
Theatricality Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"I want them to think that I just appeared in a fucking puff of smoke, fucking did my devil shit for an hour and then boom I'm gone."
"It was just theatrical as always. My, I guess, my whole career has been quite theatrical."
"Certain players are built for pressure, bred to be under the lights. And I think he is one of them."
"The comparisons between the Oscars and the joint session, very, very profound, and I think it gets to the acting, the theater that we're all seeing play out in front of us in terms of our government."
"Those are theatrics, bravo bravo, that don't help nobody."
"It's bombast and its penchant for not taking itself too seriously."
"He's fetching costume included a winged helmet as a nod to the Greek god Hermes and the Roman god mercury."
"I wanted to embody the empress of the galaxy."
"The performances were great, over-the-top in the right way!"
"The world of that backstage and the very real magic of the fairies combines."
"When they lifted each other dressed like the devil and an angel like how perfect it caught the holes in the comment is apart."
"Wrestling is not a sport in the sense that basketball is... It's crazy over-the-top characters, flashy colors, special moves."
"I wanted you to see the bizarre nature of the role play."
"We closed with Ares the god of manliness to sing us out because if there is one man to whom we all look up evens use himself it's dr. K Chaudhary."
"There's a level of fantasy and theatrics within it."
"As soon as Ziggy dies on stage the infinites take his elements and make themselves visible it's a science fiction ending appropriate for its age an age fascinated by space travel while also expressing fear of an apocalyptic future."
"Sid decides that appearing dramatically from the sky might not be the best idea."
"Rue, who is dressed in a gossamer gown complete with wings, flutters her way to Caesar. A hush falls over the crowd at the sight of this magical wisp of a tribune."
"The movement of this show is very powerful, it's alive and theatrical."
"I'm not sorry, you know that's... this is the kind of wig when you put this wig on, you have to bring in your Edna energy, your Lord Farquaad energy."
"By embracing the exaggerated spectacle of Glam Rock and mixing it with a hearty dose of English Vaudeville, Queen created an over-the-top operatic Hard Rock sound."
"Freddie would have absolutely loved it he was a very theatrical man"
"What movies are to me is intimate, up close, personal, revealing into the very soul of somebody through the rise and the close-up, right? That, to me, is a movie. Theatrical for me in a movie is a musical, hoofing. You know, tits and teeth."
"That takes a tremendous theatricality and stage background to be that big and yet believable."
"...it's exaggerated and amped up um because it's Disney and Theatrical right so it's kind of uh emphasizing that point..."
"His sermons...were really theatrical."
"Walt Disney never intended Fantasia to be a traditional movie-going experience but rather a unique theatrical showcase in a constant state of evolution."
"Throughout the entire play he orchestrates all of the action controlling every single scene using magic theatrics reverse psychology to push all the characters into the position he wants them to be in."
"I cannot resist the touch of the dramatic."
"I love dressing up. I also think celebrities should dress up. I mean, you're not like us, you're an actress, you're theatrical, you're part of the mystique."
"All the drama queens taking swings, all the jokers dressing up as kings."
"Glam rock had a larger than life presence. It was all about theatricality and making a bold statement, whether it was in the clothes, the makeup, or the music."
"He's also got dad's flair for dramatic monologues."
"There's a certain theatricality to it."
"I consider it my absolute duty to do everything I can to make sure that the film and the audience that strangers gather in a dark room and look up in in a theater. I make theatrical movies."
"It's recognizable by the exuberance of the style, the ornament, the decoration, and the theatricality of it."
"My mystical experience has brought me to accept literally the saying that all the world's a stage."
"This big red starter button, that's quite dramatic and quite theatrical."
"The absence of cuts very much mimics a theatrical play."
"The Spanish technique of roasting a fish in a thick layer of salt is not only theatrical, it's also going to give you a perfectly cooked fish."
"The sense of theater in the street life and the architecture created by the Knights of St John."
"The amazing and novel thing here is that in addition to the actual Guardsmen there are 16 extras on stage."
"It's a very good example of fourth style Roman wall painting; it certainly makes reference to things theatrical."
"At its best, it's pure drama and great theater."
"It's going to be amazing theater, no doubt about that."
"I do love a musical opening; it's like in some kind of waiting room after you die."
"Let's bring back the theatrics, come on!"
"I do hope you'll forgive my self-indulgence, but as you know from Dr. Watson's memoirs, I am somewhat given to the theatrical."
"That song was perfect for a drama queen; it's so theatrical."
"The light streams in from the right across the wall and plays dramatically against the wall, giving a kind of theatrical presence."
"Everything about that was so theatrical; you have the most sensational legs, we can feel the confidence from here."
"Style, form, and content co-determining each other, that each play must be a totally different world, a totally different environment."
"Miss Madame, who's just larger than life."
"Iconic women and women who have something theatrical about them."
"She doesn't just sing along to it, she actually performs it and has all these theatrical elements that I just love."
"Queen is a rather theatrical fellow."
"It's a movie on stage, it really is"
"The whole thing is theater, the whole thing is a visual delight and it works because it tastes so good."
"Their joy for performing... their concerts feel very much like you're watching a play."
"I love Gothic Lolita. I definitely wear it sometimes, and when I wear it, it's in more of a theatrical way."