, but mind certainly does matter."