
Claim Quotes

There are 258 quotes

"The veracity of Christ is based on His claim: 'I'm gonna die and rise from the dead.'"
"John Titor claimed to be a time traveler from the year 2036."
"We've put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."
"I'm the greatest president in the history of America."
"She decided to lay claim to the story about an abusive partner."
"I'm not claiming a monopoly on certain terminology."
"We claim this island in the name of the railroad. Who is the railroad you asked? That's the secret."
"I am the sole survivor and I deserve this championship."
"Neil Armstrong's Alien Encounter: 'I say that there were other spaceships... they've landed here.'"
"I'm the greatest, no Kendrick, no Sia."
"You are ready to step into your blessings and claim what is already yours."
"You're not allowed to make a claim like that without any scientific evidence to back it up."
"He claims lunch breaks as a mini adventure."
"The French King had laid claim to Naples."
"Rituals aren't important. I'm the only one that can bring eternal life."
"Claim your independence and be self-reliant."
"Plo Koon defeated the Grand Master Yoda in lightsaber combat according to Anakin Skywalker."
"What do you want to say to 6ix9ine right now? He claims to be the King of New York. I am."
"The winner was the fittest man on Earth and fittest woman on earth and that's a Preposterous claim until you get more people showing up next year to claim it for themselves."
"If you want to claim this gorgeous, pure fresh start, let us know, Leo."
"Claim the fullness of all the promises of God."
"It's like he marked her too, like staking a claim, but it also conveys a sense of protection."
"Such a claim cannot be settled cheaply."
"He claimed that he was the owner of the stolen property."
"It is categorically false for Mr. Eard to claim that Miss Jane Do has no medical records."
"I'm gonna get my money the nba gonna owe me because it's some [ __ ] some [ __ ]."
"Grandpa Simpson legitimately has claimed to being the most interesting man in Springfield."
"He claimed it walked on legs he didn't know of any animal that did this but this one did."
"Do not make claims because when you make a claim, you are tested in that claim."
"One person claimed that she was pressed against the wall by something invisible and big."
"The most unacceptable and unpalatable claim of the Catholic Church in today's world is the church's claim to be the true church."
"Crazy enough, Bob swore, I mean, swore to his innocence all the way up until Bob eventually got rolled up out of there."
"Claim the blessings waiting for you."
"She's claiming essentially divine inspiration for this book."
"From Paris Hilton 17 years ago: I invented the selfie."
"Did you direct it locally? The local U.S. attorney's office to investigate that claim."
"Anu stood up from the group of princes. 'Even though I wasn't the firstborn or the Queen's son, I came from pure seed,' he proclaimed."
"'You have never seen the like of me before,' claimed the spirit."
"Redemption at its finest with the look over to to claim it."
"The first story: Didn't get paid working a summer job. Three thousand plus dollars filed a claim and got paid five thousand plus dollars."
"This claims to be an unspillable bowl."
"Your claim was in the Hyde Park... If they're different, I qualified all of them."
"Nobody is going to give you that title... I invite you to claim it."
"Claim it: my breakthrough is here."
"We laid claim to that [northeast part of the city]."
"That's mine, I'll take the rest of this."
"Fasting flat out cures type 2 diabetes."
"This first fish, I believe this one is mine."
"You will support my claim as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. No more reaving, roving, raiding, or raping."
"Mercedes claims to offer the world's biggest charging network"
"Some claimed that he had ascended bodily into heaven."
"We're claiming this state for Jesus!"
"She claimed to have invented this machine that could analyze a patient just by a drop of blood."
"I have a counter claim against you for 685 for storage fees."
"P Diddy claims he is the inventor of what?"
"She said she has a palace in France."
"On the 23rd of January 1368, he formerly claimed the Mandate of Heaven."
"I'm not the type of person that's going to make these crazy claims and not show you proof of what I did."
"The only permanent hair color with a gel coloring."
"So today we saw a theory that makes a strong case for humanity having at least as many worlds free for us to claim as there are living humans, and indeed many times over, even if that future is still centuries ahead and trillions of miles away."
"He claimed that because the hole was magical the US federal agents gave him money to relocate to Australia."
"what Richard is referring to here is he is saying that he himself has killed child molesters in prison"
"Despite the fact that he is widely known as Ned Stark's illegitimate son, he is a Targaryen, he is likely a true-born Stark and Targaryen, and thus he has a significant claim to the iron throne."
"An argument is essentially when you make a claim you assert something is true and you provide evidence for it."
