
Bizarre Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"I woke up today with peanut butter in my butt."
"Hong Kong 97 is still remembered today as a bizarre and creepy artifact from a bygone era of gaming."
"Some people said Lawnmower Man a lot, and a lot of people said Dreamcatcher, which is one of the strangest, weirdest, most bizarre movies."
"It's easily the most bizarre thing that you two ever did."
"Frank Hayes remains the only jockey in recorded history to win a race while dead."
"Somebody found a condom in a Big Mac, so there you go."
"The Peanut Butter Solution: a bizarre children's movie that left many traumatized."
"It's weird, it's creepy, but it's also completely ridiculous."
"He takes that head, he's lugging it around with him everywhere."
"Imagine being in that situation... What a bizarre situation to be in." - Unknown
"Not everybody gets to ride on the back of cockroaches."
"That's the food looking like I need to see you naked in a photo."
"Newsflash: YouTuber takes the Florida mantle and gets arrested for breaking into a zoo just to pet a tiger and share a cheeseburger."
"Inky transformed himself into a fertilized embryo in the womb of a descendant of his own family, a young woman named Mary."
"This is like if your friend told you a story, he says, 'I bumped into this guy at work, and then after the clown got done raping me,' you'd wonder if he was on crack."
"It's just one of the most all-around strange games out there."
"Death row inmate eats an entire Bible as his last meal."
"What if they're eating things in their food that is of human taste?"
"Whoa, weird. Who takes a bite out of a road sign?"
"If my baby was born with little openings for flap wingies I would have eaten him like a hamster."
"And why the clown got a knife one of the clown's were about to kill the blind dog I know they wanted to kill Thor."
"Literally just takes your brain away, it's bizarre."
"High school is a really bizarre experience in retrospect."
"They like being eaten by snakes, they like being mushroom farted on."
"I saw him with my trashcan it was good one guy speaking out by the hot by the hot close down hot though what are you doing here it's amazing."
"The final Bon, pillagers are still fighting back, it's the weirdest movie ever."
"Did you know that Supergirl dated her pet horse? Did you know that Supergirl made out with her horse? Did you know that Supergirl's horse tricked her into dating him?"
"Some coincidences are so bizarre we can't just dismiss them as business as usual."
"There's a mushroom with teeth that looks like it's bleeding."
"A reality television star has been hospitalized after eating too many beans to sell farts."
"Get your tinfoil hat ready because I'm Mike with list25 and here are 25 bizarre conspiracy theories you've never heard of."
"Creepy and bizarre Tic Tacs that will make you rethink reality."
"I don't know what this is the severed goat head probably is contributing to it."
"All of a sudden there's this thing made out of meat and tentacles that's vaguely humanoid."
"Whoever this bizarre woman was that seemed incessant on chain smoking and following around the nighttime facilities crew, she'd exhibited a vanishing act superior to that of Houdini."
"I don't know why she tried to have a dress rehearsal funeral using my mum as the stand-in, but it was obvious that that's what she was trying to do."
"Everything in it is so weird and so unconventional and so just extraordinary that it makes me smile. I just love that the car is, oh, I just love that the car is just bizarre looking. It's nothing about well, not almost nothing about the car is conventional."
"It's pretty bizarre, but it fits the narrative, it fits the game. Well done."
"Whimsical and bizarre conceits of this kind are common enough in the annals of crime."
"The anal glands were squeezed as part of the ceremony."
"The architecture here is bizarre, an amalgamation of funhouse distortions and nature reclaiming ownership of the mansion."
"This whole coronavirus situation is so bizarre, it feels like we're living in a movie or something."
"The most strange circumstances to get this one. By far the most bizarre."
That's the most bizarre thing I've ever seen. Where are these people learning this?"
"Someone got into some sort of trouble trying to retrieve their poo from between a window and its secondary double glazing in a--is that the right answer? Yes. Yes, that is the right answer."
"Can we track down any of those weird wild wacky and just straight up bizarre stuff that just happens to be on the internet?"
"This would by no means be the most bizarre fan incident we'd see."
"On May the 16th of 2016 a reporter from KP TV was arrested after he defecated on the front lawn of a home in goodye Arizona where he was covering a story."
"San Quentin prison testicle experiments."
"Napoleon was almost assassinated by a horde of bunnies."
"...certain discoveries that are so mindboggling that even experts call them bizarre."
