
Design Critique Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"I feel like it's going there again, that brushed metal. Have you seen the new Hyundai Envision? It looks straight out of the 80s, like a DeLorean with like pixel tail lights."
"These just don't do it for me anymore. Look, they executed this collaboration so well."
"A bad boss fight in my books at least can be a result of any mix of things from Bad attack pattern design, lack of challenge, overly excessive challenge or even underwhelming narrative impact."
"I could still adore a more action-focused 3D Metroid game, a third-person adventure that's more evocative of the tenacity of the 2D series."
"Alex has some weird hunch about his character design, and his legs look weird, and it's like there's some funky torso jank that I have to put him under good, even though I like his power bombs and everything is super satisfying."
"It's a perfectly acceptable logo, it's very simple but of course, this isn't a logo design tutorial. I don't want to spend time on that."
"That being said the jet mode is probably the worst looking of the two modes."
"I feel like you're right. The fact that you have a ranged rifle is a little bit of an issue because at this point it is very, very tempting to turn this into a bullet hell game."
"Why do they tease us with stuff that's LIKE badges and partners, but not quite?"
"This game does something weird... it did nothing wrong for a long amount of time."
"A game should never shame you for playing it the way it's clearly designed to be played."
"Overall I think the outside of this Temple looks a lot better than the inside."
"Some animations and interactions can get repetitive... but it's all about balancing these moments and making them fit."
"Dynamic cameras don't automatically make games better; in fact, they frequently make them worse."
"This is correct, but it's not the best design."
"Mario's overalls just work great with so many different color combos even his worst doll isn't that bad."
"Just because something was intentional doesn't make it good."
"Ferrari design language just isn't passion-inducing quite as much as it used to be."
"Why we can't just scan for an exact location once we're here instead of using the maps is hand waved away."
"I would like to see a more sophisticated, focused, cohesive art direction."
"Forcing players into a choice is not a choice; it's a non-choice."
"Unlike Velcro or twist ties, these aren't going to budge very stable."
"They put you on the screen, they don't want to put you on the spot. They definitely put you on the screen, I was cheating."
"The original Nemesis was a creature of mass destruction he didn't need to be zipping around like Spider-Man to be scary he didn't need the high-end Graphics to make the players scream in Terror he didn't need a friggin nose"
"Lincoln tried every way that didn't count, you know all they needed to do was give it much better sheet metal."
"Charizard is the best Pokémon design. This Pokémon design is basically flawless."
"36 millimeters to 40 millimeters is the sweet spot for watch size. Anything else is too small or too big."
"You don't create a genre by taking a unique game and unnecessarily changing its core mechanics."
"Black and white are the spiders Georg of colored picking for character designs."
"There's no reason to go to the underworld after you kill the wall of flesh, and that is a waste. That's really sad."
"Hold on, that's not what the legendary chalice looked like during the base game."
"The bloodthirster has showcased so many flaws in its design and yet so many strengths at the same time."
"Now the first thing that always amazes me when I pull a gaming smartphone out of the box is the absolute weight of the thing."
"What do you think of this t-shape compared to other metal takes on the style?"
"Apple as a company is very good at design and honestly I don't understand why they don't take responsibility for their design flaws."
"I've always said that when it comes to games gameplay is why I play them... graphics are the last thing Pokemon should be criticized for."
"So I think they've done a decent job on some of that stuff which is nice."
"Rarely does a champion have this many design flaws and problems, yet Quinn is still loved by her community."
"No storage or practicality in this car, even by exotic Supercar standards. It's unusually impractical."
"despite there being some cool stuff here that I'm sure more than a few people are gonna like I was constantly distracted by all of these baffling counter-intuitive unnecessary and unfun design decisions"
"It's crazy how similar they look to each other... they're all just the same thing ugly blocks of a little mob spawner in the middle."
"I'm not the biggest fan of how this square looks on the side I think that's a little bit awkward for me."
"This just doesn't feel all new. In some measures, the driving experience is improved, but other than that, the styling is too similar."
"If you level up and you get worse, that's a weird game."
"This one's very special, illustrating the extremity of cost and aesthetics."
