
Sports Experience Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"No one's gonna go sober. Like, you want to go have fun, drink because you're working all week to have fun on the weekend."
"Every sports like that so much better in person. 90 minutes for one goal, count me out, I need it's pretty insane, I want some gratification."
"I'm thankful for all the experiences in the heartaches I've had with football because now it's like man I can't try me with anything I'm built for this."
"The feeling of being on the ice is amazing. It's pristine."
"I want to make sure that my son, when he goes to a game, that he will be able to have the experience that he is imagining when he gets there."
"Definitely like playing against y'all, um, the Bay, honestly, that was one of the craziest arenas to play in."
"I got the chance to play against them I mean we both did when it was young."
"It's been a cracking game, really enjoyed this game."
"I remember playing in a pub team when I was like 17 and getting absolutely balled out for being greedy because I thought I could take everyone on."
"It was an epic day of college football, one of those days where you fall in love with the sport all over again."
"This is just chaotic, it's giving me a headache." - Unknown speaker
"It is one of the greatest joys of an athlete to be a part of something like that."
"Matches should be a better experience for everyone playing them."
"Every real Hooper has been cooked at some point in their basketball career."
"Everybody dunked on, that ain't nothing wrong."
"This was a match that was everything you could possibly want rugby to be."
"You understand what real basketball is like in the playoffs."
"It was just different. Basketball is different when you play in that rivalry."
"It creates that emotional connection... makes you see the things... you see when you go to the real game."
"Some of these closeout games, like four and five, you start to see the experience."
"Once you experience it live at the sideline, it makes a huge difference." - Thomas Tuchel
"There isn't anyone on the track that has experienced the highs and lows more than Ken Roczen."
"The danger with Man City is they've been there, they've done it."
"28 years of age, peak of his powers, a vast amount of Champions experience."
"It's not hard to see why Monaco is such a popular destination."
"I feel like even for people who don't necessarily get hypnotized all the way, it's still such a relaxing experience."
"The best thing that came out of last year is RJ Barrett got to experience the playoffs and experience what he has to do to take his game to the next level."
"Wow, I remembered this. I remember when I ran track. I remember having that bounce, that feel in my feet. I mean, I just feel more alive."
"I'm just grateful that I could be someone to say I played on the field."
"The year for a junior golfer is like five or the exact like seven years for an adult golfer."
"Thanks, guys, like being in that kind of game with that kind of intensity and two physical teams going at it. That felt like legit playoff football."
"It's cool to see, you know, not many people have been around as long as the three of us have been around in the sport and you know, those are I call us lifers."
"Sit back, relax, and enjoy the footage from the Camp Nou experience."
"It was a great experience, but you and before you and Kobe became close and you guys became teammates, yeah, you guys had a lot of battle."
"Life's good. We witnessed one of the greatest Champions League games of the last few years, and I'm going to Madrid to get fat on me bonds on Tuesday and watch my team. I don't give a [__] what anyone says." - Steve
"They ain't gonna want to see us, a bunch of old golf pros and stuff."
"Every time I played for Chelsea I thought: nice game, beautiful stadium, great crowd."
"That was my first and only experience of European football."
"It's a blessing. What's it like to play with leaders that have been in the Super Bowls before?"
"You never go to a ballgame that you don't see something you've never seen before."
"I've always said if you've never seen hockey live, go see hockey live."
"What an experience to have your match live streamed, oh it's great."
"Experience matters a lot at the quarterback position."
"You get around this game for a while, you think you've seen it all, then something like that happens."
"He made you know the fans and the people around feel when they were a part of it."
"It's been amazing so far. I think the USHL does a great job setting up these tournaments."
"There's no better experience than that in basketball."
"Ball is ball, and if you're playing college football, you're going to have a great experience."
"I'm sure the atmosphere will be great, I've always wanted to experience the baseball game too."
"The reason why I never lose faith in America is because of my college football experience."
"By the time somebody comes here, if they haven't been a fan of baseball, they're going to leave a fan of baseball."
"What an afternoon of baseball they saw."
"His experience playing both inside and outside will bring versatility to an NFL offense."
"What matters is how it feels here on the court."
"Seeing courtside, you see how crisp everything is."
"Some things make you laugh and some things make you cry, and golf will make you do both."