
Aggressive Strategy Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"You want to kill stuff like that, you want to show them you know how to do it."
"Containment and curtailment is for suckers! We’re going to lean into the shipping wars!"
"They came in hot man, they didn't let off the gas pedal."
"Fire everything! 300 missiles! It will be 300 missiles!"
"This is how they got that number one spot: Frederick Osbo came out swinging."
"If she wants to win this fight, she's got to bite down that gum [ __ ] and push forward."
"We're just getting started, it's going to be a lot more aggressive, completely different."
"Get ready to spread our hot steamy white package of red death all over them."
"Let's move up the food chain, it's time to smoke those smokers."
"We're kicking ass and taking names, that's the Raptorias way!"
"They're not playing to survive, they're playing to kill. This is Infinity's mission."
"Aaron Rodgers is an all-time great front-runner. When he smells blood, he will, so to speak, slit your throat."
"Honestly, might as well declare a surprise war. War BAM, let's go."
"Germanicus launched a brutal two-pronged attack against the Chatti."
"The sun brace is built... stay in the air as long as you can and just rain Hell Fire down upon your enemies."
"Hard like iron, hard apes decide to sell, and that's not going to happen, right? You're playing with the wrong team here, Citadel. That's the truth."
"Your default mode has to be aggressive. So, if you're not sure, if you should stay, or if you should go, go to the default which is going to be aggressive."
"Freight train activated - get out the way or you're getting run over."
"It was a hostile takeover, we going to land a plane."
"The Australian army's infantry doctrine always emphasized aggressive patrolling, typically conducted at night, probing for weaknesses and ambushing the enemy wherever they could."
"You want to attack, play aggressively, sacrifice for development."
"He wants to put pressure on Kieran Conway. That is three shots that he ate."
"My objective is going there with the best intentions of my life to disable my opponent."
"Terminate your enemies, wipe them out, remove them from their present status."
"We're far and wide smashing the hell out of them."
"Change your philosophy to being pedal to the metal, no breaks."
"If I had all the money in the world, I would have the best lawyers suing the hell out of everyone who has ever made an accusation against him."
"Kerrigan leading by example in these recent rounds, smashing himself against this A site hold."
"We just don't win a little we win big and decisively and landslide permanent victories."
"Warren was really out for everyone in this way that felt very particular to this debate."
"Like Evenepoel and Van der Poel, Pagacha is just not afraid of going on the attack."
"Smash it with your iron rod and strike and strike until you have victory."
"The Bears are going to be vicious at this point."
"Just play aggressive till 6; you win and he doesn't."
"Boom the conquest Alexandria purge 33% of the population that's what we think of you Alexander I am the new great."
"Verstappen's movement was very aggressive, legal but aggressive."
"Grow some balls in the primary season... It's important moving forward that we do go out there and we do effectively primary these people in the future."
"Strike first, strike hard, no mercy. However that goes, whichever order that's in, he certainly lived it, he preached it."
"Fairness to Arsenal they are demonstrating a lot of that fire and that Spite and that Venom that you need to compete."
"I'm just overwhelming him with so much offense that he answers never has the pleasure of going in for his full combo."
"Scorched Earth tactic, bro, and this isn't some [__] you know completionist threats for freaking mama max out here."
"She's pressuring a lot, not intimidated by gameplay at all."
"I'm ready to fight this dude and separate him from Consciousness within the first two rounds on a very, very big fight night."
"He who hesitates usually goes broke. Gotta play bold, aggressive. You slow down for one second, strange things happen to you."
"Those nades gonna be exchanged as Texas lick the brute force their way into the bomb site."
"Megan is literally on the hunt to take these freaking dolls out."
"A Republican who fights unapologetically? What a sight!"
"Activate my advanced weapons threateningly and again extort you."
"Attack is the best form of defense, and Fulham's full of goals today."
"The ferociousness is reflected within the chapter's battlefield doctrine, with the Kakora Dons favoring shock assault and tearing their foes apart in melee combat."
"Who do you think would have the best chance at Worlds as a third seed? I still feel like it's clutch because they are a team that is very aggressive that is gonna try some stuff."
"I'm the master disaster, and I'm gonna knock him spark out."
"Fantasy breaks through, identifying weakness and pouncing on it with a big, muscular force."
"Defensive play styles never work, the best defense is a good offense."
"They're playing... super early game comps and then they also just take every single fight." - Aggressive gameplay strategy.
"Now is the time to step on their throat. Everybody's got to voice their opinion."
"That playstyle is gonna be so fun like I just keep hearing about this aggressive play style and going in and I just can't wait to be able to see like that's the number one thing."
"Great leaders are not just aggressive, they're also reflecting."
"It's the aggressive way to play Watson and often pairs well with the Watson shuffle."
"A quick punch with everything going in at once, overwhelm ages."
"Keep firing! Punish them for their iniquities!"
"Attack, attack, attack. No mercy, no hesitancy, just keep going for the throat."
"Destroy your enemies, eliminate every single mob you see, loot everything you find."
"I'm gonna be doing non-stop war from here, ready to conquer the world."
"He truly looks like a new, more aggressive man."
"Apple somehow found a way to comply with all of these rules while simultaneously punching all of these developers in the face."
"You can't back down, can't run away, you gotta kill everybody."
"We need a little bit of bloodlust so that we can be competitive."
"If you are even remotely a Savage, you'll run these people over."
"She's sort of your classic rush down flash mix-up, has a lot of fun options to work with."
"Now even more so than before, Peach chooses violence."
"Our coach showed us that at the beginning he's going to coach with his foot on the pedal."
"Nine stocks to buy now that are equal to stealing money."
"We're not one for taking it conservatively, we take risks at T8, we get on the front foot and have a crack."
"I'm always very, very aggressive. I play to win, and that's it."
"You're going to list those debts as minimum payments in your debt snowball, attack the smallest balance first with a vengeance."
"Attack, attack, attack. I play a lot better."
"The C300 Mark 3 feels to me like further proof that Canon have finally decided to start being really aggressive with their cameras."