
Body Mechanics Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Understanding how the body really works is essential for mastering health."
"The human body is quite the complex piece of Machinery, a well-oiled machine that has all of its parts interwoven with one another to allow us to move, think, and to exist in a world."
"None of this stuff is a magic pill, it's just how the body works."
"Body positioning is everything, that's one very very crucial to your success and also for your physically for your physical health because you don't, you know, make yourself a carpal tunnel or a muscle tear."
"If you have stronger glutes your brain activates them more during movement."
"It activates your body's own healing mechanisms."
"You really just want to focus on using your body as a whole."
"I care about posture, I care about technique."
"Think about how many muscles you're working."
"Smooth power like be able to just manipulate the angle and let his body kind of work its way just like wow."
"So if we tighten up this glute med, we can then move without this movement here."
"Two separate pieces: momentum from the body and transferring energy into the hands and arms."
"We're loosening up that spine, firing up that core."
"The very first thing I recognize, although your feet are wide and your knees are out, you choose to put your hands on the outside, yeah, I understand why you would choose a sumo stance, it makes sense just based on your structural imbalances."
"Let the butt support the quads and relax those shoulders, open, open, and close."
"Think about that for a moment. In a game where being off by a few pixels can make the difference between winning and losing, how important do you think your body and arm's positioning are."
"The second you start to have kind of recurring issues in one spot of your body, your body's gonna find a way to work around that, compensate around that, and then now that's how you link foot issues, back hip issues, groin issues with eventual arm issues."
"I want my entire body working to keep me on plane."
"Biomechanics is science, you know what I mean, and sometimes the difference between a neutral spine digging in your lap and then just a small arch in your spine, you go, you can feel those subtle nuances and create such a difference."
"If I only kick to here, my body raises here. If I kick to here, my body raises here."
"Your core muscles are the key to unlocking so much strength in your body."
"Proper alignment and center of gravity are crucial for injury prevention."
"Naturally your body will find a way to get in the right position."
"What does the body do in the golf swing is what I always teach my young players."
"The golf swing should carry the body instead of our doing something with it; let the body respond to the swing."
"That's the natural turn here, closer, yes, then that will give you a really a real body string."
"Improving the relationship between your rib cage and your scapula is what helps me improve my range of motion."
"Our goal is to give people products... that let your feet do their job so the rest of your body can do its job."
"What is the thoracic position? All these things that kind of make up that kind of torso and pressing musculature."
"The lower body allows you to generate loads more room, allows the club to naturally fall into the designated slot that it needs to be able to square up the face and see much better golf shots."
"Work on lower body stability and upper body side bend and tell me that doesn't help you get more consistent and become a better ball striker."
"The finish is a product of the acceleration and rotation of the body, the hands, and the arms around a stable lead shoulder."
"Your body slings the arm, it catapults it, it opposes it, as your arm goes this way, your body goes this way."
"The most important thing that you can consider when trying to take the best approach to building your deadlift over time is the length of your arms and the ratio of your leg and torso length."
"The small movements when you're trying to hit something this size with a slingshot, your whole body position needs to be bang on."
"Prioritize the length and mid-ranges of muscles."
"Range of motion is really about eliminating constraints so that your body can get closer to a true optimum for efficiency."
"From the foot to the ankle, to the calf and the shin, to the knee, to the thigh, to the hip, they all have a direct relationship with the pelvis."
"Stretching yourself apart in opposing directions, like natural human traction."
"We learn to use the momentum of the center of the body moving to propel the limbs."
"The body is very specific the way it adapts to movements."
"Every single person should be able to perform a good quality looking body weight squat."
"If you want your bottom to come up, you need your head to go down."
"The spine is strongest when it's pretty close to neutral."
"Using proper body mechanics can help you reduce a consumer's fear of falling or of being moved."
"Functional fitness is using your body, many muscles, many joints at one time to get the action achieved."
"Make sure you're not just bending the knees; you're sinking your body and then you're pushing yourself upwards and forwards towards the ball."
"A big part of Olympic weightlifting is your body floating in space."
"Posture, range of motion, time under tension, peak contraction - those are the biggest keys."
"She began to examine the way the body functions, the way the body works, and she began to notice that certain principles began to emerge, principles of alignment and movement."
"They use their entire body very efficiently and in the right order."
"It's happening because you don't know how to move your body the way it was meant to move."
"Absolutely terrifying, so if you were to get up out of your chair for once and walk around your room, you would notice that your pelvis goes up and down in a kind of curvy motion."
"I never fully understood the way that our body works and why strength training is a positive thing for you."