
Pinterest Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"Pinterest: where traffic is free and virality potential is friggin' nuts!"
"You've got to have rich pins if you're going to take Pinterest seriously."
"Pinterest organic traffic avalanche: how we went from zero views to over two hundred thousand views in two months."
"I highly recommend just getting a Pinterest and accumulating some stuff that you really like on some boards."
"The Pinterest logo's P is shaped like a drawing pen, representing the platform's purpose for storing and sharing ideas."
"People who are on Pinterest are often looking for ideas and to get inspired to take action."
"Cupcake papers are also pretty popular to decorate with so there's so many things on pinterest that you can do with cupcake paper."
"Utilize Pinterest to drive traffic to your review posts."
"Pinterest: An absolute gold mine for affiliate marketing. Close to 40 percent of the traffic comes from the United States, meaning it's buyer traffic."
"Pinterest is like a treasure trove of inspiration."
"I'm very enthused about Pinterest, this is one of those stocks that I want to just be in."
"Pinterest traffic is high quality, full of buyers, and is definitely the type of traffic that you want to get to your website."
"Pinterest is an absolutely insane way to get massive traffic."
"Starting with Pinterest can give you traffic really fast."
"Guess what, whenever someone types in 'how to get leaner' into Pinterest they will have a pretty good chance of discovering your pin."
"In this video, you are going to get everything you need, even as a complete beginner, to start your business on Pinterest completely for free."
"On Pinterest, you can find almost 1 billion visits every single month, making it an amazing platform for making money from affiliate products."
"Some of the best strategies, some of the best affiliate programs, and some other tips and tricks that you can use to make money on Pinterest."
"Pinterest really kind of is a search engine, so people search for things all the time."
"Starting a Pinterest board is immensely helpful. This will help you figure out what you're actually looking for, narrow down your personal style, and find the keywords that we're going to use."
"Another way that people love to use Pinterest is to find how-to guides with it."
"What would it mean to you to FastTrack your Pinterest traffic and sales?"
"Pin Profit Academy sounds like something you want to join."
"There's also a really low barrier to entry. It rivals Twitter in terms of how quickly you can get in there and set things up for a base level Pinterest account."
"Pinterest is a phenomenal place to start as an affiliate marketer for three reasons: it doesn't require any sort of social media following, it doesn't require you to show your face, and it is extremely low cost to get started."
"Pinterest is similar to Google in that people are going to the platform in order to search for something specific with usually the intent to buy. That means your results are much more targeted on Pinterest and you can get more steady and reliable results."
"Pinterest users have the intent to buy. 85% of weekly users have made a purchase from Pinterest pins."
"If you like, this is Pinterest goals, yeah."
"I saw these on Pinterest... I just thought I had to."
"You know, I see things on Pinterest and when there's not like a clear tutorial or a blog post with 700 different pictures or a DIY step by step, I'm just basically lost."
"Everything on a Pinterest board that we save can become a part of our style. We shouldn't be able to express our style so simply into one word."
"Pinterest has been my all-time go-to... Pinterest is the only social media website that people go to specifically to get people to your website."
"You have to create different pins with different formats and different design goals, each different pin will appeal to a certain set of people in a specific stage of their buyer's journey."
"Create a yearly content calendar for Pinterest that helps you hit the trends by creating a content calendar based on trends."
"It's kind of like a symbiotic relationship where you earn links from the images from people finding the content on Pinterest."
"Learn Pinterest SEO. This is the best way for you to leverage Pinterest and start driving free organic traffic to your blog."
"Pinterest is the only social media site out there where people go to click onto someone's website."
"I should be sponsored by Pinterest, I'm telling you."
"Teemu is like if Pinterest and Amazon came together and made a website."
"I always wanted to have that sort of aesthetic pinteresty entryway setup with the round mirror and the console table."
"The content that you post on Pinterest is evergreen."
"You should strive to create beautiful and viral pins."
"If you stick to these strategies, it is totally doable to reach 10 million monthly viewers on Pinterest in a year."
"Pins with text overlay are more efficient, but in some niches, people want the image without any distractions."
"I was like a Pinterest boy, I was doing like selfies and stuff."
"The Vibes in this are so Pinterest worthy, like you don't even know."
