
Bootstrap Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Bootstrap 5 is getting closer to Tailwind, giving low-level classes but with pre-made styles."
"Twitter bootstrap is the most popular framework of its type by far."
"Bootstrap gives you navbar, dropdowns, jumbotron, alerts, progress bars, and more, very easily."
"Bootstrap's grid system simplifies layout design with easily customizable column widths."
"Bootstrap has a class called alert-success, and that is just this kind of nice green alert that they pop up."
"So now bootstrap should be enabled if we save and we go back reload and now you can see the fonts different and there's no padding on the sides and top here all right."
"Power Pages is built on Bootstrap, a front-end framework that supports the development of responsive, mobile-friendly websites."
"You don't even need Bootstrap; you could code this all from scratch."
"It's like Baron Munchausen pulling himself up by his bootstraps, right? Something impossible that you can't do. You can't pull yourself up by your bootstraps. That's sort of what the self-cause is."
"Bootstrap is running known as bootstrap right here."
"Using Bootstrap with React is one of my favorite things to do because it's combining a library and a framework I really like using."
"We've made a great start so far, now we have Bootstrap on our site, we can customize it."
"Let's begin with designing the user interface; we have already integrated the Bootstrap."
"The language you're going to be using is Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and also use Bootstrap for the styling."
"Bootstrap is a very popular CSS framework, CSS library used to help quickly build websites."
"Bootstrap is a pretty decent and not a very obtrusive way of having nice UI on your website."
"This is the project page of the real Bootstrap."
"We've just created this page in less than 10 minutes."
"This hopefully shows you how powerful Bootstrap is."
"Containers are a fundamental building block of Bootstrap."
"Bootstrap... gives you styled components and a little bit of JS so you can build your website without having to worry about all the styling and stuff on your own."
"We're going to use Bootstrap to style everything and make sure everything is aligned."
"Bootstrap has some forms and they look like this: they're nice, they glow, they stretch across their size nicely."
"We're going to use Bootstrap for that, so let's head over to GetBootstrap.com."
"Hey, look at that, we have a Bootstrap button already, that's really, really cool."
"We will use Bootstrap for better and responsive UI."
"Bootstrap has the concept of alerts and they have all sorts of different types of alerts."
"We want to learn about Bootstrap as soon as possible so we can integrate it into any of our current general projects."
"We're gonna do this from scratch as a way to reference just the Bootstrap related stuff going forward."
"We now have a very very solid foundation of Bootstrap."
"Do you see how easy it is to design a table with Bootstrap?"
"So by now you must have developed a thorough understanding of how easy it is to use Bootstrap."
"Bootstrap is always preferred over CSS as it saves us so much time and makes our life so much easier."
"Bootstrap, the grid system works by having an outer container and then inside of that a row and inside of that row any number of columns."
"Let me show you how to create a fantastic looking flat website using Bootstrap."
"Let's take a look at the Bootstrap theme before we get started."
"There is another way because we can also use custom SAS files to update Bootstrap variables."
"And that there, my friends, is how we can customize Bootstrap colors."
"With Bootstrap, it's super easy, super popular, and it's completely free."
"Now we can add Bootstrap style to this stuff just by copying and pasting code from Bootstrap."
"Let's head back over to Bootstrap and just kind of scroll through here and see what we want."
"Bootstrap is a powerful toolkit, a collection of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript tools for creating and building responsive web applications and pages."
"Bootstrap comes with its own code for automatically resizing images based on the current screen size."
"It also comes with different components that you can use for your web page."
"So Bootstrap comes in extremely handy to create responsive user interfaces."
"With the help of Bootstrap, we have successfully created a website which is basically a blog."
"We're going to jump in and install the bootstrap CSS framework so we can start making this page look nicer."
"The great thing about bootstrap is we can just add things to our website just by copying the code that's on these pages, pasting it into our app, and it just works."
"Bootstrap gives you good results that look way better than just stock HTML."
"Bootstrap gives you the ability to get responsive behavior out of the box."