
Sparta Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"It was not the individual fighting prowess of the soldiers that allowed Sparta to become the dominant military power."
"Leonidas was born into the Agiad dynasty, the senior of the two lines of kings who jointly ruled over Sparta."
"They had a unique attitude to death, considering it a badge of honour to be killed in battle, while survival in defeat was a humiliation."
"Every year the Assembly elected a council of five ephors, one for each of the five villages, who shared executive power with the kings and sometimes overruled them."
"This doesn't just mark the defeat of the Spartan army, it signals the death of Sparta itself."
"The rise and fall of Sparta played an important role in the future of Western civilization."
"This battle also ensured that Sparta will forever be remembered in history as one of the world’s most unique and powerful civilizations."
"Sparta possessed the best heavy infantry in the Greek world."
"Sparta chose to defend the helpless, even when they had nothing to offer him."
"Sparta implemented many fail-safes to ensure the demon world remained sealed."
"Impressing scientists with its preservation, Sparta was identified as female through CT scans."
"Spartan society was very, very militaristic."
"The age of the Spartans was no more."
"Sparta gained control over Anatolia, Cyprus, the northern Levant, and Mesopotamia."
"Children deemed fit and strong were trained to be warriors, the protectors of Sparta."
"Classical Sparta, after seeing the movie 300, I always wanted to learn about Sparta."
"Sparta, a land of warriors and slaves, was unique in ancient Greece for its social system and constitution."
"The blood of Sparta still runs strong."
"The Spartans were shockingly egalitarian when it came to gender."
"When Sparta burns, you'll be bathing in gold and fresh oracles will be delivered to you daily."
"There's no room for softness. Not in Sparta."
"This is Sparta! This guy is your Spartan warrior. He is worth three normal guys."
"Sparta was one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful state in all Greece."
"Despite the ideology of egalitarianism, you know, you wear the same clothes, you eat the same food, you fight looking pretty much exactly like everybody else in the Phalanx."
"One distinctive feature of the way the Spartans represented their gods was that they represented all of them in armor."
"The Spartans were particularly keen on Artemis, another goddess that resisted males."
"Sparta was a society that lasted well over a thousand years, a society full of strong military advancement so impressive that at one point the rest of Greece thought their army was invincible."
"Sparta was a society that valued equality for those deemed to be Spartans, at least."
"The needs of Sparta were far above the needs of yourself or your family."
"Sparta's military culture was fully established by state leaders."
"Corinth was easily the most valued of Sparta's many allies."
"The Spartans, for example, had amazing discipline deriving from their warrior culture and their good training program."
"The war left Sparta as the sole hegemon of Greece."
"Perhaps for a people that glorified war as much as the Ancient Spartans did, the worst fate that could have befallen their city was not to be destroyed in battle like Corinth, but to simply sink into irrelevance."
"But even if the final fate of Sparta was rather ignominious, its achievements during its heyday have still lived on throughout the centuries to the present day."
"This is Sparta, where the Menelaion stands, a site dedicated to the worship of Menelaus and Helen."
"This is something straight out of Sparta."
"It's Thermopylae that gives the Spartans their sort of cultural leverage."
"Leonidas the First, son of the lion, a warrior king of the Greek city-state of Sparta."
"The excessive physical training made Sparta for a long time the strongest military power in Greece."
"He became Sparta's first ever sole king."
"The Spartan society was known for its highly skilled warriors, elitist administrators, and its reverence for stoicism."
"The Greek myth that Spartans threw their stunted and sickly newborns off a cliff was not corroborated by archaeological digs in the area."
"The Spartans are probably most famous for their stand at Thermopylae in 480 BC."
"What isn't often told is that those 300 Spartans led a much larger force of seven thousand Greeks."