
Quotation Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Two wrongs do not actually make a right, nor do they leave you at the problem." - Ben Shapiro
"If guilty, Shinzon their own are devastating. I mean really, really damaging." - Ben Shapiro
"If you don't have action, you don't have any activism." - Rashad McCants
"I love the fact that he's got that kind of self-awareness." - Steve Kim
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." - Ben Shapiro
"Hey woman, if you want to fly, you got to give up the [ __ ] that weighs you down." - Tony Morrison
"The world had a new center and that Center was Mary Ann." - George Bernard Shaw
"The Gospel authors seem to affirm the canon of their day by quoting Jesus directly."
"Shouldn't you determine who protects or carries on your legacy going forwards?" - George Lucas
"Revenge is a Fool's game pretty sure I heard that somewhere oh yeah Red Dead Redemption too..."
"It's called quotation. When you take somebody else's work and organically mesh it into your own, you're showing people that you have actively engaged with the history."
"Good government at home." - William Gladstone
"The father was on this throne and Jesus said these words young man LOI LOL i by Sabich honey my god my god why have you forsaken me."
"We're on the verge of a global transformation... all we need is the right major crisis." - David Rockefeller
"Real gangsters don't talk about being gangsters." - Aster Dixon
"In the face of overwhelming strength, everything is meaningless." - Xenon
"For every great aggro, there must be a great control." - Josh
"I plan to bring home the win for house control." - Josh
"The accurate version is 'Fly, you fools,' although last I checked, Hobbits don't have wings."
"charlie munger vice chairman of berkshire hathaway's wise ass"
"The wheels of justice are slow, but justice has been served. In the words of Don King, only in America."
"One should see things as they are, the troops have buggered off," General Altm said, describing the situation.
"Lord, Lord, how this world is given to lying," quoted the inspector.
"Trump says, 'F-35 pilots are better looking than Tom Cruise who is a good guy with equal faces but better bodies.'"
"Trump says, 'Sinks, showers, and what goes with a sink and a shower? Toilets!'"
"The government did this. The government is not part of the solution, the government is the problem. Right, that's what Ronald Reagan used to say, right? The government isn't the solution, the government is the problem."
"Abide in the love of God. He's quoting his big brother Jesus here, John 15:9."
"...Bruce's comment about himself: 'I know I don't but he does.'"
"...a massive generation of young men did... that is your mega quotation..."
"John F. Kennedy Jr. said, 'Actually, it's still me.'"
"Wise words spoken by the Justice League."
"As a famous poet once said, 'Dollar, dollar bills, y'all.'"
"Simplicity is beauty. Quote me on that."
"My personal recommendation is to use single quotes by default."
"'Whoa, goodfellas.' 'Okay, okay.' 'Which one is he? The one in the middle?' 'Robert De Niro?'"
"For archeologists, there's another quotation that resonates loudly in modern research."
"This isn't really much more than simply quoting Matthew 28:19."
"This is one of my favorite quotes: 'I don't do drugs, I am drugs.'"
"It's my favorite way. It's a very simple quote beginner friendly."
"The best way to know that you're getting a fair quote is to get multiple of them."
"It's great fun watching them ride the swans. That's a direct quote from the article."
"First of all, you can quote the Koran but you can't keep using it as a how-to book."
"And to quote Schmidt from New Girl, 'There are youths everywhere. Are You Youth? And they're spending money, George, they love to spend money, they do.'"
"But there was a famous quote, and I'm sure all of you know it by Arthur C. Clarke. 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.' I always love that quote."
"For a hassle-free quote from Pacific Sun Technologies."
"Why is the measure of love loss? 'I love you' is always a quotation. You did not say it first, and neither did I." - Sarah
"Charles Haddon Spurgeon said, 'Set a man on fire and people will come to watch him burn.'"
"I thought Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing but expecting a different result"
"Their greatest General Hannibal summed up the importance of the conflict: 'We have accomplished nothing till we have stormed the gates of Rome till our Carthaginian standard is set in the city's heart.'"
"Peace on almost any terms and utterly sick of human slaughter and devastation." - Horus Greely
"For all my friends in the media who like quotes, mark this quote down: 'From this day on, I would like to be known as the Big Aristotle.'"