"Competing solutions on the market don't have a dedicated row for numbers."
"The Marantz, to me, heads and tails better design, I mean it's on another planet."
"Is lingering zombie too good? Is this an example of power creep? No, I don't think so actually..."
"Forces really can't be considered a bad game. It's not badly made and it's not badly designed."
"If you don't have synergy between abilities then a boss is going to suck."
"Parasitic design is when it doesn't have synergy with systems outside of itself so let's have a look at what happens when design goes from synergistic to parasitic."
"Nothing kills pacing in a game more than realizing you're going around in circles."
"The higher level of design and polish is immediately apparent."
"Just because of the design, it's not more believable."
"Love is not a feeling, it's a fact, and it's shown through serving one another."
"Sometimes good levels have elements of bad design."
"In the end I don't think these are bad buttons I think that the controls here are just fine I just think overall it has a chunkier feeling to the controls than it needed to be."
"Someone said the '80s emailed and they want their paint back."
"Does a giant picnic basket-shaped building need to exist? Of course not, but at least the silly design is safe for everyone inside."
"It's a weird mishmash of ideas that don't fully work."
"Loki's costume is a great mixture of Asgardian style and classic supervillain flair... except for those ridiculous horns."
"If I have to move it to use it, it is going to be a horrible user experience."
"It definitely feels more overpowered than the other two options so I'm hoping that they'll bring those up in power and not Nerf this one."
"Mirror's Edge for its flaws and all was incredibly revolutionary."
"This one is 35 795 dollars Canadian which for top trim is pretty reasonable these days yeah it's just like I like this powertrain I just wish it looked cooler everything else besides the look for me is like pretty great with this."
"I felt like in Sun Moon they got a little bit too realistic with the 3d models and I always preferred that more like cartoony chibi style."
"I absolutely love the visuals, the designs of the machines, the designs of the enemies."
"I think it's elegant but it's interesting and culturally important."
"The start screen of a game can reveal a lot about how rushed the team was and how much pride they took in their work." - "Physiognomy of start screens."
"This design is amazing, you can't sit here and tell me this design is not good."
"It removes your agency of having a personal experience with the game."
"Mugen from Samurai Champaloo... everything about his character design just shows who he is."
"There are some well inspired and cool looking alternate costumes here, I'd argue some of the best looking in the entire game."
"I can't believe you've consigned us to having an Arthur thumbnail."
"That whole phase could be shortened; that phase screams to me as something that if it was at the beginning of the fight, it would get the Gul'dan treatment."
"Not only does the Destiny Gundam have no unique identity of its own but it also has no innovation on its mobile suit design whatsoever."
"I know you hate the destiny Gundam which is why I've been thinking maybe we should redesign the destiny Gundam."
"This is terrible design... don't take lessons."
"I love that they're all different sizes, so many times with toy sets like these they try to make all the characters the same size and it just doesn't work."
"Nothing is too late really in crypto, we're still very early, there's a chance it could reverse some of the bad decisions that were made in its design."
"I hate that seven-star design, man. They just look goofy."
"The layout of the buttons themselves probably wasn't the best decision... it can get a bit confusing."
"The storytelling is woven throughout the design."
"...this gear selector is one of the strangest I've seen but thankfully it's not one of those rotary dial annoying ones like so many other brands have these days"
"The lines are just as good as the original. Although inherently it is not a beautiful thing, it is a classic."
"Having to have the two selectors here I dislike."
"The Yoke wheel looks nice and fancy, but it's form over function."
"Something is bothering me about it, I don't know if it maybe because it looks a little too farmhouse-ish."
"It's on that fine line of almost too far and yet still at home in the fleet."
"What do you think about the overall styling right here?"
"I admire good design, I respect good design, but I have to admit that many of the games I have truly loved do not seem to be the result of good design."
"This isn't a good way to actually make a floor."
"This is beautiful redesign, you guys know if there's any manufacturer that I'm super critical of, it's Winnebago."
"When it comes to exterior style, I give this 8 out of 10 points."
"The biggest thing that stood out to me, especially with the typography in the bottom, are things that I would maybe focus on changing, but the idea is there."