
Public Manipulation Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Brittany, you don't need you shouldn't have to do any of this. Yeah, exactly. They've been grooming her."
"The purpose of practical politics is to keep the electorate alarmed by a series of mostly imaginary hobgoblins so that they can be clamoring to be led to safety." - H.L. Menken
"How often are we sharing misinformation, partial information, or outright falsehoods? People often think in binary ways, dichotomous thinking. We're being manipulated, perhaps in ways we may not understand."
"How many times are we going to let all these guys, all these politicians and tech giants and CEOs and corporations lie to us and suppress the information that we need to decide how we the people want to run the country?"
"They then expanded that bubble outward to encompass everybody who simply wants information. This rigs elections."
"Kim Kardashian is a huge participator in rage marketing... manipulating the public and the public's emotions for your own personal gain"
"The real bamboonga says the media fearmongers when there isn't anything to fear."
"The media wants to always keep dividing and conquering people."
"The newscast, are they supposed to manipulate public information? Is their job to protect Americans from dangerous thoughts?"
"The constant gaslighting from Trump and the media's response is sickening."
"Celebrities exist to dazzle you. They don't give a about you and celebrities absolutely do take for granted that they will remain loved by you and the public forever no matter what. Your exchange with celebrities is non-mutual, they're using you."
"Why are they so afraid of mass psychosis? Because mass psychosis is the diagnosis for the insanity, for the brainwashing that has been pulled over our eyes as a society."
"Don't feed into it because that's what they want you to do."
"Maybe that's why people chase rage for money... it's so easy to get people angry and then they agree with you and then they ad revenue."
"Television is one of the most dangerous things when it comes to manipulating the minds of people."
"Every time he talks, he's putting himself into a bigger criminal hole. But that's not his objective. His objective is purely political at this point. Because that is the only mechanism that exists in a democracy."
"Because it turns out, he would say things to me... 'Oh, yeah, the virus is coming. I always tried to play it down. I don't want to panic people.'"
"We can't live in a country where presidents show up at the scenes of tragedy and craft speeches for power and profit."
"Celebrities not only sell dreams and products, they are models for shaping public perspective and frontline administrators of social engineering."
"They're not your friends and not here to entertain you. They're here to control your mind and manipulate your behavior."
"This is all reminiscent of Noam Chomsky in his book Manufactured Consent."
"What is it then, I ask you, if you disagree with me when the state itself lies and engages in these cookies in these guerrilla information tactics to manipulate the public into thinking they're being invaded?"
"When you continue manipulating and provoking the public the way you've been doing, what do you expect is gonna happen?"
"If they can convince the public... there's a hostile alien UFO threat... that's the end... of democracies."
"Give them bread and circuses and they won't care."
"He has to push this in some kind of way to make it a thing, and he flipped it."
"Naval called it the 'narrative industrial complex.'"
"Politics works run by small Elite suit tell everyone else what to do then came The Establishment attack on Corbin."
"I don't think that's true, I think it's what they want you to think, what they want you to believe."
"The way they are gaslighting the public means that they're trying to Tamp down any sort of a populist Revolt in reaction to this."
"It's amazing to me how easily manipulated the masses are."
"I think they're putting on a show here, they're trying to create some drama, trying to create some doubt, that's what they're doing."
"It's like, this will help galvanize his base. He's probably going to win reelection because it is such a fraud."
"Not only did you lie, but you photoshopped, and these dumb [__] really ran with it."
"We must feed them cake and give them the Gladiator games and keep them distracted."
"To insinuate and to stage a hate crime of that nature when he knew as a celebrity it would get a lot of attention it's just despicable."
"It feels like they're trying to make us upset about these things that we don't really care about that much."
"We're not fighting with each other, they're making us believe that our fight is between each other. It's actually the people versus the elites." - Glenn Beck
"They're making you accept what happened to Twitch so that if anything happened in the future to any other celebrity or anybody for that matter they could just use the same talking points and you're gonna buy it."
"From the moment that Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, he stoked fear and resentment and hatred, basically creating scapegoats in order to gain supporters."
"The truth of the matter is that billions of dollars are being spent to convince the public that their interests and those of the corporations are the same."
"Our first order of business is to push back against the manufactured consent and to expose where those people under the guise of giving you the news are actually manufacturing consent."
"Don't let the news scare you and and there does it's designed to steal your money."
"It's more effective to manipulate the public than to force them to do anything."
"The media is driven by manipulation and fear."
"The entire purpose of this nonsense is to drive fear into you, and then they're gonna be the saviors delivering their solution: mandated vaccines."
"Those are three people who took to broadcast today in order to insult the intelligence of the audience and indeed actively mislead them."
"Part of what you want to do if you're an authoritarian figure like Putin is feed your domestic audience reasons to say, 'Look at how terrible that democracy is.'"
"I think what the modern media has become is manipulators. They have an opinion and they want you to have that opinion."
"The CIA, the corrupt CIA invented the words conspiracy theorists as a way to Gaslight people for speaking up on the truth."
"President Trump is trolling the entire Democratic Party and media, and it's so wonderful and amazing."