"The man Gary Player said this morning."
"Lonely are the brave." - Kirk Douglas
"People always quote Einstein saying that because Einstein is regarded as the world's smartest man."
"It was a perfect start." - Steve David
"'He was greatly surprised by Sirius's dead grip and didn't understand why it was so strong, so the feeling of panic came over him more and more.'"
"Bart Ehrman says, 'Why do I quote New Testament verses all the time?'"
"You have told me the only thing that interests me: Lord Cronshaw's views on the subject of drug taking."
"In the words of Chris Brown: give me that."
"This is all he said: 'Stop wonking around, cameraman. This is a 5718 Zeta Crystal.'"
"3 6 mafia once said: 'the most known unknowns.'"
"VRA gone but not forgotten Gob the devil wouldn't stop until he got hold of the bloody tin anyhow and out with him and little Alf hanging onto his elbow and he shouting like a stuck pig as good as any bloody play in the Queen's Royal Theater where is he till I murder him."
"There's a poem called Ozymandias by Shelley... 'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings; Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'"
"'"Though I’ve been unable to locate the source of that quote," Cane admitted, "it’s curious that the creatures in the Case of the Knavesmire Vampires are described as anthropophagus—cannibals—but not in the sense you might be familiar with Peter.'"
"The room will stand the test of time, everyone's going to be quoting that forever, Batom is going to be forgotten after a while."
"He's like, 'I got the gun ready, yeah.'"
"Connie Mack was quoted as saying, 'But the A's with Mack at the helm faced further problems.'"
"Everfing I see is mine. All da uvver bits are mine too - I just ain't got there yet. When we reach da end of da whole world, we'll turn around and march back." —Grimgor Ironhide, Black Orc Warboss
"Many, many years ago, my hero Frederick Douglass said it right."
"There's some quotes that I've literally just highlighted because I just was like wow like that's a really pretty way to put it."
"To end this conversation, Ava instructs Deborah to quote about feminism, which is familiar to Nora."
"‘A dream of form in days of thought’—who is it who says that? I forget; but it is what Dorian Gray has been to me."
"Days in summer, Basil, are apt to linger," murmured Lord Henry. "Perhaps you will tire sooner than he will."
"From the mouth of God himself... to destroy him without reason."
"Figures such as light ship displacement and sail area can be under and over quoted respectively."
"It's great because I just love that I can't get through the clues because Dan's just like, 'Alright, so what's the cl--'." - Andy
"It's absolutely wizard being allowed to go on a camping holiday all by ourselves," said Dick.
"there ain't no substitute for the loss that may just be the most important guitar quote of the 21st century ladies and gentle"
"So I read the words on the page and the words were 'Oh pardon me thou bleeding piece of Earth that I am meek and gentle with these butchers.'"
"They're quoting Psalm 118, the messianic psalm. 'Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! The King of Israel!'"
"...because it is critical because it does quote and also help you understand what the original thinkers the exegetes are saying..."
"Your trouble, charlatan," he said, but with fondness.
"The universe belongs to the curious," Charlie told her shadow.
"'I am 100 Polish and I love to polka dance.'"
"You know, there's a wonderful quote from, oh, I was gonna give you a wonderful quote from Robert Beverly Hale."
"The King said to Esther, 'Yeah hey, Jews have slain 500 men in the city of Susa and how thinkists thou have they used them in the rest of the country?'"
"Gordon's not the only one who's special," Diesel oiled proudly.
"We're all bloody mad," Harry exclaimed.
"It's a dirty business. Marlon Brando said, yeah, and he was right."
"Every African-American knows this one: 'Princes shall come out of Egypt and Ethiopia shall soon stretch forth her hands unto God.'"
"...the soul delights in all those things I'm gonna quote someone who teaches about those things so well I'm gonna quote from Isaiah."
"In the beginning, and really that's more correctly quoted by John even in the New Testament."
"That's the Simpsons quote. Hell yeah."
"To have over a million quotations of a text that is less than 8,000 verses is absolutely astounding."
"When Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the modern age of nuclear weapons, was asked how he felt about the detonation of the first nuclear bomb, he corrected the questioner: 'Not the first atomic bomb,' he responded, 'the first atomic bomb in modern times.'"