"Few have heard of the Brumley polter gist this case with its bizarre location its persistence and its terrifying actions is arguably one of the strangest Poltergeist cases documented to this day."
"This has to be one of the craziest modern-day cases out there involving a religious cult."
"The ASMR thing is... oh, man, it's just... that's just... is that... it's fish balls."
"...bizarre posts Jamie referred to as satanic mumbo jumbo."
"This post blew up, gaining a lot of traction. I mean, why wouldn't it? This all sounds so insanely bizarre."
"It was a bizarre experience that left an impact on me."
"This bankai is sort of a suicide bankai, one of the most bizarre bankais I've ever seen."
"...this person is really hairy and they're not wearing clothes and he was like what is this and so he said that when the thing kind of turned the guy creature I don't know what it is turned and kind of looked at him he said he rode his bike around it to go buy it..."
"State trooper Heather axedman later spoke to a media outlet about Alejandro and said when we took him into custody he admitted to our Troopers that he was trying to teach his dog to drive."
"The last time I saw her, she was butt naked holding a crowbar, swinging at cars."
"It's a jizz conveyor belt basically maybe next week's gy Shimmer yeah jizz jiz conveyor belt the horrifying sequel to sodi of Carousel."
"For someone to make that threat just seems absolutely bizarre, that the first thing to come to your head, that's what you come up with? Gee whiz!"
"This truly bizarre video is making rounds on social media that shows a fish with a humanlike face instead of a normal fish face."
"Cornstarch is so bizarre, don't you agree?"
"Florida man Henry AR cabier got into an argument with workers at a Checkers restaurant."
"As incredibly bizarre as the story is, the things that take place after make it all more disturbing."
"...a man in Germany died blowing up a condom vending machine. Pretty close to the dumbest and most ridiculous deaths ever."
"A woman tried to commit suicide by jumping off the Empire State Building, but was blown back to the 85th floor by a strong gust of wind. That is insane!"
"The Shark Arm Case: A man caught a big-ass tiger shark, and one day it vomited up a human arm. People assumed it was just an accident, but instead, the arm was actually cut off from someone, not bitten off by the shark."
"That was the most bizarre news segment interview I've ever seen in my life period that was incredible."
"It's the most bizarre experience I have ever had."
"I saw one of the most bizarre things in my entire life. A man was lying on top of a granite - well, another was taking a dump on his bare chest."
"I'm just like some of the stuff is so bizarre I just don't know how to react to it."
"People love to read stories that involve weird manifestations of animal activity, that involve kind of bizarre historical events."
"A 35-year-old Florida man apparently went full-blown Oscar the Grouch last week after he was found by police drunk and naked inside of a trash can and was extremely uncooperative during his arrest."
"There's a great deal of irony here. Luke was the only suspect. It's just bizarre."
"People are dying, people are coming back, and people are getting shot in the head and actually surviving. Weird."
"That's why I woke up standing on my head, stuck in the wall, in a Murphy bed."
"Unknown man died eating library paste July 14, 1908."
"Lauren Sullivan got arrested for a probation violation charge which is an extreme Florida man headline, but he does resemble the Joker a lot."
"Joshua James, the Florida man, was charged with assault by a deadly weapon for throwing an alligator into a Wendy's drive-through window."
"On April 13, 2018, a Florida man robs a GameStop but decides to wear a mask made of plastic wrap from water bottles."
"In 2017, a Florida man destroyed a liquor store under construction, claiming he was in Alice in Wonderland and a smoking caterpillar told him to do it."
"Maria Louisa claimed her bodily fluids could cure illnesses."
"On every single one that we needed a chase for, we got it. That's bizarre."
"One strange fact is that it has rained blood before. Yes, you heard that, it's rained literal blood."
"A Florida man has recently become the butt of jokes all across the internet after being charged with stuffing $1,000 in cash into his butt."
"Meanwhile Stan's funeral yesterday attracted hundreds of curious onlookers who turned up to view the headless corpse."
"Man leaves police on a 10-mile chase, was Mario Kart out of North Hollywood tonight, a bizarre slow-speed pursuit involving a golf cart and police say it all started with a robbery at knifepoint."
"fat lady sinks boat in the rainforest"
"It felt bizarre, it shouldn't feel bizarre in a movie called Creed."
"I just kept wondering how Maddie, wherever you are, I hope you're doing better. Should have had a poop knife."