"The mystery deepens when one YouTuber came forward claiming the woman in the shot was their great-grandmother and she was in fact using a mobile phone."
"I ruined Michael Jordan's career."
"Did Jesus claim to be God? Well, yes he did."
"Claim what's rightfully yours in Jesus' name."
"But if I said I stepped into my office in Rome into a Pella Porter and then appeared right outside the door of the festival here you'd be a fool not to ask for serious evidence."
"You claim to have predicted the blackout."
"Okay, so everyone knows Webflow has a CMS, right? This is one of the most, the strongest claims from Webflow."
"This is the braggadocio...this is the bravado..this is the bravery that he claimed completely collapsed in on itself."
"God has established His will for us. It is up to you to claim what God has done for you."
"It's very important for you as an injured employee to maintain the documents associated with your claim."
"I, Stannis Baratheon, am the rightful king of Westeros."
"The truth of a claim isn't contingent on how many people believe it."
"First of all, I'm your best friend."
"Tudor's Biscuit World thinks there's an argument to be made that they invented the biscuit sandwich."
"His family member told me you did."
"'Tom Murray has always maintained his innocence.'"
"It’s the best spot-and-stalk hunt on the planet - period."
"Satan, take your hands off of God's property."
"The Hasty generalization occurs when we use limited evidence to make a broad claim."
"You just tell that devil get your little stinking hands off of what belongs to me."
"If you don't know what God has for you, you cannot lay claim on it. Amen."
"God says lay claim on the fact that my son is at the father's right hand. Amen."
"She'd like us to believe so," said Mr. Beaver. "And it's on that that she bases her claim to be queen. But she's no daughter of Eve."
"He claimed he flew a Messerschmitt 110."
"Marty was also married four times, exactly what Ryan had claimed."
"Ryan claimed he owned luxury cars and a piano."
"It's already yours. I claim it by faith."
"I'm the world's number one assistant."
"The gospels record Christ being buried three days, at the end of three days he rose from the dead, that is the claim."
"In adverse possession, the person using the land may have a legal claim to it after a certain period of time."
"I genuinely believe this has a very strong claim to the album of the decade so far."
"There's evidence, evidence is evidence, it doesn't need to be any more extraordinary just because of the claim."
"New York City is the safest big city in the world."
"2024 is our year. No one's saying it. Every year, at the end of the year, everyone's like, this year's my year. This year's my year. I haven't heard it at all this year. So, I'm going to plant the flag and claim 2024 is BDG's year to be the best."
"Jesus is claiming his divinity... He was claiming to be God. So great question."
"Lasalle is going to claim all of the lands or all of the water in the Mississippi and all the rivers flowing into the Mississippi and all lands touching these rivers in the name of France."
"She is to my mind has a very good claim to the throne of England."
"Joffrey Baratheon is the one true heir to the Iron Throne, and protector of the realm."
"We are the voice; claim your power."
"Best drink in the world, oh in the world, bold claims, phenomenal, bold claims."
"We are not claiming we've solved the mystery, we are claiming that it is a solved case."
"The time has come for the Equalists to claim Republic City as their own."
"She claimed Vhagar, the largest dragon of all, at age thirteen."
"Yes, there really are people out there who claim to have traveled to the future."
"This is a truth claim that is objective in nature; it may be false, but it is an objective claim."
"Claim or appropriate health by faith."
"A man in Florida claims he has filmed a Time Traveler using his shed."
"CM Punk claimed that Ryback took years off of his career."
"The National Trust claims to be Europe's largest conservation charity."
"Dunkin' Donuts, the world's finest coffee."
"I've got all the riches, baby, one man can claim."
"I am one of the smartest people alive."
"To claim another from the Upper Room is to claim them as they truly are."
"What she will claim is what she requires to realize herself through."
"Your baby brother is mine forever."
"In the video, Dawson claimed to have spotted a giant on a mountain in Canada."
"I'm gonna claim this as my number one, I'm glad I left it for last."
"We claim this home for me and my family as a place of spiritual safety."
"I am Theon Greyjoy, and she is your rightful ruler."
"The one with the stronger claim would ultimately have the regnal power."
"I am making that bold claim right now."
"The case before the court turns on whether allegations... form a legally cognizable claim for relief."
"We're the most happily married people in the world."
"We are the funniest show of all time."
"I am the queen. I mean to claim my rights."
"Microsoft claims that this is the industry-leading spreadsheet software program."
"I claim this sword and my rightful place as leader of Death Watch."