"...people actually book travel through Pinterest. I didn't know that, wow."
"Then we have Pinterest every graphic designer's favorite."
"Download the Pinterest SEO checklist."
"I'm gonna create a Pinterest page that's going to be all of these trends, so that way I will just put that link down below you can click it."
"Pinterest is good for like I use Pinterest a lot yes good for everything it's good it has like little picture tutorials."
"Pinterest is a pretty underrated app."
"Pinterest has shifted its focus more towards fresh content and personal boards, so group boards are not as effective as they once were. Saving pins to your own relevant boards is more efficient and beneficial for the growth of your account."
"Pinterest boards are the foundation to success."
"A full thought out strategy of your Pinterest boards is really important."
"...the searches that populate first when you type in a keyword are the ones that are the most looked up on Pinterest throughout the year."
"go on pinterest i know there's a lot of room inspiration pictures on pinterest there's a lot even i i think found some inspiration on pinterest too"
"I like Pinterest. I like pinning rooms. I like executing that room."
"The first step you need to make is learn everything that you can about Pinterest marketing."
"A Pinterest manager handles everything that happens on the client's Pinterest account."
"A Pinterest manager should also have an eye for design."
"Focusing on Pinterest to promote your blog... is the fastest way that you will get views to your website."
"I absolutely adore Pinterest and I think it's one of the best websites to get really great inspiration from."
"Taking advantage of the new Pinterest video or idea pins is another growth strategy for your Pinterest account."
"I always just go on Pinterest, get my brain going, and then put my own cake together."
"Pinterest is the one place where I feel, and everybody should feel, you're most inspired."
"I love interior design. I honestly got all my ideas from Pinterest."
"Pinterest isn't just a place for recipes and home decor; it's a gold mine for making money."
"Pinterest is not your average social media platform; it's more of a hybrid between a search engine and a social media."
"With Pinterest, you can start seeing results a lot faster than you would with organic traffic from Google."
"Pinterest is a gold mine for lead generation."
"If you're actually wanting to get people off Pinterest onto your website, a video pin might do better."
"Pinterest is both a social media platform and a search engine."
"When people go to Pinterest, they are oftentimes actually searching for a solution to a problem."
"If you see that there are people who have followings on Pinterest and are getting good engagement, it's probably a really good sign that your business can be successful on Pinterest."
"There's a lot of inspiration and information on Pinterest."
"I'm definitely really proud of my Pinterest and really glad that Pinterest is available for so many different genres to get inspiration."
"It's about using Pinterest as a strategy and building a true personal brand business over time."
"I logged into the dashboard and saw that 80% of the sales were all coming from Pinterest."
"Pinterest is a great way to drive traffic to your Etsy shop, and the more traffic you get, the more sales you will get."
"If you want to learn how to get more sales in your Etsy shop by using Pinterest, keep watching."
"What people do on Pinterest for the most part is look for ideas."
"I saw this on Pinterest last year and I absolutely loved the concept."
"Pinterest is one of my favorite places to get an inspiration from."
"This has been working extremely well for me and a lot of people online are using this method to make a lot of money on Pinterest."
"These three things are really simple: it's Pinterest Trends, consistent use of keywords, and creating a mix of creatives."
"Sometimes just looking at a pin on Pinterest and saying, 'I really like how those colors come together,' and then you just make your own."
"I went to Pinterest, I found a recipe that looked extremely easy."
"I got inspired by a picture that I saw on Pinterest."
"I absolutely find so much inspiration when scrolling through Pinterest."
"Pinterest has scaled over the years to become one of the most popular social networks globally."
"I get most of my inspiration from Pinterest; that's where you can literally find anyone."
"I think it's simple enough to kind of dip your toe into these Pinterest aesthetics."
"I'm spending a lot of time on the Pinterest shopping feature."
"I'm actually really into Pinterest and that's basically where I get all my inspiration for literally anything."
"If you're looking for a place to go for knitting inspiration only and you're not interested in the social aspect of Instagram, definitely try Pinterest."
"You know when you're scrolling through Pinterest and you see a makeup look or something and it just makes your heart stop because it's so gorgeous? That's what happened when I saw this look."