
Product Strategy Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Instead of implementing all the products, it is good to just introduce one or two products into your routine."
"Stacker was therefore the obvious choice whilst still not out-pricing its competition."
"The first step to starting an ecommerce store is knowing what product you are going to sell direct to consumer."
"Sony's motivation behind the digital edition of PS5: 'we thought that we would do what we typically try and do and just offer choice.'"
"One, they're launching too much stuff. I mean, people are always calling them the Fashion Nova of makeup now, and when people say you're the Fashion Nova of makeup, that's not... Bro, that's not a good thing."
"Then she came out with shades which were allegedly leftovers of the original 30-pound palette and she made them into four smaller 10-pan palettes which was then called the vault."
"The pack-in software is interesting because of how general it is."
"Nvidia can no longer sell GPUs simply by making them, they have to be compelling now."
"The Nexus 9 and 6 have entered premium territory, questioning the very nature of the Nexus branding."
"I think there is a market and I think bringing in a mini might tap into that market more so than the more expensive HomePod."
"Sometimes you don't need the best product; you just need to be good enough to take advantage of a company that has rested way too long on their brand."
"I just don't understand who is the target audience of artifact."
"What you're looking for is a product that has high demand or sales and low competition or reviews."
"Visual Studio 2017 is free because Microsoft used to charge a huge amount."
"Give away as much as possible in every single camera because you want people to love your cameras."
"Is Arc survival evolved being killed unless you buy survival ascended? The answer is affirm no."
"I think the Wii U's biggest failure was in its marketing and messaging."
"Has there been visionary product leadership? I think what instead they've done is they've managed a business well."
"Just because you see a product sold well, doesn't mean that it's good for you to sell because the context of why a product or a design sold well is extremely important too."
"When we get a product with a bunch of reprints the market gets angry."
"These iPhone 13s have solidified this idea in my head that Apple is well on their way planning out their next landmark product."
"You love people for the values, the virtues which they have achieved in their own character."
"Apple doesn't comment on future unannounced products."
"The tattooed chef has limited product lines right now and this is also a potential risk factor."
"Bundling your products is an amazing way to sell your products. My sales always go up whenever I start making bundles of my products."
"They targeted African-American women for this product."
"Nvidia wins for the worst trend of pointless product segmentation."
"What if Apple was to sort of adopt this strategy with the iPhone 14 and some other future Apple products we could see very soon launching in 2022."
"For some reason, Kia has decided to really tone down the electric drivetrain versus what we see in the Hyundai."
"Make a great Android phone that your services and AI can live on."
"The trick to all this is that you just keep coming out with product that people like that's the trick you know uh whether you're kanye or trump or chris brown or tory lanez or whoever just keep coming out with product."
"Eventually, all their hundreds of products and services got beat by better alternatives."
"In the automotive world, platform sharing is pretty common from everything in the mainstream segment to luxury brands, you're gonna find that all across the spectrum."
"Please just one skin once a season. It would be phenomenal. Everyone would love it. This would generate so much hype and it literally costs Epic nothing."
"I wouldn't reach for this, but maybe they make this flavor like this on purpose. Maybe they don't want to make it too good or else it'll be too tempting to eat like four of them at once."
"It speaks to the market that Taurus is really capturing. They want something affordable that will work."
"If you can remind customers of what it feels like to have icy toes and achy cold feet, they're going to start looking for a solution."
"Half of people hated it, but the other half loved it, and we're not selling cars to the half that hate it." - Bob Letz
"I would think this would be a smart no-brainer to add to your lineup."
"Why aren't they coming out with a moderately priced or low-end pickup truck?"
"Tesla and pool employees are smart cutting the X and S prices was brilliant."
"This is a weird move because when they eventually release the 63 and the 73, that I'll tell you about later, well, the impact of that is going to be a little bit less than because they've shown it here today on the 53."
"All you need to sell a console is a bunch of good games."
"This just shows that this product is just designed to get people to spend more money and then move up to the 14 inch."
"The very first thing that someone needs to do when they're starting to sell online is they need to decide what they're going to sell and how they plan to ship it."
"Samsung's answer is by throwing all the hardware at you, all the specs, every single big number they can possibly think of."
"Differentiation aims to create a unique or distinctive product unlike others on the market."
"Honestly y'all could start repackaging and just keep the same formula and just change the packaging up because everything is very stagnant."
"I don't care how many features they remove, having a cheaper model is always a good idea."
"I'm convinced Apple wants to dumb down the products every other year just to see if people keep buying."
"It kind of seems like a smarter way of doing different controller colors instead of releasing limited ones and hope people are happy with it."
"Generic value bikes are just not the future."
"We're getting back-to-back newer agitator let's get five newer agitators back to back because that's apparently what we're going for here."
"At the end of the day, we just want to deliver as much value as we possibly can on the products that we create."
"Alignment between the product itself, the branding, and the customer is pure gold."
"Nissan is keeping it simple and they also are keeping the price down."
"If Garmin could get there, then they could go to, 'Hey, we're just going to drop a new version every year of the Phoenix and call it 8, 9, 10, 13, 20, whatever it is.'"
"Transformation means changing how you build, how you solve problems, and how you decide which problems to solve. It's about getting serious about product strategy and introducing product Discovery."
"...getting serious about product strategy is the third big dimension of the product model."
"The product strategy is the connective tissue between what is the company trying to accomplish and what are the day-to-day things that the product team is doing."
"If the roadmap isn't right it might be because the product strategy hasn't been really clearly articulated."
"Product strategy is a living thing, updated every quarter."
"Product strategy is where most product leaders earn their salary."
"Your path to the six figures on Etsy comes down to two key points: your product selection and what you do with those products."
"This book is all about how to create timeless products that actually grow in popularity over time."
"My impact has even grown further... managing up mainly, influencing the senior leadership VPS, with the product strategy."
"You need a signature collection that's going to be available year-round so you can always be making money."
"That's the essence of YouTube, never let that go when it comes to your product decisions."
"You'll have a strong product strategy when it answers the questions of how it focuses the work to achieve the business goals."
"We want to have 20% of our portfolio in low and no alcohol beers by 2025."
"The RF models are not designed to compete... but to provide lighter and much cheaper alternatives."
"This is how you combine various products with different margins at the same time."
"What is the Minimum Viable Product that your users are happy with?"
"Simplify your product amount... it's better to have three or four different things."