"The most life-altering experiences that I can lay claim to."
"He claims that he acted out of humanitarian motivation."
"Melanie claimed that she designed the train and established the system."
"If I'm making the claim this person is a liar, I need to back that up."
"When you make a claim, you have to prove the claim."
"He claimed that it was reckless chaos."
"And through the blood, it came to be, for a world who was to claim."
"The best fish sandwich in the market right now."
"He claims to be king of the Jews and only Caesar is king of the Jews."
"I am Uhtred of Bebbanburg, and I'm taking it back."
"Usually when you make a claim, you have evidence to back it up."
"Peace is the reality, and I needed to claim it."
"In the name of the United States of America, I take possession of the planet Moon, of and for the benefit of mankind."
"You must provide a detailed and specific account of the basis of your claim to Asylum or other protection."
"We are the only one of these in the world."
"Your victory is already a finished work of Jesus Christ; all you have to do is step in and claim it."
"It claims to give you unrivaled access and control."
"I am the Prince of Winterfell! This is my seat; no man will drive me from it, no, nor woman either!"
"Qyburn and Cersei keep claiming that Gregor has become even stronger."
"I have the dragon's bastard in me," the woman said, as she stood naked in the godswood with one hand upon her swollen belly.
"His true born son and heir," Alice Rivers spat back, "and the rightful king of Westeros."
"Evidence is anything that can be used to demonstrate a claim is true."
"Am I the only one left? I see her, this one is mine, sorry boys, got other plans."
"I was the first human to eat dinosaur."
"Rhaenys's claim is the strongest claim as it's based on Westerosi succession."
"The man who wed Sansa Stark can claim Winterfell in her name."
"Henry's claim to the French throne was lent further legitimacy."
"Edward's claim led to the outbreak of the conflict which historians have termed the Hundred Years War."
"Jesus is making a claim on the human race and the meaning of life on earth."
"He says he has a world on top of the Sun, and here he is."
"It's time for us to claim her," the letter read, "She's always been ours."
"The British have decided to claim the interior of America. Very cool."
"This Nazarene is named Yeshua, who claims to be the Messiah."
"The church is going to claim to this very day that it is the true Israel."
"The third alternative is that He was who He claims to be: God in the flesh."
"You need to get to a point in your life where you actually say, 'No way, I am taking this thing by force; it is mine, and I will testify this year.'"
"Our problem is not over believing the promises of God; our problem is failing to stake claim to the promises God has given us."
"His divinity was already being acknowledged. That's why they crucified him because he claimed to be God."
"This key is proven to heal literally any disease on earth."
"The winner of this title has a legitimate claim to being the best female Chase tag team on the planet."
"The young Adam of Hull claimed Laenor Velaryon's dragon Sea Smoke for his own."
"The burden of proof is on the people who make the positive claim."
"If someone makes a claim, then the person making the claim has the burden to prove it."
"I claim this planet in the name of Earth, isn't that lovely?"
"Welcome to the number one morning show ever of all time."
"This contract is to claim ERC20 tokens."
"Subway claims you can create over 2 million sandwiches."
"Yeah, that's right, because the cakes here are the best in the world."
"This is our park, and we wants it."
"I'm already claiming the name of Jesus that we are being approved."
"To my share of chaos, I make my claim, and Etrigan is my name."
"2023 is gonna be my year, I'm claiming it."
"It's a big claim, so I want to hear it. What do you got? What's your support?"
"Just because Koloff makes the claim, it ain't necessarily so."
"The land of the promised land belongs to Israel."
"Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby, who passed her claim to the throne onto her son Henry Tudor."
"2024 is our year, y'all, claiming it. I just feel the energy."
"Plaintiff has properly pled a claim for which relief can be granted."
"If I make a claim, I should support it with evidences."
"Anastasia is based on the real life story of Anna Anderson who claimed to be the only surviving daughter of Tsar Nicholas II."
"I shall plant a flag here and say this place is now this place, in the name of Murphy's War."
"I began to have new faith in the claim."
"From today, I claim Your everlasting peace and Your presence in my life."
"Take what belongs to you: your prosperity, your health and vitality, your dominion."
"What C claimed the title of the world's greatest lover? Casanova."
"Is this really still the greatest sedan because that's what Toyota says, it's the greatest mid-size sedan of all time."
"The claim that claims are evidence is a claim."
"I believe that there are rocks on the moon, is that a knowledge statement?"
"He claims he's stronger than the rest of the guys."