
Awesomeness Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"Can we just take a second to appreciate how awesome this is."
"Reestablish that sometimes there's some really awesome things going on in the world and really awesome people as well."
"They just looked new and awesome."
"Ewoks are very, very silly; they're still sort of awesome."
"He's too awesome to hang out with them."
"Doesn't matter whatever you call them, they're still awesome."
"Custom NASA seats - why does that matter? It just matters because it's awesome."
"Thank you Mr. Adam, you're awesomer."
"God is so faithful, God is so good, God is so awesome."
"Impossible, nothing's simple. Awesome."
"And the amount of Awesomeness you get for such a low amount of work and effort is great."
"She's really talented, it was awesome, yeah."
"Victory, she is ours. You are awesome."
"Total awesomeness is what happened."
"Awesome is the right word for once."
"That's love right there, that thing is awesome."
"Cleanliness is next to awesomeness."
"That was the most awesome way to ever get rescued, I have to say."
"There is no price for awesomeness, and we had two days, and they were amazing. You've gotta admit, amazing."
"I could say this is pretty [ __ ] awesome"
"Always work hard and remember to treat others like you want to be treated and be awesome every day"
"Me and you, being awesome is what we do, 'cause we're awesome."
"There is no charge for awesomeness. I love that."
"When you're awesome and powerful, then you got something special."
"Explosions and things happen because it's awesome."
"You're not an ordinary interviewer, are you? I only interview people who I think are awesome though, so there's that."
"I couldn't hear you over the sound of how awesome that is."
"It's awesome that it does and because it can, that makes it just a little bit cooler."
"She's a superhero right, she's f*cking awesome."
"This was awesome, couldn't agree more."
"People are kind, there's awesome awesome things."
"Washington is pretty awesome to be honest."
"Holy bananas, you guys are awesome."
"That's an awesome way to just come back and win."
"There's no charge for awesomeness."
"Oh you're damn right it's awesome. That might not even describe it."
"It's truly all shades of awesome."
"Undeniably Curious, it is awesome."
"This wasn't trying to be photorealistic, it was trying to be awesome."
"Just how Bloody freaking awesome it is."
"How awesome is it here to have my family?"
"It's like surely this isn't right, but it is. It's awesome."
"That is awesome, awesome. This is so cool."
"That is the weirdest yet most awesome thing, I do."
"I appreciated how much this guy cared, just it was awesome to see."
"This movie is about how awesome ninjas are."
"Don't forget to make your coin on the internet just a little bit more awesome."
"Overall, it's still pretty freaking cool."
"If they're not talking about it, was it awesome? Wild thing is, there's no such thing."
"The sound design is freaking awesome."
"To me, that was crystal clear. That was awesome."
"It's awesome. Yeah, I think it's awesome."
"It doesn't get much cooler than that."
"That's simple. I'm just that awesome."
"If you don't like him you're a fool because he is so very cool and he's totally awesome."
"Nobody talks about stuff like this, and they should because they're awesome."
"He was just awesome, even people that know me like, 'Wow!'"
"This story is unbelievably awesome."
"Depriving the world of my pure fabulousness because I am awesome. Great. Brilliant."
"Always protecting, that's awesome."
"Awesome things don't hold anything back, awesome things are rich and generous."
"That dish was absolutely brilliant, it was awesome."
"Effortlessly cool and I thought that was like effortlessly awesome."
"That his enemies would go blind from overexposure to pure awesomeness."
"When it comes to just being rad, they might just take the cake."
"It's an awesome thing, it really is."
"And I just want you to know that you are absolutely awesome."
"Every human being is awesome and are you living to your full value and capability of that awesomeness?"
"You're the most awesome person in the world."
"It's just glorious, absolutely glorious. This is awesome."
"It was amazing, and it should look amazing, it looks sick, it's awesome."
"This man is just pure awesomeness."
"Awesomeness is the right of all sentient beings."
"So that is a whole lot of awesomeness for one small fruit that is often left unrecognized in the wake of the beautiful flowers that precede them."
"It combined as though really of the past with the future and this one makes it awesome."
"She was awesome, she was so awesome."
"So you're an audience of self-perpetuating awesomeness."
"Only subscribe if you're awesome. If you're not awesome, don't subscribe."
"What makes this room awesome is this amazing view from the balcony."
"Everything and everything is awesome."
"Being an athlete is really cool too, but being someone who gives all their best just to support and protect these players, they surely aren't losing to them if we're talking about pure awesomeness."
"That's just awesome. There's something awesome and the tone is humor that's just awesome."
"It's fascinating, what an awesome machine."
"That is so freaking awesome, thanks."
"I flip and love it, and I think it's flipping awesome."
"September is a nice time to be awesome."
"It's truly an awesome experience."
"Was it needed? Probably not. Did we do it? Hell yeah. Why? Because it's freaking awesome."
"You're just too awesome, it inspires me too."
"With a solid understanding of who you are, you can be as awesome as you can be."
"We love you guys, we think you're so awesome."
"It was a genuinely awesome experience."
"The rule of cool trope meaning the willing suspension of disbelief for a given element is directly proportional to that element's awesomeness."
"I'm at the time of my life, it's been awesome."
"I think that is super stinking awesome."
"You forget that you are awesome so this is your reminder."
"This right here is the epicenter of Awesome."
"It's actually fairly awesome when you take a bit more of a closer scrutiny."
"He's a great technical wrestler, a rugged brawler, and best of all, he's awesome."
"The awesomest thing ever got even more awesome."
"Crazy is a side effect of awesome."
"We don't need to see eye to eye when we're both awesome."
"It's just a whole lot of awesome."
"And that is pure freaking awesome."
"Thank you all for being awesome, and so I don't say most things are awesome, so I really mean that."
"If you want to be awesome, you got to do awesome stuff."
"That was sweet, that was awesome, bam!"
"International Day of Awesomeness, a lighthearted holiday encouraging individuals to embrace and appreciate their own awesomeness."
"Thank you, you've been so awesome."
"Our friendship is awesome; it's been one of the best experiences in my life."
"He's a samurai, that's awesome, and he has lightning powers."
"Don't question why, just be awesome."
"Weird is just a side effect of being awesome."
"You're so freaking awesome, you have no clue."
"A huge thank you to Kayakosaurus for being insanely awesome."
"This thing is just straight up awesome."
"This thing is just going to be pretty awesome."
"That's what's awesome about scent."
"PRA is able to do that because PRA is pretty awesome."
"That's what makes this so awesome."
"It's just a really good game that should get recognition in general for just being awesome."
"This is the terms and conditions, you must be awesome."
"Look at them, isn't that awesome?"
"Thank you for not forgetting to be awesome."
"I have never thought she was more awesome than I do right now."
"One of the things that makes Traegers so awesome is their simplicity."
"It's pretty awesome, just like yourself."
"What an awesome moment it really was."
"It's really, really awesome, thank you."
"You are so freaking awesome and you are loved."
"We have the most awesome and amazing viewers on the planet Earth."
"Thank you so much, Tamala. This is awesome."
"That is freaking awesome, thank you."
"They're going to run out of excuses because you're so awesome."
"Thank you for always being awesome."
"It's ideal, can't you see it? It's awesome."
"Everywhere you look here is nothing but just awesomeness."
"This is just awesomeness right here."
"Thank you very much for being awesome."
"Don't forget to be awesome every day of your life."
"Weird is a side effect of awesome."
"It's awesome, it is really awesome."
"It's been awesome, absolutely awesome."
"This figure is pretty freaking awesome."
"No plans other than being awesome. Oh, hopefully. I know you're awesome."