
Newcomer Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"I'm the new kid on the block and I feel like I don't have anything to lose."
"Steve from Minecraft... the next newcomer to join the battle."
"Just because you're new doesn't mean you can't be genuine."
"Absolutely amazing performance from Lucas Benelli, a newcomer."
"This is huge, a complete political newcomer."
"Charlene, I understand you're new to town."
"Competition was fierce. Everyone was fighting for their spot, and even if you were established elsewhere, a newcomer would have to prove themselves both in the ring and in the locker room."
"I thought Brena was teasing me since I'm the new guy and all, but when I checked, the woman sitting at the bar was gone."
"My name is Emily, your titular first timer."
"Hopefully, if you're brand new, this is a great spot to be because this is coming up on our 10th year on the channel."
"Yo, that's insane! The whole car black, that's why he aired that joint out. He's a newcomer, damn, got him twitching."
"Isaac Kempton from my perspective one of the most fun and entertaining new guys on the scene."
"Who's the new guy? Who elected him?"
"Often newcomers take everything to heart and are afraid of failure, but Kang sunon was able to show character."
"This video is for a certain kind of person. It's for the newcomer, basically."
"Will they embrace the new guy or push back?"
"When you go to your team, you become an FNG - a [ __ ] new guy."
"To be up there in your first big race without too much experience in racing actually tells me that this guy has a big potential. I think it's a unique story."
"When I first met Charles, it was of this charming, good-looking guy who was obviously new to Canada. And I really liked him. I thought, well, here's a unique person."
"You must be the new boy Z in town."
"So I thought that I would be that friend for you, in case you don't have one."
"So what do I like about the Run Hood? Well, first, I want to say for the record that I haven't been this impressed with a newcomer since I reviewed the Power Bend last year."
"Here comes a new challenger, a new contender."
"I am Steve, a street artist and a new student at this school."
"I've seen a man at church the last few weeks, he looks new in town."
"Even at the lower stages of the tournament, making it this far in your first year is incredible."
"She's a phenomenal fighter, and for a newcomer to the sport, she's really done a great job with her presence."
"I'm still new to this, but these are the things that I've learned and I think it can help you."
"Give her props for that, Alexa Bliss, the newbie on the roster, getting the title shot."
"When I first came to town, I really didn't know many people. I had driven here from Florida with my Betamax because I knew I was here to stay."
"Remember, they are probably nervous about coming to a place they have never been to."
"I'm really feeling Flame Kit as the new up-and-comer."
"You're the newcomer, talk to me, let's engage in some cordial conversation."
"One of them was newer in town, and her history was rather complicated, but she was still very charismatic."
"Imagine this: You come from Brazil, you've been here two weeks, nobody really knows who you are."
"It's our responsibility to be sure that every newcomer... has a spiritual awakening also."
"The town was buzzing, hallways, lunchrooms, streets, playgrounds, west end, east end, buzzing about the new kid in town."
"You started watching F1 last week, shush."
"I am just a new boy, a stranger in this town."
"We're supposed to be sharing hope to the newcomer."
"We have a brand-new rookie joining the league and an old vet comes back to the league."
"Please welcome the young protégé in boxing known as 'White Magic'."
"It's a serious contender in the market, even though it's a relatively new combatant."
"I like this John Dolan kid, what we're seeing so far."
"It's a pleasure to be here, pleasure to be here. Be nice, it's my first time."
"Saito is from Earth and is very new to the World of Magic."
"Thanks for giving the new girl a chance."
"She just joined the show but her impact was so strong."
"Hey guys, so I entered a baking contest, and guess what? I won the best newcomer prize!"
"Hey, can you please guide me towards the principal room? I'm new here."
"I'm the new guy in this whole scenario."
"If you are a new face, welcome in; it's good to see you."
"He's going to come in and just be like rock solid."
"There's somebody coming in that's going to change a lot of your life."