
Unexpected Event Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"That was a Cool Secret Good Golly is this an earthquake."
"It's 11:35, and from the left corner of the lunchroom, the first tube of gogurt just starts flying."
"This is the one thing we didn't want to happen."
"On her flight back to Australia, Dr. Cat watched a thylacine maul the prime minister, thinking that the future was looking just a bit brighter."
"Sea of Thieves latest stream mishap features vomiting monkey."
"He got stuck by the cluster nade. What are the odds?"
"The prevailing theory is that Brandon tripped and fell into a river."
"April 4th, 1991: a chance encounter at a pay phone ended with tragedy."
"A powerful explosion occurs, not typical for a missile."
"Some people have even compared COVID-19 as being a black swan event."
"Was it just a random spur-of-the-moment murder?"
"The spy I think accidentally just hit gabe newell maybe not going for a swinging neckbreaker on gabe newell he turned you thought i think this is unbelievable."
"I saw it all. One of those things just swallowed him whole, head to toe."
"Brock Lesnar showed up driving a tractor and everything changed."
"Actually, I can't. I came by to say happy birthday, but also tell you that a scientist and two security guards were killed at ESU last night."
"Vivian's suicide was out of character; many who knew her stated that she would not leave her children behind."
"Imagine if Dio just turns up and holds a banner and just crashes my game right now."
"Who said you can't burn out in the Jeep? Nobody here!"
"The sheriff's dead! The sheriff's actually dead! No way, bro!"
"Literally I just burst through the door with some camera crew and people like what the hell is happening right now."
"Unexpected arrival of a pack of demon wolves altering the course of the battle."
"It's three-nil, and we didn't even see what happens. It's a smash, it's going bad for Liverpool."
"Is he on the freeway? I just saw that Skymaster fall out of the sky there."
"That is the most unexpected death I remember being shocked in the theater."
"Everybody come to JBL E-Comm. It wasn't supposed to be no league."
"Comedian Eddie Griffin was likely not laughing when he crashed a rare Ferrari Enzo into a barrier."
"What has just occurred is actually unbelievable."
"Holy shit, for the first time ever, the force was used to win a Royal Rumble match."
"Wave crashes through windows of Italian restaurant."
"It's a disaster no one expected to happen at a festival about love and joy."
"I woke up in the morning to something that I never thought I would see happen... 100,000."
"Something big is coming ladies and gentlemen, a Black Swan event."
"I have no idea what it does but why not drink it."
"It was feeling like a lost cause, a waste of time, but then I heard an explosion coming from launch site."
"Taking a white lady's dog, that was a nice dog."
"Something took me. Something extremely strong happened."
"Yunjin's sudden disappearance will likely attract a lot of media attention."
"Dear diary, it's a disaster. The art teacher has organized a drama workshop."
"Wedding dress on fire! Oh my god, oh what's it morphing into? What the no!"
"Our man has been on the run for 30 minutes. Also, our man is a dog."
"Kimber was in the middle of reciting the alphabet backwards when a loud metallic grinding suddenly pierced the calm mountain air like a gunshot."
"The clown suddenly shows up behind Robbie and then proceeds to grow its limbs and strangle him before dragging him under the bed in a scene that catches you off-guard."
"Here he is responsible for a chance abduction."
"I just stole a bird, I am literally so confused."
"Bobby Reed with the goal! Holy crap! What are we seeing this weekend?"
"The ocean exploded, and the West Coast of North America woke up to tsunami warnings."
"My jaw has been on the floor for the last hour."
"Even the researcher there, he's like wait a minute what happened to my wall."
"I saw a rooftop in Times Square exploded. Coincidence?"
"Holy crap this is not a drill wow wow wow wow wow."
"Will Smith slapping Chris Rock had a similar live TV shock value that will echo throughout our culture."
"Wow, what a shame, but it's pretty cool to see some Carnage like that."
"What the hell was that? You saw something, something ran through the field over there."
"Bang a shot is fired much to minju's shock the bullet was a misfire."
"That was insane, the bull bar just came straight on with the bank."
"Lewis quit? No, but there was an implosion that happened."
"I haven't seen a lightning spell in probably a month and a half so that was really surprising."
"If the tooth falls out midstream, you'll know what happened."
"Bobby had not disappeared while on a fishing trip... Bobby had run screaming out of the main Lodge."
