
Queries Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"If you have any questions for me, drop me a comment below."
"If you have any questions about today's video, please post those questions down below."
"Some people keep saying, 'Well how come many people keep hiring him?'"
"Now that we know how to get some basic data back using queries, how can you filter the data?"
"Queries are essentially just requests made to the database management system for specific information that you want to retrieve."
"...if you have any other topic queries, keep an eye out for our next call for questions."
"One of the core tenets of interacting with the database management system and using SQL is writing these little queries."
"It's nothing but a bunch of queries. It's a collection of queries."
"You can do tons of these queries instantly."
"How you design your schema is very very dependent on how your queries are going to look like."
"By using the include clause, it's generating a single query with two joins... This is exactly what I wanted to have."
"You want to be able to do fast range queries to return an entire series or to do a computation on a series of events."
"It's almost like a menu; you have all the different types that are available, all the queries, all the mutations."
"The system model can be structured to answer specific questions automatically."
"For query expressions, almost universally we're using SQL (Structured Query Language)."
"So once you know what your query is waiting for, then of course life becomes a lot easier."
"SQL is one of the crucial aspects with writing basic queries."
"What websites like IMDb.com are probably doing is passing your input into SQL queries or similar queries that they've formed."
"The sky's the limit; we can literally use Log Parser to query just about anything within any of our event files."
"Once you start to speak and read SQL as a human can you start to express some pretty powerful queries relatively succinctly."
"Now it's time to write a query, so we're using sqlc to handle our queries and Goose to handle our migrations."
"It's about creating patterns in a graph, patterns of nodes and relationships, and then it's about finding those patterns when you're doing your queries."
"You can run different queries to help you code or to explore relationships about topics."
"Creating and applying classifications and attributes helps you organize your sources and it is also helpful when running queries."
"During this project, I tried to use some challenging and more complex queries."
"The real powerful thing about the structured data is that it's possible to run queries against it."
"If you have any queries regarding this tutorial, then please feel free to drop it down in the comment section below."
"Having that flexibility is nice; I can give some queries they don't have to edit code, they can just make changes."
"Select identifies the fields to return from the database; From identifies which table the data will be returned from; Where allows the programmer to include criteria."
"You can search over the web using GPT-4 style queries."
"One thing that's pretty cool about JPA repositories is it can create the query based on the method name."
"I hope this makes sense, and if you have any questions, leave a comment."
"It gives you your top queries and it gives you the ability to drill into the query and see exactly what it's doing."
"It is important to understand how queries are processed by each engine."
"The end goal of all of this obviously is to understand user intent and to drive better queries."
"Firestore is a NoSQL database that lets me view changes in near real-time and is paired with a powerful query system."
"The main point when having a design discussion is try to aim for the query part, so try to optimize for fast queries."
"SQL is no different. It expects you to ask your questions or queries in a certain order."
"Our focus is on optimization for analytical queries."
"Bulk collect improves performance of queries that retrieve more than one row with each fetch."
"SQL is taking all of the rows from the first query and then all of the rows for the second query and then it's stacking them on top of each other."
"Every query in SQL runs on a table and returns a table."
"We process 165 million queries per day globally."
"Thinking with queries is something that's really powerful."
"Amazon Newbies, where I'll be answering the most common queries."
"It's still cheaper than doing an N plus 1 query."