"Don't want him sneaking into your bedroom with slide ice down your throat and throw it a hip in the corner of your bedroom."
"A woman in Indonesia found herself inside the snake's belly."
"Dead woman bangs on coffin to say she's alive during her own funeral."
"Have you ever heard of a love story that's gone so wrong and bizarre that sometimes you've wondered to yourself if you're better off single?"
"Something strange happened during the summer of 1518... out of nowhere people in town began dancing in the street."
"I always get freaked out when I see Astr Orbiter chilling right next to the castle. That is so bizarre to me."
"I always get freaked out when I see Astro Orbiter chilling right next to the castle. That is so bizarre to me, but it's lovely."
"Some people shake their dogs to make their fur fall off so they can eat it."
"A 76-year-old Florida woman fled the scene of a hit and run driving with the other driver draped over the hood of her SUV for two miles."
"It's just bizarre, both funny and bizarre."
"I've heard things about the Appalachian region being creepy and bizarre and now I believe it."
"Two women in East Northeast Ohio are accused of driving the body of an 80-year-old man to a bank to withdraw money from his account before dropping the dead man off at a hospital. Uh, interesting name, Karen. Uh, Sebo and Laurene Bufalo, some old names."
"My manager said that it's absolutely vile and disgusting, but I'm in love with it. Baby head candlestick, I did in fact buy it."
"To this day it was just the most bizarre experience and I've never come up with a good explanation."
"You’re outside on a beautiful, perfectly clear spring day when the unthinkable happens: It starts to rain chunks of meat."
"I'm not just your average sleep talker, but an utterly bizarre, insane, unhinged sleep talker."
"man arrested for trying to cross Atlantic Ocean in human-sized hamster wheel"
"Money is bizarre. What a bizarre concept."
"The strangest part of this story is that a week after we left, the cabin in Tennessee, as reported by the Tennessee Film Commission, a bolt of lightning hit the cabin, and it burned to the ground."
"It still goes down as the most bizarre, freakiest story I've ever encountered."
"It's the strangest thing I've ever seen."
"All I know is that it happened, right, and I was part of something freaking bizarre, and it changed my life."
"It's an interesting twist on this ragtag group of bizarre people."
"It was probably one of the most bizarre and unique and memorable experiences of my life."
"It's one of the most bizarre things I've ever heard."
"The dancing plague... one of the most bizarre events in medieval history."
"What a bizarre, uncanny landscape, so strange out here, that's why I love it."
"To this day, it was one of the most bizarre and profound experiences of my life."
"The whole situation was bizarre, unexpected, and came completely out of nowhere."
"Every so often, something absolutely bizarre will grab the attention of the general public."
"They explore various bizarre topics from medical oddities to abandoned funeral homes to unexplained paranormal phenomena."
"It's just the right amount of weird, it's just the right amount of bizarre."
"Just when you thought 2020 couldn't get any more bizarre."
"That was one of the most bizarre experiences that I ever had."
"I do find this all very funny and humorous, but at the same time, this is a bizarre subject to me."
"It wasn't no snake, he said. It had a face that was like a giant sand worm, no eyes, just a huge gaping mouth that peeled open from its head."
"Some of you guys which was such a humbling experience and at the same time was so bizarre."
"It was the weirdest thing I've ever experienced."
"It was such a bizarre roller coaster of emotions."
"It was the beginning of one of the most bizarre, fantastic events."
"This is weird, really really really weird."
"This story is so bizarre and unfathomable that we couldn't let the opportunity of exploring it slip away."
"It was like something out of a bizarre fairy tale."
"Like an obscure wacky Alien Invasion fever dream that's not of articulate sound of mind but just a bizarre visually stunning Looney Tune style Alien Invasion romp."
"I had the weirdest dream in the world."
"Not the scariest thing ever, but to this day remains the most bizarre and unexplainable thing I've ever witnessed."
"I like to call Pluto the Sci-Fi Planet because everything about it is just bizarre."
"It was like a weird sign from the universe, but it happened in a really bizarre way."
"Joseph led quite the bizarre life having taken part in defeating an immortal vampire as well as the ultimate life form."
"It's the most bizarre thing I've ever experienced in my entire life."
"Now we all know that you and I have both laid our eyes on some cursed images."
"Florida man robbed and assaulted by a moto gang led by alligator."
"Something really unusual and strange and bizarre is going to happen to you."