"But in comes a fucking time-traveling Clydesdale with a demon-sized wrench in that argument."
"Just an unbelievable, completely unexpected surprise."
"The first pitch of maybe the greatest game ever thrown turned out to be a wild pitch that hit home plate umpire Jerry Meals square in the face."
"Tragedy strikes at exactly 6 a.m. the command stops working."
"This thing jumped clear 15 feet up into the tree okay in almost 30 feet across the dirt road into the other side of the woods."
"This occurrence seemed almost like a heavenly intervention."
"If you had told me like a week ago that there would be a fight between... Nicki Minaj was on the other side... you couldn't have paid me enough money to convince me..."
"I used to be an adventurer like you and I took an arrow in the..."
"Your card literally wanted to be free; it jumped off and freed itself."
"It's something that's gonna happen and it's gonna surprise you."
"Holy [__] guys, I swear to God, it's going off again."
"That innocuous incident and very minutiae incident where her underwear was taken out of her suitcase and left in her cup holder of the car remember that."
"This is sending them—what the Christ has happened here?"
"A gust of wind has caused the bridge to twist unexpectedly."
"Survived! There's something that came in the middle of the night."
"Lightning came through the ceiling vent and struck the toilet."
"The gang goes back to the bar, it's all fine and dandy, they're casually hanging out until somebody realizes, oh yeah hurricane is coming."
"Whoa, what's going on here? That's not... whoa!"
"Surprising news that Wyatt is going to be coming about 3 weeks early."
"The entire arc reactor just went boom."
"Everything's nice and he's walking home and he sees this sort of smoke coming out of a grid."
"Just started a new job and had to call out already because of this."
"Fate had one more card to play for him."
"Vitko wants to help him yet his phobia keeps him frozen, and before he can think of something to do, a magic portal opens behind him and absorbs Vitko together with the megaphone."
"The red carpet unveils itself, Saturn appears in all his glory, and then at the very end of the same chapter gets shanked by Bonnie of all people with a sword. Very weird."
"Until I got hit with a can of corn."
"Then a miracle, before I had time to even mentally process that it was there, an 18-wheel semitruck appeared."
"A stray dog crashed their wedding right when the bridal chorus began to play and got himself adopted."
"However, much to his surprise Anno suddenly appears."
"That was epic he came right up to the stick and ate it that was not even expecting that right there that was epic"
"As if on cue, a sudden rainstorm forms overhead, dousing the whole field."
"It literally happened on April Fool's Day. I thought it was a joke. Spoiler alert: it wasn't."
"My mom and dad stood there in shock, watching it."
"Oh, [ __ ]! That's definitely gonna alert the earthworm or just the worm."
"But then a long skeletal hand pierced through the brick wall."
"Thank god I had closed the window that night because the bang was caused by a hand, a large hairy hand, covered in what appeared to be thick coarse dark hair."
"Suddenly, something grabbed me from behind and pushed me down."
"It freaked out and screamed, saying something along the lines of 'What is that?'"
"I just got jump scared by the door closing and pushing me to the side. Now I really don't like not being able to see."
"Seeing something like this would be quite shocking."
"The shock of the night was most definitely on."
"Sorry I'm late, I was attacked by a shark."
"The best fist fight between two old ladies I've ever seen in my life."
"A tornado in California was not on my bingo card in 2024."
"I had just gotten out of the grocery store and was pushing my cart towards my car when all of the sudden I looked down and the car was gone."
"Imagine being down in the basement just by pure chance when this happens, hearing the deafening roar and being sure that you're dead, only to come out and find that this is your new reality."
"I had a bit of an incident today."
"It's a great Black Swan, that's fantastic."
"It appears that this is a disruptive scenario."
"The French cheese factory blew up, and debris was everywhere."
"Shortly after leaving Norway, the tugboat’s cable snapped, causing the Murmansk to run aground!"
"It was so funny afterwards, but it genuinely scared the crap out of me when it happened."
"It was a crazy place to be, but then something amazing happened."
"I saw this crazy video of someone accidentally dropped their sunglasses in an orangutan enclosure. The orangutans just straight put them on."
"Oh my God, Yoshi has stopped on the tracks! I spoke too soon."
"We see a full moon tonight, didn't think it was scheduled, but there it is."